Module slack_sdk.socket_mode.aiohttp

aiohttp based Socket Mode client


class SocketModeClient (app_token: str,
logger: logging.Logger | None = None,
web_client: AsyncWebClient | None = None,
proxy: str | None = None,
auto_reconnect_enabled: bool = True,
ping_interval: float = 5,
trace_enabled: bool = False,
on_message_listeners: List[Callable[[aiohttp._websocket.models.WSMessage], Awaitable[None]]] | None = None,
on_error_listeners: List[Callable[[aiohttp._websocket.models.WSMessage], Awaitable[None]]] | None = None,
on_close_listeners: List[Callable[[aiohttp._websocket.models.WSMessage], Awaitable[None]]] | None = None,
loop: | None = None)
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class SocketModeClient(AsyncBaseSocketModeClient):
    logger: Logger
    web_client: AsyncWebClient
    app_token: str
    wss_uri: Optional[str]  # type: ignore[assignment]
    auto_reconnect_enabled: bool
    message_queue: Queue
    message_listeners: List[
            Callable[["AsyncBaseSocketModeClient", dict, Optional[str]], Awaitable[None]],
    socket_mode_request_listeners: List[
            Callable[["AsyncBaseSocketModeClient", SocketModeRequest], Awaitable[None]],

    message_receiver: Optional[Future]
    message_processor: Future

    proxy: Optional[str]
    ping_interval: float
    trace_enabled: bool

    last_ping_pong_time: Optional[float]
    current_session: Optional[ClientWebSocketResponse]
    current_session_monitor: Optional[Future]

    default_auto_reconnect_enabled: bool
    closed: bool
    stale: bool
    connect_operation_lock: Lock

    on_message_listeners: List[Callable[[WSMessage], Awaitable[None]]]
    on_error_listeners: List[Callable[[WSMessage], Awaitable[None]]]
    on_close_listeners: List[Callable[[WSMessage], Awaitable[None]]]

    def __init__(
        app_token: str,
        logger: Optional[Logger] = None,
        web_client: Optional[AsyncWebClient] = None,
        proxy: Optional[str] = None,
        auto_reconnect_enabled: bool = True,
        ping_interval: float = 5,
        trace_enabled: bool = False,
        on_message_listeners: Optional[List[Callable[[WSMessage], Awaitable[None]]]] = None,
        on_error_listeners: Optional[List[Callable[[WSMessage], Awaitable[None]]]] = None,
        on_close_listeners: Optional[List[Callable[[WSMessage], Awaitable[None]]]] = None,
        loop: Optional[AbstractEventLoop] = None,
        """Socket Mode client

            app_token: App-level token
            logger: Custom logger
            web_client: Web API client
            auto_reconnect_enabled: True if automatic reconnection is enabled (default: True)
            ping_interval: interval for ping-pong with Slack servers (seconds)
            trace_enabled: True if more verbose logs to see what's happening under the hood
            proxy: the HTTP proxy URL
            on_message_listeners: listener functions for on_message
            on_error_listeners: listener functions for on_error
            on_close_listeners: listener functions for on_close
            loop: an existing asyncio event loop
        self.app_token = app_token
        self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.web_client = web_client or AsyncWebClient()
        self.closed = False
        self.stale = False
        self.connect_operation_lock = Lock()
        self.proxy = proxy
        if self.proxy is None or len(self.proxy.strip()) == 0:
            env_variable = load_http_proxy_from_env(self.logger)
            if env_variable is not None:
                self.proxy = env_variable

        self.default_auto_reconnect_enabled = auto_reconnect_enabled
        self.auto_reconnect_enabled = self.default_auto_reconnect_enabled
        self.ping_interval = ping_interval
        self.trace_enabled = trace_enabled
        self.last_ping_pong_time = None

        self.wss_uri = None
        self.message_queue = Queue()
        self.message_listeners = []
        self.socket_mode_request_listeners = []
        self.current_session = None
        self.current_session_monitor = None

