Module slack_sdk.scim.v1.client
SCIM API is a set of APIs for provisioning and managing user accounts and groups. SCIM is used by Single Sign-On (SSO) services and identity providers to manage people across a variety of tools, including Slack.
Refer to for details.
class SCIMClient (token: str,
timeout: int = 30,
ssl: ssl.SSLContext | None = None,
proxy: str | None = None,
base_url: str = '',
default_headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None,
user_agent_prefix: str | None = None,
user_agent_suffix: str | None = None,
logger: logging.Logger | None = None,
retry_handlers: List[RetryHandler] | None = None)-
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class SCIMClient: BASE_URL = "" token: str timeout: int ssl: Optional[SSLContext] proxy: Optional[str] base_url: str default_headers: Dict[str, str] logger: logging.Logger retry_handlers: List[RetryHandler] def __init__( self, token: str, timeout: int = 30, ssl: Optional[SSLContext] = None, proxy: Optional[str] = None, base_url: str = BASE_URL, default_headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, user_agent_prefix: Optional[str] = None, user_agent_suffix: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, retry_handlers: Optional[List[RetryHandler]] = None, ): """API client for SCIM API See for more details Args: token: An admin user's token, which starts with `xoxp-` timeout: Request timeout (in seconds) ssl: `ssl.SSLContext` to use for requests proxy: Proxy URL (e.g., `localhost:9000`, `http://localhost:9000`) base_url: The base URL for API calls default_headers: Request headers to add to all requests user_agent_prefix: Prefix for User-Agent header value user_agent_suffix: Suffix for User-Agent header value logger: Custom logger retry_handlers: Retry handlers """ self.token = token self.timeout = timeout self.ssl = ssl self.proxy = proxy self.base_url = base_url self.default_headers = default_headers if default_headers else {} self.default_headers["User-Agent"] = get_user_agent(user_agent_prefix, user_agent_suffix) self.logger = logger if logger is not None else logging.getLogger(__name__) self.retry_handlers = retry_handlers if retry_handlers is not None else default_retry_handlers() if self.proxy is None or len(self.proxy.strip()) == 0: env_variable = load_http_proxy_from_env(self.logger) if env_variable is not None: self.proxy = env_variable # ------------------------- # Users # ------------------------- def search_users( self, *, # Pagination required as of August 30, 2019. count: int, start_index: int, filter: Optional[str] = None, ) -> SearchUsersResponse: return SearchUsersResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="GET", path="Users", query_params={ "filter": filter, "count": count, "startIndex": start_index, }, ) ) def read_user(self, id: str) -> ReadUserResponse: return ReadUserResponse(self.api_call(http_verb="GET", path=f"Users/{quote(id)}")) def create_user(self, user: Union[Dict[str, Any], User]) -> UserCreateResponse: return UserCreateResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="POST", path="Users", body_params=user.to_dict() if isinstance(user, User) else _to_dict_without_not_given(user), ) ) def patch_user(self, id: str, partial_user: Union[Dict[str, Any], User]) -> UserPatchResponse: return UserPatchResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="PATCH", path=f"Users/{quote(id)}", body_params=( partial_user.to_dict() if isinstance(partial_user, User) else _to_dict_without_not_given(partial_user) ), ) ) def update_user(self, user: Union[Dict[str, Any], User]) -> UserUpdateResponse: user_id = if isinstance(user, User) else user["id"] return UserUpdateResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="PUT", path=f"Users/{quote(user_id)}", body_params=user.to_dict() if isinstance(user, User) else _to_dict_without_not_given(user), ) ) def delete_user(self, id: str) -> UserDeleteResponse: return UserDeleteResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="DELETE", path=f"Users/{quote(id)}", ) ) # ------------------------- # Groups # ------------------------- def search_groups( self, *, # Pagination required as of August 30, 2019. count: int, start_index: int, filter: Optional[str] = None, ) -> SearchGroupsResponse: return SearchGroupsResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="GET", path="Groups", query_params={ "filter": filter, "count": count, "startIndex": start_index, }, ) ) def read_group(self, id: str) -> ReadGroupResponse: return ReadGroupResponse(self.api_call(http_verb="GET", path=f"Groups/{quote(id)}")) def create_group(self, group: Union[Dict[str, Any], Group]) -> GroupCreateResponse: return GroupCreateResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="POST", path="Groups", body_params=group.to_dict() if isinstance(group, Group) else _to_dict_without_not_given(group), ) ) def patch_group(self, id: str, partial_group: Union[Dict[str, Any], Group]) -> GroupPatchResponse: return GroupPatchResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="PATCH", path=f"Groups/{quote(id)}", body_params=( partial_group.to_dict() if isinstance(partial_group, Group) else _to_dict_without_not_given(partial_group) ), ) ) def update_group(self, group: Union[Dict[str, Any], Group]) -> GroupUpdateResponse: group_id = if isinstance(group, Group) else group["id"] return GroupUpdateResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="PUT", path=f"Groups/{quote(group_id)}", body_params=group.to_dict() if isinstance(group, Group) else _to_dict_without_not_given(group), ) ) def delete_group(self, id: str) -> GroupDeleteResponse: return GroupDeleteResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="DELETE", path=f"Groups/{quote(id)}", ) ) # ------------------------- def api_call( self, *, http_verb: str, path: str, query_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, body_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> SCIMResponse: """Performs a Slack API request and returns the result.""" url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" query = _build_query(query_params) if len(query) > 0: url += f"?