Module slack_sdk.models.views


class View (type: str,
id: str | None = None,
callback_id: str | None = None,
external_id: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
bot_id: str | None = None,
app_id: str | None = None,
root_view_id: str | None = None,
previous_view_id: str | None = None,
title: str | dict | PlainTextObject | None = None,
submit: str | dict | PlainTextObject | None = None,
close: str | dict | PlainTextObject | None = None,
blocks: Sequence[dict | Block] | None = None,
private_metadata: str | None = None,
state: dict | ForwardRef('ViewState') | None = None,
hash: str | None = None,
clear_on_close: bool | None = None,
notify_on_close: bool | None = None,
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class View(JsonObject):
    """View object for modals and Home tabs.

    types = ["modal", "home", "workflow_step"]

    attributes = {

    def __init__(
        # "modal", "home", and "workflow_step"
        type: str,
        id: Optional[str] = None,
        callback_id: Optional[str] = None,
        external_id: Optional[str] = None,
        team_id: Optional[str] = None,
        bot_id: Optional[str] = None,
        app_id: Optional[str] = None,
        root_view_id: Optional[str] = None,
        previous_view_id: Optional[str] = None,
        title: Optional[Union[str, dict, PlainTextObject]] = None,
        submit: Optional[Union[str, dict, PlainTextObject]] = None,
        close: Optional[Union[str, dict, PlainTextObject]] = None,
        blocks: Optional[Sequence[Union[dict, Block]]] = None,
        private_metadata: Optional[str] = None,
        state: Optional[Union[dict, "ViewState"]] = None,
        hash: Optional[str] = None,
        clear_on_close: Optional[bool] = None,
        notify_on_close: Optional[bool] = None,
        self.type = type = id
        self.callback_id = callback_id
        self.external_id = external_id
        self.team_id = team_id
        self.bot_id = bot_id
        self.app_id = app_id
        self.root_view_id = root_view_id
        self.previous_view_id = previous_view_id
        self.title = TextObject.parse(title, default_type=PlainTextObject.type)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
        self.submit = TextObject.parse(submit, default_type=PlainTextObject.type)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
        self.close = TextObject.parse(close, default_type=PlainTextObject.type)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
        self.blocks = Block.parse_all(blocks)
        self.private_metadata = private_metadata
        self.state = state
        if self.state is not None and isinstance(self.state, dict):
            self.state = ViewState(**self.state)
        self.hash = hash
        self.clear_on_close = clear_on_close
        self.notify_on_close = notify_on_close
        self.additional_attributes = kwargs

    title_max_length = 24
    blocks_max_length = 100
    close_max_length = 24
    submit_max_length = 24
    private_metadata_max_length = 3000
    callback_id_max_length: int = 255

    @JsonValidator('type must be either "modal", "home" or "workflow_step"')
    def _validate_type(self):
        return self.type is not None and self.type in self.types

    @JsonValidator(f"title must be between 1 and {title_max_length} characters")
    def _validate_title_length(self):
        return self.title is None or 1 <= len(self.title.text) <= self.title_max_length

    @JsonValidator(f"views must contain between 1 and {blocks_max_length} blocks")
    def _validate_blocks_length(self):
        return self.blocks is None or 0 < len(self.blocks) <= self.blocks_max_length

    @JsonValidator("home view cannot have submit and close")
    def _validate_home_tab_structure(self):
        return self.type != "home" or (self.type == "home" and self.close is None and self.submit is None)

    @JsonValidator(f"close cannot exceed {close_max_length} characters")
    def _validate_close_length(self):
        return self.close is None or len(self.close.text) <= self.close_max_length

    @JsonValidator(f"submit cannot exceed {submit_max_length} characters")
    def _validate_submit_length(self):
        return self.submit is None or len(self.submit.text) <= int(self.submit_max_length)

    @JsonValidator(f"private_metadata cannot exceed {private_metadata_max_length} characters")
    def _validate_private_metadata_max_length(self):
        return self.private_metadata is None or len(self.private_metadata) <= self.private_metadata_max_length

    @JsonValidator(f"callback_id cannot exceed {callback_id_max_length} characters")
    def _validate_callback_id_max_length(self):
        return self.callback_id is None or len(self.callback_id) <= self.callback_id_max_length

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.get_non_null_attributes())

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

View object for modals and Home tabs.


