Module slack_sdk.web.async_client
A Python module for interacting with Slack's Web API.
class AsyncWebClient (token: str | None = None,
base_url: str = '',
timeout: int = 30,
ssl: ssl.SSLContext | None = None,
proxy: str | None = None,
session: aiohttp.client.ClientSession | None = None,
trust_env_in_session: bool = False,
headers: dict | None = None,
user_agent_prefix: str | None = None,
user_agent_suffix: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
logger: logging.Logger | None = None,
retry_handlers: List[slack_sdk.http_retry.async_handler.AsyncRetryHandler] | None = None)-
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class AsyncWebClient(AsyncBaseClient): """A WebClient allows apps to communicate with the Slack Platform's Web API. The Slack Web API is an interface for querying information from and enacting change in a Slack workspace. This client handles constructing and sending HTTP requests to Slack as well as parsing any responses received into a `SlackResponse`. Attributes: token (str): A string specifying an `xoxp-*` or `xoxb-*` token. base_url (str): A string representing the Slack API base URL. Default is `''` timeout (int): The maximum number of seconds the client will wait to connect and receive a response from Slack. Default is 30 seconds. ssl (SSLContext): An [`ssl.SSLContext`][1] instance, helpful for specifying your own custom certificate chain. proxy (str): String representing a fully-qualified URL to a proxy through which to route all requests to the Slack API. Even if this parameter is not specified, if any of the following environment variables are present, they will be loaded into this parameter: `HTTPS_PROXY`, `https_proxy`, `HTTP_PROXY` or `http_proxy`. headers (dict): Additional request headers to attach to all requests. Methods: `api_call`: Constructs a request and executes the API call to Slack. Example of recommended usage: ```python import os from slack_sdk.web.async_client import AsyncWebClient client = AsyncWebClient(token=os.environ['SLACK_API_TOKEN']) response = client.chat_postMessage( channel='#random', text="Hello world!") assert response["ok"] assert response["message"]["text"] == "Hello world!" ``` Example manually creating an API request: ```python import os from slack_sdk.web.async_client import AsyncWebClient client = AsyncWebClient(token=os.environ['SLACK_API_TOKEN']) response = client.api_call( api_method='chat.postMessage', json={'channel': '#random','text': "Hello world!"} ) assert response["ok"] assert response["message"]["text"] == "Hello world!" ``` Note: Any attributes or methods prefixed with _underscores are intended to be "private" internal use only. They may be changed or removed at anytime. [1]: """ async def admin_analytics_getFile( self, *, type: str, date: Optional[str] = None, metadata_only: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve analytics data for a given date, presented as a compressed JSON file """ kwargs.update({"type": type}) if date is not None: kwargs.update({"date": date}) if metadata_only is not None: kwargs.update({"metadata_only": metadata_only}) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs) async def admin_apps_approve( self, *, app_id: Optional[str] = None, request_id: Optional[str] = None, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Approve an app for installation on a workspace. Either app_id or request_id is required. These IDs can be obtained either directly via the app_requested event, or by the admin.apps.requests.list method. """ if app_id: kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) elif request_id: kwargs.update({"request_id": request_id}) else: raise e.SlackRequestError("The app_id or request_id argument must be specified.") kwargs.update( { "enterprise_id": enterprise_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.approve", params=kwargs) async def admin_apps_approved_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List approved apps for an org or workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "enterprise_id": enterprise_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.approved.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def admin_apps_clearResolution( self, *, app_id: str, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Clear an app resolution """ kwargs.update( { "app_id": app_id, "enterprise_id": enterprise_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.clearResolution", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def admin_apps_requests_cancel( self, *, request_id: str, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List app requests for a team/workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "request_id": request_id, "enterprise_id": enterprise_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.requests.cancel", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def admin_apps_requests_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List app requests for a team/workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.requests.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def admin_apps_restrict( self, *, app_id: Optional[str] = None, request_id: Optional[str] = None, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Restrict an app for installation on a workspace. Exactly one of the team_id or enterprise_id arguments is required, not both. Either app_id or request_id is required. These IDs can be obtained either directly via the app_requested event, or by the admin.apps.requests.list method. """ if app_id: kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) elif request_id: kwargs.update({"request_id": request_id}) else: raise e.SlackRequestError("The app_id or request_id argument must be specified.") kwargs.update( { "enterprise_id": enterprise_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.restrict", params=kwargs) async def admin_apps_restricted_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List restricted apps for an org or workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "enterprise_id": enterprise_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.restricted.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def admin_apps_uninstall( self, *, app_id: str, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Uninstall an app from one or many workspaces, or an entire enterprise organization. With an org-level token, enterprise_id or team_ids is required. """ kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) if enterprise_id is not None: kwargs.update({"enterprise_id": enterprise_id}) if team_ids is not None: if isinstance(team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"team_ids": ",".join(team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"team_ids": team_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.uninstall", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def admin_apps_activities_list( self, *, app_id: Optional[str] = None, component_id: Optional[str] = None, component_type: Optional[str] = None, log_event_type: Optional[str] = None, max_date_created: Optional[int] = None, min_date_created: Optional[int] = None, min_log_level: Optional[str] = None, sort_direction: Optional[str] = None, source: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, trace_id: