Module slack_bolt.authorization.async_authorize


class AsyncAuthorize
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class AsyncAuthorize:
    """This provides authorize function that returns AuthorizeResult
    for an incoming request from Slack."""

    def __init__(self):

    async def __call__(
        context: AsyncBoltContext,
        enterprise_id: Optional[str],
        team_id: Optional[str],  # can be None for org-wide installed apps
        user_id: Optional[str],
        # actor_* can be used only when user_token_resolution: "actor" is set
        actor_enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None,
        actor_team_id: Optional[str] = None,
        actor_user_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Optional[AuthorizeResult]:
        raise NotImplementedError()

This provides authorize function that returns AuthorizeResult for an incoming request from Slack.


class AsyncCallableAuthorize (*,
logger: logging.Logger,
func: Callable[..., Awaitable[AuthorizeResult]])
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class AsyncCallableAuthorize(AsyncAuthorize):
    """When you pass the authorize argument in AsyncApp constructor,
    This authorize implementation will be used.

    def __init__(self, *, logger: Logger, func: Callable[..., Awaitable[AuthorizeResult]]):
        self.logger = logger
        self.func = func
        self.arg_names = get_arg_names_of_callable(func)

    async def __call__(
        context: AsyncBoltContext,
        enterprise_id: Optional[str],
        team_id: Optional[str],  # can be None for org-wide installed apps
        user_id: Optional[str],
        # actor_* can be used only when user_token_resolution: "actor" is set
        actor_enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None,
        actor_team_id: Optional[str] = None,
        actor_user_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Optional[AuthorizeResult]:
            all_available_args = {
                "args": AsyncAuthorizeArgs(
                "logger": context.logger,
                "client": context.client,
                "context": context,
                "enterprise_id": enterprise_id,
                "team_id": team_id,
                "user_id": user_id,
                "actor_enterprise_id": actor_enterprise_id,
                "actor_team_id": actor_team_id,
                "actor_user_id": actor_user_id,
            for k, v in context.items():
                if k not in all_available_args:
                    all_available_args[k] = v

            kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {k: v for k, v in all_available_args.items() if k in self.arg_names}
            found_arg_names = kwargs.keys()
            for name in self.arg_names:
                if name not in found_arg_names:
                    self.logger.warning(f"{name} is not a valid argument")
                    kwargs[name] = None

            auth_result: Optional[AuthorizeResult] = await self.func(**kwargs)
            if auth_result is None:
                return auth_result

            if isinstance(auth_result, AuthorizeResult):
                return auth_result
                raise ValueError(f"Unexpected returned value from authorize function (type: {type(auth_result)})")
        except SlackApiError as err:
                f"The stored bot token for enterprise_id: {enterprise_id} team_id: {team_id} "
                f"is no longer valid. (response: {err.response})"
            return None

When you pass the authorize argument in AsyncApp constructor, This authorize implementation will be used.


class AsyncInstallationStoreAuthorize (*,
logger: logging.Logger,
installation_store: slack_sdk.oauth.installation_store.async_installation_store.AsyncInstallationStore,
client_id: str | None = None,
client_secret: str | None = None,
token_rotation_expiration_minutes: int | None = None,
bot_only: bool = False,
cache_enabled: bool = False,
client: slack_sdk.web.async_client.AsyncWebClient | None = None,
user_token_resolution: str = 'authed_user')
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class AsyncInstallationStoreAuthorize(AsyncAuthorize):
    """If you use the OAuth flow settings, this authorize implementation will be used.
    As long as your own InstallationStore (or the built-in ones) works as you expect,
    you can expect that the authorize layer should work for you without any customization.

    authorize_result_cache: Dict[str, AuthorizeResult]
    bot_only: bool
    user_token_resolution: str
    find_installation_available: Optional[bool]
    find_bot_available: Optional[bool]
    token_rotator: Optional[AsyncTokenRotator]