Class variables

var attributes

The type of the None singleton.

var blocks_max_length

The type of the None singleton.

var callback_id_max_length : int

The type of the None singleton.

var close_max_length

The type of the None singleton.

var private_metadata_max_length

The type of the None singleton.

var submit_max_length

The type of the None singleton.

var title_max_length

The type of the None singleton.

var types

The type of the None singleton.

Inherited members

class ViewState (*,
values: Dict[str, Dict[str, dict | ForwardRef('ViewStateValue')]])
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class ViewState(JsonObject):
    attributes = {"values"}
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def _show_warning_about_unknown(cls, value):
        c = value.__class__
        name = ".".join([c.__module__, c.__name__])
        cls.logger.warning(f"Unknown type for view.state.values detected ({name}) and ViewState skipped to add it")

    def __init__(
        values: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[dict, "ViewStateValue"]]],
        value_objects: Dict[str, Dict[str, ViewStateValue]] = {}
        new_state_values = copy.copy(values)
        if isinstance(new_state_values, dict):  # just in case
            for block_id, actions in new_state_values.items():
                if actions is None:
                elif isinstance(actions, dict):
                    new_actions: Dict[str, Union[ViewStateValue, dict]] = copy.copy(actions)
                    for action_id, v in actions.items():
                        if isinstance(v, dict):
                            d = copy.copy(v)
                            value_object = ViewStateValue(**d)
                        elif isinstance(v, ViewStateValue):
                            value_object = v
                        new_actions[action_id] = value_object
                    value_objects[block_id] = new_actions  # type: ignore[assignment]
        self.values = value_objects

    def to_dict(self, *args) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, dict]]]:
        if self.values is not None:
            dict_values: Dict[str, Dict[str, dict]] = {}
            for block_id, actions in self.values.items():
                if actions:
                    dict_value: Dict[str, dict] = {action_id: value.to_dict() for action_id, value in actions.items()}
                    dict_values[block_id] = dict_value
            return {"values": dict_values}
            return {}

The base class for JSON serializable class objects


Class variables

var attributes

The type of the None singleton.

var logger

The type of the None singleton.

Inherited members

class ViewStateValue (*,
type: str | None = None,
value: str | None = None,
selected_date: str | None = None,
selected_time: str | None = None,
selected_conversation: str | None = None,
selected_channel: str | None = None,
selected_user: str | None = None,
selected_option: dict | Option | None = None,
selected_conversations: Sequence[str] | None = None,
selected_channels: Sequence[str] | None = None,
selected_users: Sequence[str] | None = None,
selected_options: Sequence[dict | Option] | None = None)
Expand source code
class ViewStateValue(JsonObject):
    attributes = {

    def __init__(
        type: Optional[str] = None,
        value: Optional[str] = None,
        selected_date: Optional[str] = None,
        selected_time: Optional[str] = None,
        selected_conversation: Optional[str] = None,
        selected_channel: Optional[str] = None,
        selected_user: Optional[str] = None,
        selected_option: Optional[Union[dict, Option]] = None,
        selected_conversations: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
        selected_channels: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
        selected_users: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
        selected_options: Optional[Sequence[Union[dict, Option]]] = None,
        self.type = type
        self.value = value
        self.selected_date = selected_date
        self.selected_time = selected_time
        self.selected_conversation = selected_conversation
        self.selected_channel = selected_channel
        self.selected_user = selected_user
        self.selected_option = selected_option
        self.selected_conversations = selected_conversations
        self.selected_channels = selected_channels
        self.selected_users = selected_users

        if isinstance(selected_options, list):
            self.selected_options = []
            for option in selected_options:
                if isinstance(option, Option):
                elif isinstance(option, dict):
            self.selected_options = selected_options  # type: ignore[assignment]

The base class for JSON serializable class objects


Class variables

var attributes

The type of the None singleton.

Inherited members