Optional[str] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get logs for a specified team/org """ kwargs.update( { "app_id": app_id, "component_id": component_id, "component_type": component_type, "log_event_type": log_event_type, "max_date_created": max_date_created, "min_date_created": min_date_created, "min_log_level": min_log_level, "sort_direction": sort_direction, "source": source, "team_id": team_id, "trace_id": trace_id, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.activities.list", params=kwargs) async def admin_apps_config_lookup( self, *, app_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Look up the app config for connectors by their IDs """ if isinstance(app_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"app_ids": ",".join(app_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"app_ids": app_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.config.lookup", params=kwargs) async def admin_apps_config_set( self, *, app_id: str, domain_restrictions: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, workflow_auth_strategy: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the app config for a connector """ kwargs.update( { "app_id": app_id, "workflow_auth_strategy": workflow_auth_strategy, } ) if domain_restrictions is not None: kwargs.update({"domain_restrictions": json.dumps(domain_restrictions)}) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.config.set", params=kwargs) async def admin_auth_policy_getEntities( self, *, policy_name: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, entity_type: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetch all the entities assigned to a particular authentication policy by name. """ kwargs.update({"policy_name": policy_name}) if cursor is not None: kwargs.update({"cursor": cursor}) if entity_type is not None: kwargs.update({"entity_type": entity_type}) if limit is not None: kwargs.update({"limit": limit}) return await self.api_call("admin.auth.policy.getEntities", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def admin_auth_policy_assignEntities( self, *, entity_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], policy_name: str, entity_type: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Assign entities to a particular authentication policy. """ if isinstance(entity_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"entity_ids": ",".join(entity_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"entity_ids": entity_ids}) kwargs.update({"policy_name": policy_name}) kwargs.update({"entity_type": entity_type}) return await self.api_call("admin.auth.policy.assignEntities", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def admin_auth_policy_removeEntities( self, *, entity_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], policy_name: str, entity_type: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove specified entities from a specified authentication policy. """ if isinstance(entity_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"entity_ids": ",".join(entity_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"entity_ids": entity_ids}) kwargs.update({"policy_name": policy_name}) kwargs.update({"entity_type": entity_type}) return await self.api_call("admin.auth.policy.removeEntities", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def admin_barriers_create( self, *, barriered_from_usergroup_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], primary_usergroup_id: str, restricted_subjects: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create an Information Barrier """ kwargs.update({"primary_usergroup_id": primary_usergroup_id}) if isinstance(barriered_from_usergroup_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"barriered_from_usergroup_ids": ",".join(barriered_from_usergroup_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"barriered_from_usergroup_ids": barriered_from_usergroup_ids}) if isinstance(restricted_subjects, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"restricted_subjects": ",".join(restricted_subjects)}) else: kwargs.update({"restricted_subjects": restricted_subjects}) return await self.api_call("admin.barriers.create", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def admin_barriers_delete( self, *, barrier_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Delete an existing Information Barrier """ kwargs.update({"barrier_id": barrier_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.barriers.delete", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def admin_barriers_update( self, *, barrier_id: str, barriered_from_usergroup_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], primary_usergroup_id: str, restricted_subjects: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update an existing Information Barrier """ kwargs.update({"barrier_id": barrier_id, "primary_usergroup_id": primary_usergroup_id}) if isinstance(barriered_from_usergroup_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"barriered_from_usergroup_ids": ",".join(barriered_from_usergroup_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"barriered_from_usergroup_ids": barriered_from_usergroup_ids}) if isinstance(restricted_subjects, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"restricted_subjects": ",".join(restricted_subjects)}) else: kwargs.update({"restricted_subjects": restricted_subjects}) return await self.api_call("admin.barriers.update", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def admin_barriers_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get all Information Barriers for your organization""" kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.barriers.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_create( self, *, is_private: bool, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, org_wide: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create a public or private channel-based conversation. """ kwargs.update( { "is_private": is_private, "name": name, "description": description, "org_wide": org_wide, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.create", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_delete( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Delete a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.delete", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_invite( self, *, channel_id: str, user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Invite a user to a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) # NOTE: the endpoint is unable to handle Content-Type: application/json as of Sep 3, 2020. return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.invite", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_archive( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Archive a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.archive", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_unarchive( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Unarchive a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.unarchive", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_rename( self, *, channel_id: str, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Rename a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id, "name": name}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.rename", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_search( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, search_channel_types: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, sort: Optional[str] = None, sort_dir: Optional[str] = None, team_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Search for public or private channels in an Enterprise organization. