Module slack_sdk.rtm_v2
A Python module for interacting with Slack's RTM API.
class RTMClient (*,
token: str | None = None,
web_client: WebClient | None = None,
auto_reconnect_enabled: bool = True,
ssl: ssl.SSLContext | None = None,
proxy: str | None = None,
timeout: int = 30,
base_url: str = '',
headers: dict | None = None,
ping_interval: int = 5,
concurrency: int = 10,
logger: logging.Logger | None = None,
on_message_listeners: List[Callable[[str], None]] | None = None,
on_error_listeners: List[Callable[[Exception], None]] | None = None,
on_close_listeners: List[Callable[[int, str | None], None]] | None = None,
trace_enabled: bool = False,
all_message_trace_enabled: bool = False,
ping_pong_trace_enabled: bool = False)-
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class RTMClient: token: Optional[str] bot_id: Optional[str] default_auto_reconnect_enabled: bool auto_reconnect_enabled: bool ssl: Optional[SSLContext] proxy: Optional[str] timeout: int base_url: str ping_interval: int logger: Logger web_client: WebClient current_session: Optional[Connection] current_session_state: Optional[ConnectionState] wss_uri: Optional[str] message_queue: Queue message_listeners: List[Callable[["RTMClient", dict], None]] message_processor: IntervalRunner message_workers: ThreadPoolExecutor closed: bool connect_operation_lock: Lock on_message_listeners: List[Callable[[str], None]] on_error_listeners: List[Callable[[Exception], None]] on_close_listeners: List[Callable[[int, Optional[str]], None]] def __init__( self, *, token: Optional[str] = None, web_client: Optional[WebClient] = None, auto_reconnect_enabled: bool = True, ssl: Optional[SSLContext] = None, proxy: Optional[str] = None, timeout: int = 30, base_url: str = WebClient.BASE_URL, headers: Optional[dict] = None, ping_interval: int = 5, concurrency: int = 10, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, on_message_listeners: Optional[List[Callable[[str], None]]] = None, on_error_listeners: Optional[List[Callable[[Exception], None]]] = None, on_close_listeners: Optional[List[Callable[[int, Optional[str]], None]]] = None, trace_enabled: bool = False, all_message_trace_enabled: bool = False, ping_pong_trace_enabled: bool = False, ): self.token = token.strip() if token is not None else None self.bot_id = None self.default_auto_reconnect_enabled = auto_reconnect_enabled # You may want temporarily turn off the auto_reconnect as necessary self.auto_reconnect_enabled = self.default_auto_reconnect_enabled self.ssl = ssl self.proxy = proxy self.timeout = timeout self.base_url = base_url self.headers = headers self.ping_interval = ping_interval self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__) if self.proxy is None or len(self.proxy.strip()) == 0: env_variable = load_http_proxy_from_env(self.logger) if env_variable is not None: self.proxy = env_variable self.web_client = web_client or WebClient( token=self.token, base_url=self.base_url, timeout=self.timeout, ssl=self.ssl, proxy=self.proxy, headers=self.headers, logger=logger, ) self.on_message_listeners = on_message_listeners or [] self.on_error_listeners = on_error_listeners or [] self.on_close_listeners = on_close_listeners or [] self.trace_enabled = trace_enabled self.all_message_trace_enabled = all_message_trace_enabled self.ping_pong_trace_enabled = ping_pong_trace_enabled self.message_queue = Queue() def goodbye_listener(_self, event: dict): if event.get("type") == "goodbye": message = "Got a goodbye message. Reconnecting to the server ..." self.connect_to_new_endpoint(force=True) self.message_listeners = [goodbye_listener] self.socket_mode_request_listeners = [] self.current_session = None self.current_session_state = ConnectionState() self.current_session_runner = IntervalRunner(self._run_current_session, 0.1).start() self.wss_uri = None self.current_app_monitor_started = False self.current_app_monitor = IntervalRunner( self._monitor_current_session, self.ping_interval, ) self.closed = False self.connect_operation_lock = Lock() self.message_processor = IntervalRunner(self.process_messages, 0.001).start() self.message_workers = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=concurrency) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Decorator to register listeners # -------------------------------------------------------------- def on(self, event_type: str) -> Callable: """Registers a new event listener. Args: event_type: str representing an event's type (e.g., message, reaction_added) """ def __call__(*args, **kwargs): func = args[0] if func is not None: if isinstance(func, Callable): name = ( func.__name__ if hasattr(func, "__name__") else f"{func.__class__.__module__}.{func.__class__.__name__}" ) inspect_result: inspect.FullArgSpec = inspect.getfullargspec(func) if inspect_result is not None and len(inspect_result.args) != 2: actual_args = ", ".join(inspect_result.args) error = f"The listener '{name}' must accept two args: client, event (actual: {actual_args})" raise SlackClientError(error) def new_message_listener(_self, event: dict): actual_event_type = event.get("type") if event.get("bot_id") == self.bot_id: # SKip the events generated by this bot user return # if event_type == "*" or (actual_event_type is not None and actual_event_type == event_type): func(_self, event) self.message_listeners.append(new_message_listener) else: error = f"The listener '{func}' is not a Callable (actual: {type(func).