        # Unless you are connecting to a large, unknown number of different servers
        # over the lifetime of your application,
        # it is suggested you use a single session for the lifetime of your application
        # to benefit from connection pooling.
        self.aiohttp_client_session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=loop)

        self.on_message_listeners = on_message_listeners or []
        self.on_error_listeners = on_error_listeners or []
        self.on_close_listeners = on_close_listeners or []

        self.message_receiver = None
        self.message_processor = asyncio.ensure_future(self.process_messages())

    async def monitor_current_session(self) -> None:
        # In the asyncio runtime, accessing a shared object (self.current_session here) from
        # multiple tasks can cause race conditions and errors.
        # To avoid such, we access only the session that is active when this loop starts.
        session: ClientWebSocketResponse = self.current_session  # type: ignore[assignment]
        session_id: str = self.build_session_id(session)

        if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
            self.logger.debug(f"A new monitor_current_session() execution loop for {session_id} started")
            logging_interval = 100
            counter_for_logging = 0

            while not self.closed:
                if session != self.current_session:
                    if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                        self.logger.debug(f"The monitor_current_session task for {session_id} is now cancelled")
                    if self.trace_enabled and self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                        # The logging here is for detailed investigation on potential issues in this client.
                        # If you don't see this log for a while, it means that
                        # this receive_messages execution is no longer working for some reason.
                        counter_for_logging += 1
                        if counter_for_logging >= logging_interval:
                            counter_for_logging = 0
                            log_message = (
                                "#monitor_current_session method has been verifying if this session is active "
                                f"(session: {session_id}, logging interval: {logging_interval})"

                    await asyncio.sleep(self.ping_interval)

                    if session is not None and session.closed is False:
                        t = time.time()
                        if self.last_ping_pong_time is None:
                            self.last_ping_pong_time = float(t)
                        except Exception as e:
                            # The ping() method can fail for some reason.
                            # To establish a new connection even in this scenario,
                            # we ignore the exception here.
                            self.logger.warning(f"Failed to send a ping message ({session_id}): {e}")

                    if self.auto_reconnect_enabled:
                        should_reconnect = False
                        if session is None or session.closed:
                  "The session ({session_id}) seems to be already closed. Reconnecting...")
                            should_reconnect = True

                        if await self.is_ping_pong_failing():
                            disconnected_seconds = int(time.time() - self.last_ping_pong_time)  # type: ignore[operator]
                                f"The session ({session_id}) seems to be stale. Reconnecting..."
                                f" reason: disconnected for {disconnected_seconds}+ seconds)"
                            self.stale = True
                            self.last_ping_pong_time = None
                            should_reconnect = True

                        if should_reconnect is True or not await self.is_connected():
                            await self.connect_to_new_endpoint()

                except Exception as e:
                        f"Failed to check the current session ({session_id}) or reconnect to the server "
                        f"(error: {type(e).__name__}, message: {e})"
        except asyncio.CancelledError:
            if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                self.logger.debug(f"The monitor_current_session task for {session_id} is now cancelled")

    async def receive_messages(self) -> None:
        # In the asyncio runtime, accessing a shared object (self.current_session here) from
        # multiple tasks can cause race conditions and errors.
        # To avoid such, we access only the session that is active when this loop starts.
        session = self.current_session
        session_id = self.build_session_id(session)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
        if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
            self.logger.debug(f"A new receive_messages() execution loop with {session_id} started")
            consecutive_error_count = 0
            logging_interval = 100
            counter_for_logging = 0

            while not self.closed:
                if session != self.current_session:
                    if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                        self.logger.debug(f"The running receive_messages task for {session_id} is now cancelled")
                    message: WSMessage = await session.receive()  # type: ignore[union-attr]
                    # just in case, checking if the value is not None
                    if message is not None:
                        if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                            # The following logging prints every single received message
                            # except empty message data ones.
                            m_type = WSMsgType(message.type)
                            message_type = if m_type is not None else message.type
                            message_data =
                            if isinstance(message_data, bytes):
                                message_data = message_data.decode("utf-8")
                            if message_data is not None and isinstance(message_data, (str, bytes)) and len(message_data) > 0:
                                # To skip the empty message that Slack server-side often sends
                                    f"Received message "
                                    f"(type: {message_type}, "
                                    f"data: {message_data}, "
                                    f"extra: {message.extra}, "
                                    f"session: {session_id})"