{query}" return self._perform_http_request( http_verb=http_verb, url=url, body=body_params, headers=_build_request_headers( token=self.token, default_headers=self.default_headers, additional_headers=headers, ), ) def _perform_http_request( self, *, http_verb: str = "GET", url: str, body: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, headers: Dict[str, str], ) -> SCIMResponse: if body is not None: if body.get("schemas") is None: body["schemas"] = ["urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0"] body = json.dumps(body) headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json;charset=utf-8" if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: headers_for_logging = {k: "(redacted)" if k.lower() == "authorization" else v for k, v in headers.items()} self.logger.debug(f"Sending a request - {http_verb} url: {url}, body: {body}, headers: {headers_for_logging}") # NOTE: Intentionally ignore the `http_verb` here # Slack APIs accepts any API method requests with POST methods req = Request( method=http_verb, url=url, data=body.encode("utf-8") if body is not None else None, headers=headers, ) resp = None last_error = None retry_state = RetryState() counter_for_safety = 0 while counter_for_safety < 100: counter_for_safety += 1 # If this is a retry, the next try started here. We can reset the flag. retry_state.next_attempt_requested = False try: resp = self._perform_http_request_internal(url, req) # The resp is a 200 OK response return resp except HTTPError as e: # read the response body here charset = e.headers.get_content_charset() or "utf-8" response_body: str = # As adding new values to HTTPError#headers can be ignored, building a new dict object here response_headers = dict(e.headers.items()) resp = SCIMResponse( url=url, status_code=e.code, raw_body=response_body, headers=response_headers, ) if e.code == 429: # for backward-compatibility with WebClient (v.2.5.0 or older) if "retry-after" not in resp.headers and "Retry-After" in resp.headers: resp.headers["retry-after"] = resp.headers["Retry-After"] if "Retry-After" not in resp.headers and "retry-after" in resp.headers: resp.headers["Retry-After"] = resp.headers["retry-after"] _debug_log_response(self.logger, resp) # Try to find a retry handler for this error retry_request = RetryHttpRequest.from_urllib_http_request(req) retry_response = RetryHttpResponse( status_code=e.code, headers={k: [v] for k, v in e.headers.items()}, data=response_body.encode("utf-8") if response_body is not None else None, ) for handler in self.retry_handlers: if handler.can_retry( state=retry_state, request=retry_request, response=retry_response, error=e, ): if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: f"A retry handler found: {type(handler).__name__} for {req.method} {req.full_url} - {e}" ) handler.prepare_for_next_attempt( state=retry_state, request=retry_request, response=retry_response, error=e, ) break if retry_state.next_attempt_requested is False: return resp except Exception as err: last_error = err self.logger.error(f"Failed to send a request to Slack API server: {err}") # Try to find a retry handler for this error retry_request = RetryHttpRequest.from_urllib_http_request(req) for handler in self.retry_handlers: if handler.can_retry( state=retry_state, request=retry_request, response=None, error=err, ): if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: f"A retry handler found: {type(handler).__name__} for {req.method} {req.full_url} - {err}" ) handler.prepare_for_next_attempt( state=retry_state, request=retry_request, response=None, error=err, )"Going to retry the same request: {req.method} {req.full_url}") break if retry_state.next_attempt_requested is False: raise err if resp is not None: return resp raise last_error def _perform_http_request_internal(self, url: str, req: Request) -> SCIMResponse: opener: Optional[OpenerDirector] = None # for security (BAN-B310) if url.lower().startswith("http"): if self.proxy is not None: if isinstance(self.proxy, str): opener = urllib.request.build_opener( ProxyHandler({"http": self.proxy, "https": self.proxy}), HTTPSHandler(context=self.ssl), ) else: raise SlackRequestError(f"Invalid proxy detected: {self.proxy} must be a str value") else: raise SlackRequestError(f"Invalid URL detected: {url}") # NOTE: BAN-B310 is already checked above http_resp: Optional[HTTPResponse] = None if opener: http_resp =, timeout=self.timeout) else: http_resp = urlopen(req, context=self.ssl, timeout=self.timeout) charset: str = http_resp.headers.get_content_charset() or "utf-8" response_body: str = resp = SCIMResponse( url=url, status_code=http_resp.status, raw_body=response_body, headers=http_resp.headers, ) _debug_log_response(self.logger, resp) return resp
API client for SCIM API See for more details
- An admin user's token, which starts with
- Request timeout (in seconds)
to use for requestsproxy
- Proxy URL (e.g.,
) base_url
- The base URL for API calls
- Request headers to add to all requests
- Prefix for User-Agent header value
- Suffix for User-Agent header value
- Custom logger
- Retry handlers
Class variables
The type of the None singleton.
var base_url : str
The type of the None singleton.