__name__})" raise SlackClientError(error) # Not to cause modification to the decorated method return func return __call__ # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Connections # -------------------------------------------------------------- def is_connected(self) -> bool: """Returns True if this client is connected.""" return self.current_session is not None and self.current_session.is_active() def issue_new_wss_url(self) -> str: """Acquires a new WSS URL using rtm.connect API method""" try: api_response = self.web_client.rtm_connect() return api_response["url"] except SlackApiError as e: if e.response["error"] == "ratelimited": delay = int(e.response.headers.get("Retry-After", "30")) # Tier1"Rate limited. Retrying in {delay} seconds...") time.sleep(delay) # Retry to issue a new WSS URL return self.issue_new_wss_url() else: # other errors self.logger.error(f"Failed to retrieve WSS URL: {e}") raise e def connect_to_new_endpoint(self, force: bool = False): """Acquires a new WSS URL and tries to connect to the endpoint.""" with self.connect_operation_lock: if force or not self.is_connected():"Connecting to a new endpoint...") self.wss_uri = self.issue_new_wss_url() self.connect()"Connected to a new endpoint...") def connect(self): """Starts talking to the RTM server through a WebSocket connection""" if self.bot_id is None: self.bot_id = self.web_client.auth_test()["bot_id"] old_session: Optional[Connection] = self.current_session old_current_session_state: ConnectionState = self.current_session_state if self.wss_uri is None: self.wss_uri = self.issue_new_wss_url() current_session = Connection( url=self.wss_uri, logger=self.logger, ping_interval=self.ping_interval, trace_enabled=self.trace_enabled, all_message_trace_enabled=self.all_message_trace_enabled, ping_pong_trace_enabled=self.ping_pong_trace_enabled, receive_buffer_size=1024, proxy=self.proxy, on_message_listener=self.run_all_message_listeners, on_error_listener=self.run_all_error_listeners, on_close_listener=self.run_all_close_listeners, connection_type_name="RTM", ) current_session.connect() if old_current_session_state is not None: old_current_session_state.terminated = True if old_session is not None: old_session.close() self.current_session = current_session self.current_session_state = ConnectionState() self.auto_reconnect_enabled = self.default_auto_reconnect_enabled if not self.current_app_monitor_started: self.current_app_monitor_started = True self.current_app_monitor.start()"A new session has been established (session id: {self.session_id()})") def disconnect(self): """Disconnects the current session.""" self.current_session.disconnect() def close(self) -> None: """ Closes this instance and cleans up underlying resources. After calling this method, this instance is no longer usable. """ self.closed = True self.disconnect() self.current_session.close() def start(self) -> None: """Establishes an RTM connection and blocks the current thread.""" self.connect() Event().wait() def send(self, payload: Union[dict, str]) -> None: if payload is None: return if self.current_session is None or not self.current_session.is_active(): raise SlackClientError("The RTM client is not connected to the Slack servers") if isinstance(payload, str): self.current_session.send(payload) else: self.current_session.send(json.dumps(payload)) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # WS Message Processor # -------------------------------------------------------------- def enqueue_message(self, message: str): self.message_queue.put(message) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug(f"A new message enqueued (current queue size: {self.message_queue.qsize()})") def process_message(self): try: raw_message = self.message_queue.get(timeout=1) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug(f"A message dequeued (current queue size: {self.message_queue.qsize()})") if raw_message is not None: message: dict = {} if raw_message.startswith("{"): message = json.loads(raw_message) def _run_message_listeners(): self.run_message_listeners(message) self.message_workers.submit(_run_message_listeners) except Empty: pass def process_messages(self) -> None: while not self.closed: try: self.process_message() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(f"Failed to process a message: {e}") def run_message_listeners(self, message: dict) -> None: type = message.get("type") if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug(f"Message processing started (type: {type})") try: for listener in self.message_listeners: try: listener(self, message) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(f"Failed to run a message listener: {e}") except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(f"Failed to run message listeners: {e}") finally: if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug(f"Message processing completed (type: {type})") # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Internals # -------------------------------------------------------------- def session_id(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.current_session is not None: return self.current_session.session_id return None def run_all_message_listeners(self, message: str): if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug(f"on_message invoked: (message: {message})") self.enqueue_message(message) for listener in self.on_message_listeners: listener(message) def run_all_error_listeners(self, error: Exception): self.logger.exception( f"on_error invoked (session id: {self.session_id()}, " f"error: {type(error).__name__}, message: {error})" ) for listener in self.on_error_listeners: listener(error) def run_all_close_listeners(self, code: int, reason: Optional[str] = None): if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug(f"on_close invoked (session id: {self.session_id()})") if self.auto_reconnect_enabled:"Received CLOSE event. Going to reconnect... " f"(session id: {self.session_id()})") self.connect_to_new_endpoint() for listener in self.on_close_listeners: listener(code, reason) def _run_current_session(self): if self.current_session is not None and self.current_session.is_active(): session_id = self.session_id() try:"Starting to receive messages from a new connection" f" (session id: {session_id})") self.current_session_state.terminated = False self.current_session.run_until_completion(self.current_session_state)"Stopped receiving messages from a connection" f" (session id: {session_id})") except Exception as e: self.logger.exception( "Failed to start or stop the current session" f" (session id: {session_id}, error: {e})" ) def _monitor_current_session(self): if self.current_app_monitor_started: try: self.current_session.check_state() if self.auto_reconnect_enabled and (self.current_session is None or not self.current_session.is_active()): "The session seems to be already closed. Going to reconnect... " f"(session id: {self.session_id()})" ) self.connect_to_new_endpoint() except Exception as e: self.logger.error( "Failed to check the current session or reconnect to the server " f"(session id: {self.session_id()}, error: {type(e).__name__}, message: {e})" )
Class variables
var auto_reconnect_enabled : bool
The type of the None singleton.