                            if self.trace_enabled:
                                # The logging here is for detailed trouble shooting of potential issues in this client.
                                # If you don't see this log for a while, it can mean that
                                # this receive_messages execution is no longer working for some reason.
                                counter_for_logging += 1
                                if counter_for_logging >= logging_interval:
                                    counter_for_logging = 0
                                    log_message = (
                                        "#receive_messages method has been working without any issues "
                                        f"(session: {session_id}, logging interval: {logging_interval})"

                        if message.type == WSMsgType.TEXT:
                            message_data =
                            await self.enqueue_message(message_data)
                            for listener in self.on_message_listeners:
                                await listener(message)
                        elif message.type == WSMsgType.CLOSE:
                            if self.auto_reconnect_enabled:
                      "Received CLOSE event from {session_id}. Reconnecting...")
                                await self.connect_to_new_endpoint()
                            for listener in self.on_close_listeners:
                                await listener(message)
                        elif message.type == WSMsgType.ERROR:
                            for listener in self.on_error_listeners:
                                await listener(message)
                        elif message.type == WSMsgType.CLOSED:
                            await asyncio.sleep(self.ping_interval)
                        elif message.type == WSMsgType.PING:
                            await session.pong(  # type: ignore[union-attr]
                        elif message.type == WSMsgType.PONG:
                            if is not None:
                                str_message_data ="utf-8")
                                elements = str_message_data.split(":")
                                if len(elements) == 2 and elements[0] == "sdk-ping-pong":
                                        self.last_ping_pong_time = float(elements[1])
                                    except Exception as e:
                                            f"Failed to parse the last_ping_pong_time value from {str_message_data}"
                                            f" - error : {e}, session: {session_id}"

                    consecutive_error_count = 0

                except Exception as e:
                    consecutive_error_count += 1
                    self.logger.error(f"Failed to receive or enqueue a message: {type(e).__name__}, {e} ({session_id})")
                    if isinstance(e, ClientConnectionError):
                        await asyncio.sleep(self.ping_interval)
                        await asyncio.sleep(consecutive_error_count)
        except asyncio.CancelledError:
            if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                self.logger.debug(f"The running receive_messages task for {session_id} is now cancelled")

    async def is_ping_pong_failing(self) -> bool:
        if self.last_ping_pong_time is None:
            return False
        disconnected_seconds = int(time.time() - self.last_ping_pong_time)
        return disconnected_seconds >= (self.ping_interval * 4)

    async def is_connected(self) -> bool:
        connected: bool = (
            not self.closed
            and not self.stale
            and self.current_session is not None
            and not self.current_session.closed
            and not await self.is_ping_pong_failing()
        if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG and connected is False:
            # Prints more detailed information about the inactive connection
            is_ping_pong_failing = await self.is_ping_pong_failing()
            session_id = await self.session_id()
                "Inactive connection detected ("
                f"session_id: {session_id}, "
                f"closed: {self.closed}, "
                f"stale: {self.stale}, "
                f"current_session.closed: {self.current_session and self.current_session.closed}, "
                f"is_ping_pong_failing: {is_ping_pong_failing}"
        return connected

    async def session_id(self) -> str:
        return self.build_session_id(self.current_session)  # type: ignore[arg-type]

    async def connect(self):
        # This loop is used to ensure when a new session is created,
        # a new monitor and a new message receiver are also created.
        # If a new session is created but we failed to create the new
        # monitor or the new message, we should try it.
        while True:
                old_session: Optional[ClientWebSocketResponse] = (
                    None if self.current_session is None else self.current_session

