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Migration Guide (v5 to v6)

The following packages have been updated in the release being dubbed as v6:

  • @slack/web-api@6.0.0
  • @slack/rtm-api@6.0.0
  • @slack/webhook@6.0.0
  • @slack/oauth@2.0.0
  • @slack/interactive-messages@2.0.0
  • @slack/events-api@3.0.0
  • @slack/types@2.0.0
  • @slack/logger@3.0.0
  • @slack/socket-mode@1.0.0

To migrate to the latest packages, updating your minimum Node.js to 12.13.0 is all that is required, except for @slack/oauth which has one additional breaking change. This migration should take less than 15 minutes.

Minimum Node Version

Our newly released major versions all require a minimum Node version of 12.13.0 and minimum npm version of 6.12.0 .


Learn more about our support schedule so that you can prepare and plan for future updates.

Minimum TypeScript Version

Our newly released major versions all require a minimum TypeScript version of 4.1.

Org Wide App Installation changes to InstallationStore in @slack/oauth

In @slack/oauth@1.4.0, we introduced support for org wide app installations. To add support to your applications, two new methods were introduced to the Installation Store used during OAuth, fetchOrgInstallation & storeOrgInstallation. With @slack/oauth@2.0.0, we have dropped support for these two new methods for a simpler interface. See the code samples below for the recommended changes to migrate.


installationStore: {
storeInstallation: async (installation) => {
// change the line below so it saves to your database
return await database.set(, installation);
fetchInstallation: async (installQuery) => {
// change the line below so it fetches from your database
return await database.get(installQuery.teamId);
storeOrgInstallation: async (installation) => {
// include this method if you want your app to support org wide installations
// change the line below so it saves to your database
return await database.set(, installation);
fetchOrgInstallation: async (installQuery) => {
// include this method if you want your app to support org wide installations
// change the line below so it fetches from your database
return await database.get(installQuery.enterpriseId);


installationStore: {
storeInstallation: async (installation) => {
if (installation.isEnterpriseInstall) {
// support for org wide app installation
return await database.set(, installation);
} else {
// single team app installation
return await database.set(, installation);
throw new Error('Failed saving installation data to installationStore');
fetchInstallation: async (installQuery) => {
// replace database.get so it fetches from your database
if (installQuery.isEnterpriseInstall && installQuery.enterpriseId !== undefined) {
// org wide app installation lookup
return await database.get(installQuery.enterpriseId);
if (installQuery.teamId !== undefined) {
// single team app installation lookup
return await database.get(installQuery.teamId);
throw new Error('Failed fetching installation');

Deprecating @slack/events-api & @slack/interactive-messages

@slack/events-api and @slack/interactive-messages will be deprecated on January 12th, 2021. We will only implement critical bug fixes until the official end of life date and close non critical issues and pull requests, which is slated for May 31st, 2021. At this time, development will fully stop for these packages and all remaining open issues and pull requests will be closed. Bolt for JavaScript can now perform all the same functionality as these packages. We think you’ll love the more modern set of features you get in Bolt. Here are some migration examples:


// @slack/events-api
slackEvents.on('app_home_opened', (event) -> {
// fired when `app_home_opened` event is received
// do work

// @slack/interactive-messages
slackInteractions.action({actionId: 'buttonActionId'}, (payload, respond) => {
// fired when a clicked button's actionId matches
// do work


// @slack/bolt
app.event('app_home_opened', async ({ event }) -> {
// fired when `app_home_opened` event is received
// do work

// @slack/bolt
app.action('buttonActionId', async ({ action, ack }) => {
// fired when a clicked button's actionId matches
// do work
await ack();
// @slack/bolt also has listeners for options, view, slash commands and shortcuts