var base_url : str
The type of the None singleton.
var bot_id : str | None
The type of the None singleton.
var closed : bool
The type of the None singleton.
var connect_operation_lock : _thread.lock
The type of the None singleton.
var current_session : Connection | None
The type of the None singleton.
var current_session_state : ConnectionState | None
The type of the None singleton.
var default_auto_reconnect_enabled : bool
The type of the None singleton.
var logger : logging.Logger
The type of the None singleton.
var message_listeners : List[Callable[[RTMClient, dict], None]]
The type of the None singleton.
var message_processor : IntervalRunner
The type of the None singleton.
var message_queue : queue.Queue
The type of the None singleton.
var message_workers : concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor
The type of the None singleton.
var on_close_listeners : List[Callable[[int, str | None], None]]
The type of the None singleton.
var on_error_listeners : List[Callable[[Exception], None]]
The type of the None singleton.
var on_message_listeners : List[Callable[[str], None]]
The type of the None singleton.
var ping_interval : int
The type of the None singleton.
var proxy : str | None
The type of the None singleton.
var ssl : ssl.SSLContext | None
The type of the None singleton.
var timeout : int
The type of the None singleton.
var token : str | None
The type of the None singleton.
var web_client : WebClient
The type of the None singleton.
var wss_uri : str | None
The type of the None singleton.
def close(self) ‑> None
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def close(self) -> None: """ Closes this instance and cleans up underlying resources. After calling this method, this instance is no longer usable. """ self.closed = True self.disconnect() self.current_session.close()
Closes this instance and cleans up underlying resources. After calling this method, this instance is no longer usable.
def connect(self)
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def connect(self): """Starts talking to the RTM server through a WebSocket connection""" if self.bot_id is None: self.bot_id = self.web_client.auth_test()["bot_id"] old_session: Optional[Connection] = self.current_session old_current_session_state: ConnectionState = self.current_session_state if self.wss_uri is None: self.wss_uri = self.issue_new_wss_url() current_session = Connection( url=self.wss_uri, logger=self.logger, ping_interval=self.ping_interval, trace_enabled=self.trace_enabled, all_message_trace_enabled=self.all_message_trace_enabled, ping_pong_trace_enabled=self.ping_pong_trace_enabled, receive_buffer_size=1024, proxy=self.proxy, on_message_listener=self.run_all_message_listeners, on_error_listener=self.run_all_error_listeners, on_close_listener=self.run_all_close_listeners, connection_type_name="RTM", ) current_session.connect() if old_current_session_state is not None: old_current_session_state.terminated = True if old_session is not None: old_session.close() self.current_session = current_session self.current_session_state = ConnectionState() self.auto_reconnect_enabled = self.default_auto_reconnect_enabled if not self.current_app_monitor_started: self.current_app_monitor_started = True self.current_app_monitor.start()"A new session has been established (session id: {self.session_id()})")
Starts talking to the RTM server through a WebSocket connection
def connect_to_new_endpoint(self, force: bool = False)
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def connect_to_new_endpoint(self, force: bool = False): """Acquires a new WSS URL and tries to connect to the endpoint.""" with self.connect_operation_lock: if force or not self.is_connected():"Connecting to a new endpoint...") self.wss_uri = self.issue_new_wss_url() self.connect()"Connected to a new endpoint...")