                # If the old session is broken (e.g. reset by peer), it might fail to close it.
                # We don't want to retry when this kind of cases happen.
                    # We should close old session before create a new one. Because when disconnect
                    # reason is `too_many_websockets`, we need to close the old one first to
                    # to decrease the number of connections.
                    self.auto_reconnect_enabled = False
                    if old_session is not None:
                        await old_session.close()
                        old_session_id = self.build_session_id(old_session)
              "The old session ({old_session_id}) has been abandoned")
                except Exception as e:
                    self.logger.exception(f"Failed to close the old session : {e}")

                if self.wss_uri is None:
                    # If the underlying WSS URL does not exist,
                    # acquiring a new active WSS URL from the server-side first
                    self.wss_uri = await self.issue_new_wss_url()

                self.current_session = await self.aiohttp_client_session.ws_connect(
                session_id: str = await self.session_id()
                self.auto_reconnect_enabled = self.default_auto_reconnect_enabled
                self.stale = False
      "A new session ({session_id}) has been established")

                # The first ping from the new connection
                if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                    self.logger.debug(f"Sending a ping message with the newly established connection ({session_id})...")
                t = time.time()

                if self.current_session_monitor is not None:
                self.current_session_monitor = asyncio.ensure_future(self.monitor_current_session())
                if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                    self.logger.debug(f"A new monitor_current_session() executor has been recreated for {session_id}")

                if self.message_receiver is not None:
                self.message_receiver = asyncio.ensure_future(self.receive_messages())
                if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                    self.logger.debug(f"A new receive_messages() executor has been recreated for {session_id}")
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.exception(f"Failed to connect (error: {e}); Retrying...")
                await asyncio.sleep(self.ping_interval)

    async def disconnect(self):
        if self.current_session is not None:
            await self.current_session.close()
        session_id = await self.session_id()"The current session ({session_id}) has been abandoned by disconnect() method call")

    async def send_message(self, message: str):
        session_id = await self.session_id()
        if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
            self.logger.debug(f"Sending a message: {message} from session: {session_id}")
            await self.current_session.send_str(message)  # type: ignore[union-attr]
        except ConnectionError as e:
            # We rarely get this exception while replacing the underlying WebSocket connections.
            # We can do one more try here as the self.current_session should be ready now.
            if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                    f"Failed to send a message (error: {e}, message: {message}, session: {session_id})"
                    " as the underlying connection was replaced. Retrying the same request only one time..."
            # Although acquiring self.connect_operation_lock also for the first method call is the safest way,
            # we avoid synchronizing a lot for better performance. That's why we are doing a retry here.
                await self.connect_operation_lock.acquire()
                if await self.is_connected():
                    await self.current_session.send_str(message)  # type: ignore[union-attr]
                        f"The current session ({session_id}) is no longer active. " "Failed to send a message"
                    raise e
                if self.connect_operation_lock.locked() is True:

    async def close(self):
        self.closed = True
        self.auto_reconnect_enabled = False
        await self.disconnect()
        if self.message_processor is not None:
        if self.current_session_monitor is not None:
        if self.message_receiver is not None:
        if self.aiohttp_client_session is not None:
            await self.aiohttp_client_session.close()

    def build_session_id(cls, session: ClientWebSocketResponse) -> str:
        if session is None:
            return ""
        return "s_" + str(hash(session))

Socket Mode client


App-level token
Custom logger
Web API client
True if automatic reconnection is enabled (default: True)
interval for ping-pong with Slack servers (seconds)
True if more verbose logs to see what's happening under the hood
the HTTP proxy URL
listener functions for on_message
listener functions for on_error
listener functions for on_close
an existing asyncio event loop


Class variables

var current_session : aiohttp.client_ws.ClientWebSocketResponse | None

The type of the None singleton.

var current_session_monitor : _asyncio.Future | None

The type of the None singleton.

