slack platform activity
Display the app activity logs from the Slack Platform
Display the app activity logs from the Slack Platform
slack platform activity [flags]
$ slack platform activity # Display app activity logs for an app
$ slack platform activity -t # Continuously poll for new activity logs
--component string component type to filter
--component-id string component id to filter
(either a function id or workflow id)
--event string event type to filter
-h, --help help for activity
--idle int time to poll without results before exiting
in minutes (default 5)
-i, --interval int polling interval in seconds (default 3)
--level string minimum log level to display (default "info")
(trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
--limit int limit the amount of logs retrieved (default 100)
--max-date-created int maximum timestamp to filter
(unix timestamp in microseconds)
--min-date-created int minimum timestamp to filter
(unix timestamp in microseconds)
--source string source (slack or developer) to filter
-t, --tail continuously poll for new activity
--trace-id string trace id to filter
Options inherited from parent commands
-a, --app string use a specific app ID or environment
--config-dir string use a custom path for system config directory
-e, --experiment strings use the experiment(s) in the command
-f, --force ignore warnings and continue executing command
--no-color remove styles and formatting from outputs
-s, --skip-update skip checking for latest version of CLI
-w, --team string select workspace or organization by team name or ID
--token string set the access token associated with a team
-v, --verbose print debug logging and additional info
- slack platform - Deploy and run apps on the Slack Platform