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Type Alias: ActionHandler()

type ActionHandler: (payload, respond) => any | Promise<any> | undefined;

A handler function for action requests (block actions, button presses, menu selections, and dialog submissions).


payload: any

an object describing the block actions button press, menu selection, or dialog submission.

respond: Respond

When the action is a button press or menu selection, this function is used to update the message where the action occurred or create new messages in the same conversation. When the action is a dialog submission, this function is used to create new messages in the conversation where the dialog was triggered.


any | Promise<any> | undefined

When the action is a button press or a menu selection, this object is a replacement message for the message in which the action occurred. It may also be a Promise for a message, and if so and the Promise takes longer than the syncResponseTimeout to complete, the message is sent over the response_url. The message may also be a new message in the same conversation by setting replace_original: false. When the action is a dialog submission, this object is a list of validation errors. It may also be a Promise for a list of validation errors, and if so and the Promise takes longer than the syncResponseTimeout to complete, Slack will display an error to the user. If there is no return value, then button presses and menu selections do not update the message and dialog submissions will validate and dismiss.

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