var default_headers : Dict[str, str]
The type of the None singleton.
var logger : logging.Logger
The type of the None singleton.
var proxy : str | None
The type of the None singleton.
var retry_handlers : List[RetryHandler]
The type of the None singleton.
var ssl : ssl.SSLContext | None
The type of the None singleton.
var timeout : int
The type of the None singleton.
var token : str
The type of the None singleton.
def api_call(self,
http_verb: str,
path: str,
query_params: Dict[str, Any] | None = None,
body_params: Dict[str, Any] | None = None,
headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None) ‑> SCIMResponse-
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def api_call( self, *, http_verb: str, path: str, query_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, body_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> SCIMResponse: """Performs a Slack API request and returns the result.""" url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" query = _build_query(query_params) if len(query) > 0: url += f"?{query}" return self._perform_http_request( http_verb=http_verb, url=url, body=body_params, headers=_build_request_headers( token=self.token, default_headers=self.default_headers, additional_headers=headers, ), )
Performs a Slack API request and returns the result.
def create_group(self,
group: Dict[str, Any] | Group) ‑> GroupCreateResponse-
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def create_group(self, group: Union[Dict[str, Any], Group]) -> GroupCreateResponse: return GroupCreateResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="POST", path="Groups", body_params=group.to_dict() if isinstance(group, Group) else _to_dict_without_not_given(group), ) )
def create_user(self,
user: Dict[str, Any] | User) ‑> UserCreateResponse-
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def create_user(self, user: Union[Dict[str, Any], User]) -> UserCreateResponse: return UserCreateResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="POST", path="Users", body_params=user.to_dict() if isinstance(user, User) else _to_dict_without_not_given(user), ) )
def delete_group(self, id: str) ‑> GroupDeleteResponse
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def delete_group(self, id: str) -> GroupDeleteResponse: return GroupDeleteResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="DELETE", path=f"Groups/{quote(id)}", ) )
def delete_user(self, id: str) ‑> UserDeleteResponse
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def delete_user(self, id: str) -> UserDeleteResponse: return UserDeleteResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="DELETE", path=f"Users/{quote(id)}", ) )
def patch_group(self,
id: str,
partial_group: Dict[str, Any] | Group) ‑> GroupPatchResponse-
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def patch_group(self, id: str, partial_group: Union[Dict[str, Any], Group]) -> GroupPatchResponse: return GroupPatchResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="PATCH", path=f"Groups/{quote(id)}", body_params=( partial_group.to_dict() if isinstance(partial_group, Group) else _to_dict_without_not_given(partial_group) ), ) )
def patch_user(self,
id: str,
partial_user: Dict[str, Any] | User) ‑> UserPatchResponse-
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def patch_user(self, id: str, partial_user: Union[Dict[str, Any], User]) -> UserPatchResponse: return UserPatchResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="PATCH", path=f"Users/{quote(id)}", body_params=( partial_user.to_dict() if isinstance(partial_user, User) else _to_dict_without_not_given(partial_user) ), ) )
def read_group(self, id: str) ‑> ReadGroupResponse
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def read_group(self, id: str) -> ReadGroupResponse: return ReadGroupResponse(self.api_call(http_verb="GET", path=f"Groups/{quote(id)}"))
def read_user(self, id: str) ‑> ReadUserResponse
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def read_user(self, id: str) -> ReadUserResponse: return ReadUserResponse(self.api_call(http_verb="GET", path=f"Users/{quote(id)}"))
def search_groups(self, *, count: int, start_index: int, filter: str | None = None) ‑> SearchGroupsResponse
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def search_groups( self, *, # Pagination required as of August 30, 2019. count: int, start_index: int, filter: Optional[str] = None, ) -> SearchGroupsResponse: return SearchGroupsResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="GET", path="Groups", query_params={ "filter": filter, "count": count, "startIndex": start_index, }, ) )
def search_users(self, *, count: int, start_index: int, filter: str | None = None) ‑> SearchUsersResponse
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def search_users( self, *, # Pagination required as of August 30, 2019. count: int, start_index: int, filter: Optional[str] = None, ) -> SearchUsersResponse: return SearchUsersResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="GET", path="Users", query_params={ "filter": filter, "count": count, "startIndex": start_index, }, ) )
def update_group(self,
group: Dict[str, Any] | Group) ‑> GroupUpdateResponse-
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def update_group(self, group: Union[Dict[str, Any], Group]) -> GroupUpdateResponse: group_id = if isinstance(group, Group) else group["id"] return GroupUpdateResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="PUT", path=f"Groups/{quote(group_id)}", body_params=group.to_dict() if isinstance(group, Group) else _to_dict_without_not_given(group), ) )
def update_user(self,
user: Dict[str, Any] | User) ‑> UserUpdateResponse-
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def update_user(self, user: Union[Dict[str, Any], User]) -> UserUpdateResponse: user_id = if isinstance(user, User) else user["id"] return UserUpdateResponse( self.api_call( http_verb="PUT", path=f"Users/{quote(user_id)}", body_params=user.to_dict() if isinstance(user, User) else _to_dict_without_not_given(user), ) )