Acquires a new WSS URL and tries to connect to the endpoint.
def disconnect(self)
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def disconnect(self): """Disconnects the current session.""" self.current_session.disconnect()
Disconnects the current session.
def enqueue_message(self, message: str)
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def enqueue_message(self, message: str): self.message_queue.put(message) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug(f"A new message enqueued (current queue size: {self.message_queue.qsize()})")
def is_connected(self) ‑> bool
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def is_connected(self) -> bool: """Returns True if this client is connected.""" return self.current_session is not None and self.current_session.is_active()
Returns True if this client is connected.
def issue_new_wss_url(self) ‑> str
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def issue_new_wss_url(self) -> str: """Acquires a new WSS URL using rtm.connect API method""" try: api_response = self.web_client.rtm_connect() return api_response["url"] except SlackApiError as e: if e.response["error"] == "ratelimited": delay = int(e.response.headers.get("Retry-After", "30")) # Tier1"Rate limited. Retrying in {delay} seconds...") time.sleep(delay) # Retry to issue a new WSS URL return self.issue_new_wss_url() else: # other errors self.logger.error(f"Failed to retrieve WSS URL: {e}") raise e
Acquires a new WSS URL using rtm.connect API method
def on(self, event_type: str) ‑> Callable
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def on(self, event_type: str) -> Callable: """Registers a new event listener. Args: event_type: str representing an event's type (e.g., message, reaction_added) """ def __call__(*args, **kwargs): func = args[0] if func is not None: if isinstance(func, Callable): name = ( func.__name__ if hasattr(func, "__name__") else f"{func.__class__.__module__}.{func.__class__.__name__}" ) inspect_result: inspect.FullArgSpec = inspect.getfullargspec(func) if inspect_result is not None and len(inspect_result.args) != 2: actual_args = ", ".join(inspect_result.args) error = f"The listener '{name}' must accept two args: client, event (actual: {actual_args})" raise SlackClientError(error) def new_message_listener(_self, event: dict): actual_event_type = event.get("type") if event.get("bot_id") == self.bot_id: # SKip the events generated by this bot user return # if event_type == "*" or (actual_event_type is not None and actual_event_type == event_type): func(_self, event) self.message_listeners.append(new_message_listener) else: error = f"The listener '{func}' is not a Callable (actual: {type(func).__name__})" raise SlackClientError(error) # Not to cause modification to the decorated method return func return __call__
Registers a new event listener.
- str representing an event's type (e.g., message, reaction_added)
def process_message(self)
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def process_message(self): try: raw_message = self.message_queue.get(timeout=1) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug(f"A message dequeued (current queue size: {self.message_queue.qsize()})") if raw_message is not None: message: dict = {} if raw_message.startswith("{"): message = json.loads(raw_message) def _run_message_listeners(): self.run_message_listeners(message) self.message_workers.submit(_run_message_listeners) except Empty: pass
def process_messages(self) ‑> None
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def process_messages(self) -> None: while not self.closed: try: self.process_message() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(f"Failed to process a message: {e}")
def run_all_close_listeners(self, code: int, reason: str | None = None)
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def run_all_close_listeners(self, code: int, reason: Optional[str] = None): if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug(f"on_close invoked (session id: {self.session_id()})") if self.auto_reconnect_enabled:"Received CLOSE event. Going to reconnect... " f"(session id: {self.session_id()})") self.connect_to_new_endpoint() for listener in self.on_close_listeners: listener(code, reason)
def run_all_error_listeners(self, error: Exception)
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def run_all_error_listeners(self, error: Exception): self.logger.exception( f"on_error invoked (session id: {self.session_id()}, " f"error: {type(error).__name__}, message: {error})" ) for listener in self.on_error_listeners: listener(error)
def run_all_message_listeners(self, message: str)
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def run_all_message_listeners(self, message: str): if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug(f"on_message invoked: (message: {message})") self.enqueue_message(message) for listener in self.on_message_listeners: listener(message)
def run_message_listeners(self, message: dict) ‑> None
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def run_message_listeners(self, message: dict) -> None: type = message.get("type") if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug(f"Message processing started (type: {type})") try: for listener in self.message_listeners: try: listener(self, message) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(f"Failed to run a message listener: {e}") except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(f"Failed to run message listeners: {e}") finally: if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug(f"Message processing completed (type: {type})")
def send(self, payload: dict | str) ‑> None
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def send(self, payload: Union[dict, str]) -> None: if payload is None: return if self.current_session is None or not self.current_session.is_active(): raise SlackClientError("The RTM client is not connected to the Slack servers") if isinstance(payload, str): self.current_session.send(payload) else: self.current_session.send(json.dumps(payload))
def session_id(self) ‑> str | None
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def session_id(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.current_session is not None: return self.current_session.session_id return None
def start(self) ‑> None
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def start(self) -> None: """Establishes an RTM connection and blocks the current thread.""" self.connect() Event().wait()
Establishes an RTM connection and blocks the current thread.