    _config_error_message: str = "AsyncInstallationStore with client_id/client_secret are required for token rotation"

    def __init__(
        logger: Logger,
        installation_store: AsyncInstallationStore,
        client_id: Optional[str] = None,
        client_secret: Optional[str] = None,
        token_rotation_expiration_minutes: Optional[int] = None,
        # For v1.0.x compatibility and people who still want its simplicity
        # use only InstallationStore#find_bot(enterprise_id, team_id)
        bot_only: bool = False,
        cache_enabled: bool = False,
        client: Optional[AsyncWebClient] = None,
        # Since v1.27, user token resolution can be actor ID based when the mode is enabled
        user_token_resolution: str = "authed_user",
        self.logger = logger
        self.installation_store = installation_store
        self.bot_only = bot_only
        self.user_token_resolution = user_token_resolution
        self.cache_enabled = cache_enabled
        self.authorize_result_cache = {}
        self.find_installation_available = None
        self.find_bot_available = None
        if client_id is not None and client_secret is not None:
            self.token_rotator = AsyncTokenRotator(
            self.token_rotator = None
        self.token_rotation_expiration_minutes = token_rotation_expiration_minutes or 120

    async def __call__(
        context: AsyncBoltContext,
        enterprise_id: Optional[str],
        team_id: Optional[str],  # can be None for org-wide installed apps
        user_id: Optional[str],
        # actor_* can be used only when user_token_resolution: "actor" is set
        actor_enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None,
        actor_team_id: Optional[str] = None,
        actor_user_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Optional[AuthorizeResult]:

        if self.find_installation_available is None:
            self.find_installation_available = hasattr(self.installation_store, "async_find_installation")
        if self.find_bot_available is None:
            self.find_bot_available = hasattr(self.installation_store, "async_find_bot")

        bot_token: Optional[str] = None
        user_token: Optional[str] = None
        bot_scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None
        user_scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None
        latest_bot_installation: Optional[Installation] = None
        this_user_installation: Optional[Installation] = None

        if not self.bot_only and self.find_installation_available:
            # Since v1.1, this is the default way.
            # If you want to use find_bot / delete_bot only, you can set bot_only as True.
                # Note that this is the latest information for the org/workspace.
                # The installer may not be the user associated with this incoming request.
                latest_bot_installation = await self.installation_store.async_find_installation(
                # If the user_token in the latest_installation is not for the user associated with this request,
                # we'll fetch a different installation for the user below
                # The example use cases are:
                # - The app's installation requires both bot and user tokens
                # - The app has two installation paths 1) bot installation 2) individual user authorization
                if latest_bot_installation is not None:
                    # Save the latest bot token
                    bot_token = latest_bot_installation.bot_token  # this still can be None
                    user_token = latest_bot_installation.user_token  # this still can be None
                    bot_scopes = latest_bot_installation.bot_scopes  # this still can be None
                    user_scopes = latest_bot_installation.user_scopes  # this still can be None

                    if latest_bot_installation.user_id != user_id:
                        # First off, remove the user token as the installer is a different user
                        user_token = None
                        user_scopes = None
                        latest_bot_installation.user_token = None
                        latest_bot_installation.user_refresh_token = None
                        latest_bot_installation.user_token_expires_at = None
                        latest_bot_installation.user_scopes = None

                        # try to fetch the request user's installation
                        # to reflect the user's access token if exists
                        # try to fetch the request user's installation
                        # to reflect the user's access token if exists
                        if self.user_token_resolution == "actor":
                            if actor_enterprise_id is not None or actor_team_id is not None:
                                # Note that actor_team_id can be absent for app_mention events
                                this_user_installation = await self.installation_store.async_find_installation(
                            this_user_installation = await self.installation_store.async_find_installation(
                        if this_user_installation is not None:
                            user_token = this_user_installation.user_token
                            user_scopes = this_user_installation.user_scopes
                            if (
                                latest_bot_installation.bot_token is None
                                # enterprise_id/team_id can be different for Slack Connect channel events
                                # when enabling user_token_resolution: "actor"
                                and latest_bot_installation.enterprise_id == this_user_installation.enterprise_id
                                and latest_bot_installation.team_id == this_user_installation.team_id
                                # If latest_installation has a bot token, we never overwrite the value
                                bot_token = this_user_installation.bot_token
                                bot_scopes = this_user_installation.bot_scopes

                            # If token rotation is enabled, running rotation may be needed here
                            refreshed = await self._rotate_and_save_tokens_if_necessary(this_user_installation)
                            if refreshed is not None:
                                user_token = refreshed.user_token
                                user_scopes = refreshed.user_scopes
                                if (
                                    latest_bot_installation.bot_token is None
                                    # enterprise_id/team_id can be different for Slack Connect channel events
                                    # when enabling user_token_resolution: "actor"
                                    and latest_bot_installation.enterprise_id == this_user_installation.enterprise_id
                                    and latest_bot_installation.team_id == this_user_installation.team_id
                                    # If latest_installation has a bot token, we never overwrite the value
                                    bot_token = refreshed.bot_token
                                    bot_scopes = refreshed.bot_scopes

