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Running Slack CLI commands

The Slack CLI allows you to interact with your apps via the command line. Using the main command slack, you can create, run, and deploy apps, as well as create triggers and query datastores.


Running slack help will display available commands in your terminal window.

Use commands as follows (unless otherwise noted):

slack <command> <subcommand> [flags]

To view global flags and each subcommands flags, run the following in your terminal:

slack <subcommand> --help

Commands overview

Below you'll find all the commands and subcommands for the Slack CLI. Each one has its own reference page.

slack activityDisplay the app activity logs from the Slack Platform
slack appInstall, uninstall, and list teams with the app installed
slack authAdd and remove local team authorizations
slack collaboratorManage app collaborators
slack createCreate a Slack project
slack datastoreQuery an app's datastore
slack deleteDelete the app
slack deployDeploy the app to the Slack Platform
slack doctorCheck and report on system and app information
slack envAdd, remove, and list environment variables
slack external-authAdd and remove external authorizations and client secrets for providers in your app
slack feedbackShare feedback about your experience or project
slack functionManage the functions of an app
slack installInstall the app to a team
slack listList all authorized accounts
slack loginLog in to a Slack account
slack logoutLog out of a team
slack manifestPrint the app manifest of a project or app
slack platformDeploy and run apps on the Slack Platform
slack runStart a local server to develop and run the app locally
slack samplesList available sample apps
slack triggerList details of existing triggers
slack uninstallUninstall the app from a team
slack upgradeChecks for available updates to the CLI or SDK
slack versionPrint the version number