Module slack_bolt.logger.messages
def debug_applying_middleware(middleware_name: str) ‑> str
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def debug_applying_middleware(middleware_name: str) -> str: return f"Applying {middleware_name}"
def debug_checking_listener(listener_name: str) ‑> str
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def debug_checking_listener(listener_name: str) -> str: return f"Checking listener: {listener_name} ..."
def debug_responding(status: int, body: str, millis: int) ‑> str
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def debug_responding(status: int, body: str, millis: int) -> str: return f'Responding with status: {status} body: "{body}" ({millis} millis)'
def debug_return_listener_middleware_response(listener_name: str, status: int, body: str, starting_time: float) ‑> str
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def debug_return_listener_middleware_response(listener_name: str, status: int, body: str, starting_time: float) -> str: millis = int((time.time() - starting_time) * 1000) return ( "Responding with listener middleware's response - " f"listener: {listener_name}, status: {status}, body: {body} ({millis} millis)" )
def debug_running_lazy_listener(func_name: str) ‑> str
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def debug_running_lazy_listener(func_name: str) -> str: return f"Running lazy listener: {func_name} ..."
def debug_running_listener(listener_name: str) ‑> str
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def debug_running_listener(listener_name: str) -> str: return f"Running listener: {listener_name} ..."
def error_auth_test_failure(error_response: slack_sdk.web.slack_response.SlackResponse) ‑> str
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def error_auth_test_failure(error_response: SlackResponse) -> str: return f"`token` is invalid (auth.test result: {error_response})"
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def error_authorize_conflicts() -> str: return "`authorize` in the top-level arguments is not allowed when you pass either `oauth_settings` or `oauth_flow`"
def error_client_invalid_type() ‑> str
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def error_client_invalid_type() -> str: return "`client` must be a slack_sdk.web.WebClient"
def error_client_invalid_type_async() ‑> str
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def error_client_invalid_type_async() -> str: return "`client` must be a slack_sdk.web.async_client.AsyncWebClient"
def error_installation_store_required_for_builtin_listeners() ‑> str
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def error_installation_store_required_for_builtin_listeners() -> str: return ( "To use the event listeners for token revocation handling, " "setting a valid `installation_store` to `App`/`AsyncApp` is required." )
def error_listener_function_must_be_coro_func(func_name: str) ‑> str
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def error_listener_function_must_be_coro_func(func_name: str) -> str: return f"The listener function ({func_name}) is not a coroutine function."
def error_message_event_type(event_type: str) ‑> str
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def error_message_event_type(event_type: str) -> str: return ( f'Although the document mentions "{event_type}", ' 'it is not a valid event type. Use "message" instead. ' "If you want to filter message events, you can use `event.channel_type` for it." )
def error_oauth_flow_invalid_type_async() ‑> str
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def error_oauth_flow_invalid_type_async() -> str: return "`oauth_flow` must be a slack_bolt.oauth.async_oauth_flow.AsyncOAuthFlow"
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def error_oauth_flow_or_authorize_required() -> str: return "`oauth_flow` or `authorize` must be configured to make a Bolt app"
def error_oauth_settings_invalid_type_async() ‑> str
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def error_oauth_settings_invalid_type_async() -> str: return "`oauth_settings` must be a slack_bolt.oauth.async_oauth_settings.AsyncOAuthSettings"
def error_token_required() ‑> str
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def error_token_required() -> str: return "Either an env variable `SLACK_BOT_TOKEN` " "or `token` argument in the constructor is required."
def error_unexpected_listener_middleware(middleware_type) ‑> str
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def error_unexpected_listener_middleware(middleware_type) -> str: return f"Unexpected value for a listener middleware: {middleware_type}"
def info_default_oauth_settings_loaded() ‑> str
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def info_default_oauth_settings_loaded() -> str: return ( "As you've set SLACK_CLIENT_ID and SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET env variables, " "Bolt has enabled the file-based InstallationStore/OAuthStateStore for you. " "Note that these file-based stores are for local development. " "If you'd like to use a different data store, set the oauth_settings argument in the App constructor. " "Please refer to for more details." )
def warning_bot_only_conflicts() ‑> str
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def warning_bot_only_conflicts() -> str: return ( "installation_store_bot_only exists in both App and OAuthFlow.settings. " "The one passed in App constructor is used." )
def warning_client_prioritized_and_token_skipped() ‑> str
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def warning_client_prioritized_and_token_skipped() -> str: return "As you gave `client` as well, `token` will be unused."
def warning_did_not_call_ack(listener_name: str) ‑> str
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def warning_did_not_call_ack(listener_name: str) -> str: return f"{listener_name} didn't call ack()"
def warning_installation_store_conflicts() ‑> str
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def warning_installation_store_conflicts() -> str: return "As you gave both `installation_store` and `oauth_settings`/`auth_flow`, the top level one is unused."
