Module slack_sdk.oauth.installation_store.async_installation_store


class AsyncInstallationStore

The installation store interface for asyncio-based apps.

The minimum required methods are:

  • async_save(installation)
  • async_find_installation(enterprise_id, team_id, user_id, is_enterprise_install)

If you would like to properly handle app uninstallations and token revocations, the following methods should be implemented.

  • async_delete_installation(enterprise_id, team_id, user_id)
  • async_delete_all(enterprise_id, team_id)

If your app needs only bot scope installations, the simpler way to implement would be:

  • async_save(installation)
  • async_find_bot(enterprise_id, team_id, is_enterprise_install)
  • async_delete_bot(enterprise_id, team_id)
  • async_delete_all(enterprise_id, team_id)
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class AsyncInstallationStore:
    """The installation store interface for asyncio-based apps.

    The minimum required methods are:

    * async_save(installation)
    * async_find_installation(enterprise_id, team_id, user_id, is_enterprise_install)

    If you would like to properly handle app uninstallations and token revocations,
    the following methods should be implemented.

    * async_delete_installation(enterprise_id, team_id, user_id)
    * async_delete_all(enterprise_id, team_id)

    If your app needs only bot scope installations, the simpler way to implement would be:

    * async_save(installation)
    * async_find_bot(enterprise_id, team_id, is_enterprise_install)
    * async_delete_bot(enterprise_id, team_id)
    * async_delete_all(enterprise_id, team_id)

    def logger(self) -> Logger:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    async def async_save(self, installation: Installation):
        """Saves an installation data"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    async def async_save_bot(self, bot: Bot):
        """Saves a bot installation data"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    async def async_find_bot(
        enterprise_id: Optional[str],
        team_id: Optional[str],
        is_enterprise_install: Optional[bool] = False,
    ) -> Optional[Bot]:
        """Finds a bot scope installation per workspace / org"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    async def async_find_installation(
        enterprise_id: Optional[str],
        team_id: Optional[str],
        user_id: Optional[str] = None,
        is_enterprise_install: Optional[bool] = False,
    ) -> Optional[Installation]:
        """Finds a relevant installation for the given IDs.
        If the user_id is absent, this method may return the latest installation in the workspace / org.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    async def async_delete_bot(
        enterprise_id: Optional[str],
        team_id: Optional[str],
    ) -> None:
        """Deletes a bot scope installation per workspace / org"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    async def async_delete_installation(
        enterprise_id: Optional[str],
        team_id: Optional[str],
        user_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Deletes an installation that matches the given IDs"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    async def async_delete_all(
        enterprise_id: Optional[str],
        team_id: Optional[str],
        """Deletes all installation data for the given workspace / org"""
        await self.async_delete_bot(enterprise_id=enterprise_id, team_id=team_id)
        await self.async_delete_installation(enterprise_id=enterprise_id, team_id=team_id)


Instance variables

prop logger : logging.Logger
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def logger(self) -> Logger:
    raise NotImplementedError()


async def async_delete_all(self, *, enterprise_id: str | None, team_id: str | None)

Deletes all installation data for the given workspace / org

async def async_delete_bot(self, *, enterprise_id: str | None, team_id: str | None) ‑> None

Deletes a bot scope installation per workspace / org

async def async_delete_installation(self, *, enterprise_id: str | None, team_id: str | None, user_id: str | None = None) ‑> None

Deletes an installation that matches the given IDs

async def async_find_bot(self,
enterprise_id: str | None,
team_id: str | None,
is_enterprise_install: bool | None = False) ‑> Bot | None

Finds a bot scope installation per workspace / org

async def async_find_installation(self,
enterprise_id: str | None,
team_id: str | None,
user_id: str | None = None,
is_enterprise_install: bool | None = False) ‑> Installation | None

Finds a relevant installation for the given IDs. If the user_id is absent, this method may return the latest installation in the workspace / org.

async def async_save(self,
installation: Installation)

Saves an installation data

async def async_save_bot(self,
bot: Bot)

Saves a bot installation data