var default_auto_reconnect_enabled : bool

The type of the None singleton.

var last_ping_pong_time : float | None

The type of the None singleton.

var message_processor : _asyncio.Future

The type of the None singleton.

var message_receiver : _asyncio.Future | None

The type of the None singleton.

var on_close_listeners : List[Callable[[aiohttp._websocket.models.WSMessage], Awaitable[None]]]

The type of the None singleton.

var on_error_listeners : List[Callable[[aiohttp._websocket.models.WSMessage], Awaitable[None]]]

The type of the None singleton.

var on_message_listeners : List[Callable[[aiohttp._websocket.models.WSMessage], Awaitable[None]]]

The type of the None singleton.

var ping_interval : float

The type of the None singleton.

var proxy : str | None

The type of the None singleton.

var stale : bool

The type of the None singleton.

Static methods

def build_session_id(session: aiohttp.client_ws.ClientWebSocketResponse) ‑> str


async def close(self)
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async def close(self):
    self.closed = True
    self.auto_reconnect_enabled = False
    await self.disconnect()
    if self.message_processor is not None:
    if self.current_session_monitor is not None:
    if self.message_receiver is not None:
    if self.aiohttp_client_session is not None:
        await self.aiohttp_client_session.close()
async def connect(self)
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async def connect(self):
    # This loop is used to ensure when a new session is created,
    # a new monitor and a new message receiver are also created.
    # If a new session is created but we failed to create the new
    # monitor or the new message, we should try it.
    while True:
            old_session: Optional[ClientWebSocketResponse] = (
                None if self.current_session is None else self.current_session

            # If the old session is broken (e.g. reset by peer), it might fail to close it.
            # We don't want to retry when this kind of cases happen.
                # We should close old session before create a new one. Because when disconnect
                # reason is `too_many_websockets`, we need to close the old one first to
                # to decrease the number of connections.
                self.auto_reconnect_enabled = False
                if old_session is not None:
                    await old_session.close()
                    old_session_id = self.build_session_id(old_session)
          "The old session ({old_session_id}) has been abandoned")
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.exception(f"Failed to close the old session : {e}")

            if self.wss_uri is None:
                # If the underlying WSS URL does not exist,
                # acquiring a new active WSS URL from the server-side first
                self.wss_uri = await self.issue_new_wss_url()

            self.current_session = await self.aiohttp_client_session.ws_connect(
            session_id: str = await self.session_id()
            self.auto_reconnect_enabled = self.default_auto_reconnect_enabled
            self.stale = False
  "A new session ({session_id}) has been established")

            # The first ping from the new connection
            if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                self.logger.debug(f"Sending a ping message with the newly established connection ({session_id})...")
            t = time.time()

            if self.current_session_monitor is not None:
            self.current_session_monitor = asyncio.ensure_future(self.monitor_current_session())
            if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                self.logger.debug(f"A new monitor_current_session() executor has been recreated for {session_id}")

            if self.message_receiver is not None:
            self.message_receiver = asyncio.ensure_future(self.receive_messages())
            if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                self.logger.debug(f"A new receive_messages() executor has been recreated for {session_id}")
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.exception(f"Failed to connect (error: {e}); Retrying...")
            await asyncio.sleep(self.ping_interval)
async def disconnect(self)
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async def disconnect(self):
    if self.current_session is not None:
        await self.current_session.close()
    session_id = await self.session_id()"The current session ({session_id}) has been abandoned by disconnect() method call")
async def is_connected(self) ‑> bool
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async def is_connected(self) -> bool:
    connected: bool = (
        not self.closed
        and not self.stale
        and self.current_session is not None
        and not self.current_session.closed
        and not await self.is_ping_pong_failing()
    if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG and connected is False:
        # Prints more detailed information about the inactive connection
        is_ping_pong_failing = await self.is_ping_pong_failing()
        session_id = await self.session_id()
            "Inactive connection detected ("
            f"session_id: {session_id}, "
            f"closed: {self.closed}, "
            f"stale: {self.stale}, "
            f"current_session.closed: {self.current_session and self.current_session.closed}, "
            f"is_ping_pong_failing: {is_ping_pong_failing}"
    return connected
async def is_ping_pong_failing(self) ‑> bool
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async def is_ping_pong_failing(self) -> bool:
    if self.last_ping_pong_time is None:
        return False
    disconnected_seconds = int(time.time() - self.last_ping_pong_time)
    return disconnected_seconds >= (self.ping_interval * 4)
async def monitor_current_session(self) ‑> None
Expand source code
async def monitor_current_session(self) -> None:
    # In the asyncio runtime, accessing a shared object (self.current_session here) from
    # multiple tasks can cause race conditions and errors.
    # To avoid such, we access only the session that is active when this loop starts.
    session: ClientWebSocketResponse = self.current_session  # type: ignore[assignment]
    session_id: str = self.build_session_id(session)