                    # If token rotation is enabled, running rotation may be needed here
                    refreshed = await self._rotate_and_save_tokens_if_necessary(latest_bot_installation)
                    if refreshed is not None:
                        bot_token = refreshed.bot_token
                        bot_scopes = refreshed.bot_scopes
                        if this_user_installation is None:
                            # Only when we don't have `this_user_installation` here,
                            # the `user_token` is for the user associated with this request
                            user_token = refreshed.user_token
                            user_scopes = refreshed.user_scopes

            except SlackTokenRotationError as rotation_error:
                # When token rotation fails, it is usually unrecoverable
                # So, this built-in middleware gives up continuing with the following middleware and listeners
                self.logger.error(f"Failed to rotate tokens due to {rotation_error}")
                return None
            except NotImplementedError as _:
                self.find_installation_available = False

        if (
            # If you intentionally use only `find_bot` / `delete_bot`,
            # If the `find_installation` method is not available,
            or not self.find_installation_available
            # If the `find_installation` method did not return data and find_bot method is available,
            or (self.find_bot_available is True and bot_token is None and user_token is None)
                bot: Optional[Bot] = await self.installation_store.async_find_bot(
                if bot is not None:
                    bot_token = bot.bot_token
                    bot_scopes = bot.bot_scopes
                    if bot.bot_refresh_token is not None:
                        # Token rotation
                        if self.token_rotator is None:
                            raise BoltError(self._config_error_message)
                        refreshed_bot = await self.token_rotator.perform_bot_token_rotation(
                        if refreshed_bot is not None:
                            await self.installation_store.async_save_bot(refreshed_bot)
                            bot_token = refreshed_bot.bot_token
                            bot_scopes = refreshed_bot.bot_scopes

            except SlackTokenRotationError as rotation_error:
                # When token rotation fails, it is usually unrecoverable
                # So, this built-in middleware gives up continuing with the following middleware and listeners
                self.logger.error(f"Failed to rotate tokens due to {rotation_error}")
                return None
            except NotImplementedError as _:
                self.find_bot_available = False
            except Exception as e:
      "Failed to call find_bot method: {e}")

        token: Optional[str] = bot_token or user_token
        if token is None:
            # No valid token was found
            self._debug_log_for_not_found(enterprise_id, team_id)
            return None

        # Check cache to see if the bot object already exists
        if self.cache_enabled and token in self.authorize_result_cache:
            return self.authorize_result_cache[token]

            auth_test_api_response = await context.client.auth_test(token=token)
            user_auth_test_response = None
            if user_token is not None and token != user_token:
                user_auth_test_response = await context.client.auth_test(token=user_token)
            authorize_result = AuthorizeResult.from_auth_test_response(
            if self.cache_enabled:
                self.authorize_result_cache[token] = authorize_result
            return authorize_result
        except SlackApiError as err:
                f"The stored bot token for enterprise_id: {enterprise_id} team_id: {team_id} "
                f"is no longer valid. (response: {err.response})"
            return None

    # ------------------------------------------------

    def _debug_log_for_not_found(self, enterprise_id: Optional[str], team_id: Optional[str]):
        self.logger.debug("No installation data found " f"for enterprise_id: {enterprise_id} team_id: {team_id}")

    async def _rotate_and_save_tokens_if_necessary(self, installation: Optional[Installation]) -> Optional[Installation]:
        if installation is None or (installation.user_refresh_token is None and installation.bot_refresh_token is None):
            # No need to rotate tokens
            return None

        if self.token_rotator is None:
            # Token rotation is required but this Bolt app is not properly configured
            raise BoltError(self._config_error_message)

        refreshed: Optional[Installation] = await self.token_rotator.perform_token_rotation(
        if refreshed is not None:
            # Save the refreshed data in database for following requests
            await self.installation_store.async_save(refreshed)
        return refreshed

If you use the OAuth flow settings, this authorize implementation will be used. As long as your own InstallationStore (or the built-in ones) works as you expect, you can expect that the authorize layer should work for you without any customization.


Class variables

var authorize_result_cache : Dict[str, AuthorizeResult]

The type of the None singleton.

var bot_only : bool

The type of the None singleton.

var find_bot_available : bool | None

The type of the None singleton.

var find_installation_available : bool | None

The type of the None singleton.

var token_rotator : slack_sdk.oauth.token_rotation.async_rotator.AsyncTokenRotator | None

The type of the None singleton.

var user_token_resolution : str

The type of the None singleton.