def warning_skip_uncommon_arg_name(arg_name: str) ‑> str
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def warning_skip_uncommon_arg_name(arg_name: str) -> str: return ( f"Bolt skips injecting a value to the first keyword argument ({arg_name}). " "If it is self/cls of a method, we recommend using the common names." )
def warning_token_skipped() ‑> str
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def warning_token_skipped() -> str: return ( "As `installation_store` or `authorize` has been used, " "`token` (or SLACK_BOT_TOKEN env variable) will be ignored." )
def warning_unhandled_by_global_middleware(name: str,
req: BoltRequest | ForwardRef('AsyncBoltRequest')) ‑> str-
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def warning_unhandled_by_global_middleware( name: str, req: Union[BoltRequest, "AsyncBoltRequest"] # type: ignore[name-defined] ) -> str: return ( f"A global middleware ({name}) skipped calling either `next()` or `next_()` " f"without providing a response for the request ({req.body})" )
def warning_unhandled_request(req: BoltRequest | ForwardRef('AsyncBoltRequest')) ‑> str
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def warning_unhandled_request( req: Union[BoltRequest, "AsyncBoltRequest"], # type: ignore[name-defined] ) -> str: filtered_body = _build_filtered_body(req.body) default_message = f"Unhandled request ({filtered_body})" is_async = type(req) != BoltRequest if is_workflow_step_edit(req.body) or is_workflow_step_save(req.body) or is_workflow_step_execute(req.body): # @app.step callback_id = ( filtered_body.get("callback_id") or filtered_body.get("view", {}).get("callback_id") or "your-callback-id" ) return _build_unhandled_request_suggestion( default_message, f""" from slack_bolt.workflows.step{'.async_step' if is_async else ''} import {'Async' if is_async else ''}WorkflowStep ws = {'Async' if is_async else ''}WorkflowStep( callback_id="{callback_id}", edit=edit, save=save, execute=execute, ) # Pass Step to set up listeners app.step(ws) """, ) if is_action(req.body): # @app.action action_id_or_callback_id = req.body.get("callback_id") if req.body.get("type") == "block_actions": action_id_or_callback_id = req.body["actions"][0].get("action_id") return _build_unhandled_request_suggestion( default_message, f""" @app.action("{action_id_or_callback_id}") {'async ' if is_async else ''}def handle_some_action(ack, body, logger): {'await ' if is_async else ''}ack() """, ) if is_options(req.body): # @app.options constraints = '"action-id"' if req.body.get("action_id") is not None: constraints = '"' + req.body["action_id"] + '"' elif req.body.get("type") == "dialog_suggestion": constraints = f"""{{"type": "dialog_suggestion", "callback_id": "{req.body.get('callback_id')}"}}""" return _build_unhandled_request_suggestion( default_message, f""" @app.options({constraints}) {'async ' if is_async else ''}def handle_some_options(ack): {'await ' if is_async else ''}ack(options=[ ... ]) """, ) if is_shortcut(req.body): # @app.shortcut id = req.body.get("action_id") or req.body.get("callback_id") return _build_unhandled_request_suggestion( default_message, f""" @app.shortcut("{id}") {'async ' if is_async else ''}def handle_shortcuts(ack, body, logger): {'await ' if is_async else ''}ack() """, ) if is_view_submission(req.body): # @app.view return _build_unhandled_request_suggestion( default_message, f""" @app.view("{req.body.get('view', {}).get('callback_id', 'modal-view-id')}") {'async ' if is_async else ''}def handle_view_submission_events(ack, body, logger): {'await ' if is_async else ''}ack() """, ) if is_view_closed(req.body): # @app.view return _build_unhandled_request_suggestion( default_message, f""" @app.view_closed("{req.body.get('view', {}).get('callback_id', 'modal-view-id')}") {'async ' if is_async else ''}def handle_view_closed_events(ack, body, logger): {'await ' if is_async else ''}ack() """, ) if is_event(req.body): # @app.event event = req.body.get("event", {}) event_type = event.get("type") if is_function(req.body): # @app.function callback_id = event.get("function", {}).get("callback_id", "function_id") return _build_unhandled_request_suggestion( default_message, f""" @app.function("{callback_id}") {'async ' if is_async else ''}def handle_some_function(ack, body, complete, fail, logger): {'await ' if is_async else ''}ack() try: # TODO: do something here outputs = {{}} {'await ' if is_async else ''}complete(outputs=outputs) except Exception as e: error = f"Failed to handle a function request (error: {{e}})" {'await ' if is_async else ''}fail(error=error) """, ) return _build_unhandled_request_suggestion( default_message, f""" @app.event("{event_type}") {'async ' if is_async else ''}def handle_{event_type}_events(body, logger): """, ) if is_slash_command(req.body): # @app.command command = req.body.get("command", "/your-command") return _build_unhandled_request_suggestion( default_message, f""" @app.command("{command}") {'async ' if is_async else ''}def handle_some_command(ack, body, logger): {'await ' if is_async else ''}ack() """, ) return default_message