    if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
        self.logger.debug(f"A new monitor_current_session() execution loop for {session_id} started")
        logging_interval = 100
        counter_for_logging = 0

        while not self.closed:
            if session != self.current_session:
                if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                    self.logger.debug(f"The monitor_current_session task for {session_id} is now cancelled")
                if self.trace_enabled and self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                    # The logging here is for detailed investigation on potential issues in this client.
                    # If you don't see this log for a while, it means that
                    # this receive_messages execution is no longer working for some reason.
                    counter_for_logging += 1
                    if counter_for_logging >= logging_interval:
                        counter_for_logging = 0
                        log_message = (
                            "#monitor_current_session method has been verifying if this session is active "
                            f"(session: {session_id}, logging interval: {logging_interval})"

                await asyncio.sleep(self.ping_interval)

                if session is not None and session.closed is False:
                    t = time.time()
                    if self.last_ping_pong_time is None:
                        self.last_ping_pong_time = float(t)
                    except Exception as e:
                        # The ping() method can fail for some reason.
                        # To establish a new connection even in this scenario,
                        # we ignore the exception here.
                        self.logger.warning(f"Failed to send a ping message ({session_id}): {e}")

                if self.auto_reconnect_enabled:
                    should_reconnect = False
                    if session is None or session.closed:
              "The session ({session_id}) seems to be already closed. Reconnecting...")
                        should_reconnect = True

                    if await self.is_ping_pong_failing():
                        disconnected_seconds = int(time.time() - self.last_ping_pong_time)  # type: ignore[operator]
                            f"The session ({session_id}) seems to be stale. Reconnecting..."
                            f" reason: disconnected for {disconnected_seconds}+ seconds)"
                        self.stale = True
                        self.last_ping_pong_time = None
                        should_reconnect = True

                    if should_reconnect is True or not await self.is_connected():
                        await self.connect_to_new_endpoint()

            except Exception as e:
                    f"Failed to check the current session ({session_id}) or reconnect to the server "
                    f"(error: {type(e).__name__}, message: {e})"
    except asyncio.CancelledError:
        if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
            self.logger.debug(f"The monitor_current_session task for {session_id} is now cancelled")
async def receive_messages(self) ‑> None
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async def receive_messages(self) -> None:
    # In the asyncio runtime, accessing a shared object (self.current_session here) from
    # multiple tasks can cause race conditions and errors.
    # To avoid such, we access only the session that is active when this loop starts.
    session = self.current_session
    session_id = self.build_session_id(session)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
    if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
        self.logger.debug(f"A new receive_messages() execution loop with {session_id} started")
        consecutive_error_count = 0
        logging_interval = 100
        counter_for_logging = 0

        while not self.closed:
            if session != self.current_session:
                if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                    self.logger.debug(f"The running receive_messages task for {session_id} is now cancelled")
                message: WSMessage = await session.receive()  # type: ignore[union-attr]
                # just in case, checking if the value is not None
                if message is not None:
                    if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                        # The following logging prints every single received message
                        # except empty message data ones.
                        m_type = WSMsgType(message.type)
                        message_type = if m_type is not None else message.type
                        message_data =
                        if isinstance(message_data, bytes):
                            message_data = message_data.decode("utf-8")
                        if message_data is not None and isinstance(message_data, (str, bytes)) and len(message_data) > 0:
                            # To skip the empty message that Slack server-side often sends
                                f"Received message "
                                f"(type: {message_type}, "
                                f"data: {message_data}, "
                                f"extra: {message.extra}, "
                                f"session: {session_id})"

                        if self.trace_enabled:
                            # The logging here is for detailed trouble shooting of potential issues in this client.
                            # If you don't see this log for a while, it can mean that
                            # this receive_messages execution is no longer working for some reason.
                            counter_for_logging += 1
                            if counter_for_logging >= logging_interval:
                                counter_for_logging = 0
                                log_message = (
                                    "#receive_messages method has been working without any issues "
                                    f"(session: {session_id}, logging interval: {logging_interval})"

                    if message.type == WSMsgType.TEXT:
                        message_data =
                        await self.enqueue_message(message_data)
                        for listener in self.on_message_listeners:
                            await listener(message)
                    elif message.type == WSMsgType.CLOSE:
                        if self.auto_reconnect_enabled:
                  "Received CLOSE event from {session_id}. Reconnecting...")
                            await self.connect_to_new_endpoint()
                        for listener in self.on_close_listeners:
                            await listener(message)
                    elif message.type == WSMsgType.ERROR:
                        for listener in self.on_error_listeners:
                            await listener(message)
                    elif message.type == WSMsgType.CLOSED:
                        await asyncio.sleep(self.ping_interval)
                    elif message.type == WSMsgType.PING:
                        await session.pong(  # type: ignore[union-attr]
                    elif message.type == WSMsgType.PONG:
                        if is not None:
                            str_message_data ="utf-8")
                            elements = str_message_data.split(":")
                            if len(elements) == 2 and elements[0] == "sdk-ping-pong":
                                    self.last_ping_pong_time = float(elements[1])
                                except Exception as e:
                                        f"Failed to parse the last_ping_pong_time value from {str_message_data}"
                                        f" - error : {e}, session: {session_id}"

                consecutive_error_count = 0

            except Exception as e:
                consecutive_error_count += 1
                self.logger.error(f"Failed to receive or enqueue a message: {type(e).__name__}, {e} ({session_id})")
                if isinstance(e, ClientConnectionError):
                    await asyncio.sleep(self.ping_interval)
                    await asyncio.sleep(consecutive_error_count)
    except asyncio.CancelledError:
        if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
            self.logger.debug(f"The running receive_messages task for {session_id} is now cancelled")
async def send_message(self, message: str)
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async def send_message(self, message: str):
    session_id = await self.session_id()
    if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
        self.logger.debug(f"Sending a message: {message} from session: {session_id}")
        await self.current_session.send_str(message)  # type: ignore[union-attr]
    except ConnectionError as e:
        # We rarely get this exception while replacing the underlying WebSocket connections.
        # We can do one more try here as the self.current_session should be ready now.
        if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
                f"Failed to send a message (error: {e}, message: {message}, session: {session_id})"
                " as the underlying connection was replaced. Retrying the same request only one time..."
        # Although acquiring self.connect_operation_lock also for the first method call is the safest way,
        # we avoid synchronizing a lot for better performance. That's why we are doing a retry here.
            await self.connect_operation_lock.acquire()
            if await self.is_connected():
                await self.current_session.send_str(message)  # type: ignore[union-attr]
                    f"The current session ({session_id}) is no longer active. " "Failed to send a message"
                raise e
            if self.connect_operation_lock.locked() is True:
async def session_id(self) ‑> str
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async def session_id(self) -> str:
    return self.build_session_id(self.current_session)  # type: ignore[arg-type]

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