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "query": query, "sort": sort, "sort_dir": sort_dir, } ) if isinstance(search_channel_types, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"search_channel_types": ",".join(search_channel_types)}) else: kwargs.update({"search_channel_types": search_channel_types}) if isinstance(team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"team_ids": ",".join(team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"team_ids": team_ids}) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_convertToPrivate( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Convert a public channel to a private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.convertToPrivate", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_convertToPublic( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Convert a privte channel to a public channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.convertToPublic", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_setConversationPrefs( self, *, channel_id: str, prefs: Union[str, Dict[str, str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the posting permissions for a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) if isinstance(prefs, dict): kwargs.update({"prefs": json.dumps(prefs)}) else: kwargs.update({"prefs": prefs}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.setConversationPrefs", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_getConversationPrefs( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get conversation preferences for a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.getConversationPrefs", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_disconnectShared( self, *, channel_id: str, leaving_team_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Disconnect a connected channel from one or more workspaces. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) if isinstance(leaving_team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"leaving_team_ids": ",".join(leaving_team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"leaving_team_ids": leaving_team_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.disconnectShared", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_lookup( self, *, last_message_activity_before: int, team_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, max_member_count: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Returns channels on the given team using the filters. """ kwargs.update( { "last_message_activity_before": last_message_activity_before, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "max_member_count": max_member_count, } ) if isinstance(team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"team_ids": ",".join(team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"team_ids": team_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.lookup", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_ekm_listOriginalConnectedChannelInfo( self, *, channel_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all disconnected channels—i.e., channels that were once connected to other workspaces and then disconnected—and the corresponding original channel IDs for key revocation with EKM. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) if isinstance(team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"team_ids": ",".join(team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"team_ids": team_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.ekm.listOriginalConnectedChannelInfo", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_restrictAccess_addGroup( self, *, channel_id: str, group_id: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add an allowlist of IDP groups for accessing a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel_id": channel_id, "group_id": group_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call( "admin.conversations.restrictAccess.addGroup", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs, ) async def admin_conversations_restrictAccess_listGroups( self, *, channel_id: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all IDP Groups linked to a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel_id": channel_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call( "admin.conversations.restrictAccess.listGroups", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs, ) async def admin_conversations_restrictAccess_removeGroup( self, *, channel_id: str, group_id: str, team_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove a linked IDP group linked from a private channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel_id": channel_id, "group_id": group_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call( "admin.conversations.restrictAccess.removeGroup", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs, ) async def admin_conversations_setTeams( self, *, channel_id: str, org_channel: Optional[bool] = None, target_team_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the workspaces in an Enterprise grid org that connect to a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel_id": channel_id, "org_channel": org_channel, "team_id": team_id, } ) if isinstance(target_team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"target_team_ids": ",".join(target_team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"target_team_ids": target_team_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.setTeams", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_getTeams( self, *, channel_id: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the workspaces in an Enterprise grid org that connect to a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel_id": channel_id, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.getTeams", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_getCustomRetention( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get a channel's retention policy """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.getCustomRetention", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_removeCustomRetention( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove a channel's retention policy """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.removeCustomRetention", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_setCustomRetention( self, *, channel_id: str, duration_days: int, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set a channel's retention policy """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id, "duration_days": duration_days}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.setCustomRetention", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_bulkArchive( self, *, channel_ids: Union[Sequence[str], str], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Archive public or private channels in bulk. """ kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)) else channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.bulkArchive", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_bulkDelete( self, *, channel_ids: Union[Sequence[str], str], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Delete public or private channels in bulk. """ kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)) else channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.bulkDelete", params=kwargs) async def admin_conversations_bulkMove( self, *, channel_ids: Union[Sequence[str], str], target_team_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Move public or private channels in bulk. """ kwargs.update( { "target_team_id": target_team_id, "channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)) else channel_ids, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.bulkMove", params=kwargs) async def admin_emoji_add( self, *, name: str, url: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add an emoji. """ kwargs.update({"name": name, "url": url}) return await self.api_call("admin.emoji.add", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def admin_emoji_addAlias( self, *, alias_for: str, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add an emoji alias. """ kwargs.update({"alias_for": alias_for, "name": name}) return await self.api_call("admin.emoji.addAlias", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def admin_emoji_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List emoji for an Enterprise Grid organization. """ kwargs.update({"cursor": cursor, "limit": limit}) return await self.api_call("admin.emoji.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def admin_emoji_remove( self, *, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove an emoji across an Enterprise Grid organization. """ kwargs.update({"name": name}) return await self.api_call("admin.emoji.remove", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def admin_emoji_rename( self, *, name: str, new_name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Rename an emoji. """ kwargs.update({"name": name, "new_name": new_name}) return await self.api_call("admin.emoji.rename", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def admin_functions_list( self, *, app_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], team_id: Optional[str] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Look up functions by a set of apps """ if isinstance(app_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"app_ids": ",".join(app_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"app_ids": app_ids}) kwargs.update( { "team_id": team_id, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.functions.list", params=kwargs) async def admin_functions_permissions_lookup( self, *, function_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lookup the visibility of multiple Slack functions and include the users if it is limited to particular named entities. """ if isinstance(function_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"function_ids": ",".join(function_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"function_ids": function_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.functions.permissions.lookup", params=kwargs) async def admin_functions_permissions_set( self, *, function_id: str, visibility: str, user_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the visibility of a Slack function and define the users or workspaces if it is set to named_entities """ kwargs.update( { "function_id": function_id, "visibility": visibility, } ) if user_ids is not None: if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.functions.permissions.set", params=kwargs) async def admin_roles_addAssignments( self, *, role_id: str, entity_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Adds members to the specified role with the specified scopes """ kwargs.update({"role_id": role_id}) if isinstance(entity_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"entity_ids": ",".join(entity_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"entity_ids": entity_ids}) if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.roles.addAssignments", params=kwargs) async def admin_roles_listAssignments( self, *, role_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, entity_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, sort_dir: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists assignments for all roles across entities. Options to scope results by any combination of roles or entities """ kwargs.update({"cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "sort_dir": sort_dir}) if isinstance(entity_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"entity_ids": ",".join(entity_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"entity_ids": entity_ids}) if isinstance(role_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"role_ids": ",".join(role_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"role_ids": role_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.roles.listAssignments", params=kwargs) async def admin_roles_removeAssignments( self, *, role_id: str, entity_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Removes a set of users from a role for the given scopes and entities """ kwargs.update({"role_id": role_id}) if isinstance(entity_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"entity_ids": ",".join(entity_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"entity_ids": entity_ids}) if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.roles.removeAssignments", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_session_reset( self, *, user_id: str, mobile_only: Optional[bool] = None, web_only: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Wipes all valid sessions on all devices for a given user. """ kwargs.update( { "user_id": user_id, "mobile_only": mobile_only, "web_only": web_only, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.reset", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_session_resetBulk( self, *, user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], mobile_only: Optional[bool] = None, web_only: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Enqueues an asynchronous job to wipe all valid sessions on all devices for a given list of users """ if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) kwargs.update( { "mobile_only": mobile_only, "web_only": web_only, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.resetBulk", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_session_invalidate( self, *, session_id: str, team_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Invalidate a single session for a user by session_id. """ kwargs.update({"session_id": session_id, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.invalidate", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_session_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, user_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists all active user sessions for an organization """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.list", params=kwargs) async def admin_teams_settings_setDefaultChannels( self, *, team_id: str, channel_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the default channels of a workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id}) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.settings.setDefaultChannels", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_session_getSettings( self, *, user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get user-specific session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—given a list of users. """ if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.getSettings", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_session_setSettings( self, *, user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], desktop_app_browser_quit: Optional[bool] = None, duration: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Configure the user-level session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—for one or more users. """ if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) kwargs.update( { "desktop_app_browser_quit": desktop_app_browser_quit, "duration": duration, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.setSettings", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_session_clearSettings( self, *, user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Clear user-specific session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—for a list of users. """ if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.clearSettings", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_unsupportedVersions_export( self, *, date_end_of_support: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, date_sessions_started: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Ask Slackbot to send you an export listing all workspace members using unsupported software, presented as a zipped CSV file. """ kwargs.update( { "date_end_of_support": date_end_of_support, "date_sessions_started": date_sessions_started, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.users.unsupportedVersions.export", params=kwargs) async def admin_inviteRequests_approve( self, *, invite_request_id: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Approve a workspace invite request. """ kwargs.update({"invite_request_id": invite_request_id, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.inviteRequests.approve", params=kwargs) async def admin_inviteRequests_approved_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all approved workspace invite requests. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.inviteRequests.approved.list", params=kwargs) async def admin_inviteRequests_denied_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all denied workspace invite requests. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.inviteRequests.denied.list", params=kwargs) async def admin_inviteRequests_deny( self, *, invite_request_id: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deny a workspace invite request. """ kwargs.update({"invite_request_id": invite_request_id, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.inviteRequests.deny", params=kwargs) async def admin_inviteRequests_list( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all pending workspace invite requests.""" return await self.api_call("admin.inviteRequests.list", params=kwargs) async def admin_teams_admins_list( self, *, team_id: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all of the admins on a given workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.admins.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def admin_teams_create( self, *, team_domain: str, team_name: str, team_description: Optional[str] = None, team_discoverability: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create an Enterprise team. """ kwargs.update( { "team_domain": team_domain, "team_name": team_name, "team_description": team_description, "team_discoverability": team_discoverability, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.create", params=kwargs) async def admin_teams_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all teams on an Enterprise organization. """ kwargs.update({"cursor": cursor, "limit": limit}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.list", params=kwargs) async def admin_teams_owners_list( self, *, team_id: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all of the admins on a given workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.owners.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def admin_teams_settings_info( self, *, team_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetch information about settings in a workspace """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs) async def admin_teams_settings_setDescription( self, *, team_id: str, description: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the description of a given workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "description": description}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.settings.setDescription", params=kwargs) async def admin_teams_settings_setDiscoverability( self, *, team_id: str, discoverability: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the icon of a workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "discoverability": discoverability}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.settings.setDiscoverability", params=kwargs) async def admin_teams_settings_setIcon( self, *, team_id: str, image_url: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the icon of a workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "image_url": image_url}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.settings.setIcon", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def admin_teams_settings_setName( self, *, team_id: str, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the icon of a workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "name": name}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.settings.setName", params=kwargs) async def admin_usergroups_addChannels( self, *, channel_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], usergroup_id: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add one or more default channels to an IDP group. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "usergroup_id": usergroup_id}) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.usergroups.addChannels", params=kwargs) async def admin_usergroups_addTeams( self, *, usergroup_id: str, team_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], auto_provision: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Associate one or more default workspaces with an organization-wide IDP group. """ kwargs.update({"usergroup_id": usergroup_id, "auto_provision": auto_provision}) if isinstance(team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"team_ids": ",".join(team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"team_ids": team_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.usergroups.addTeams", params=kwargs) async def admin_usergroups_listChannels( self, *, usergroup_id: str, include_num_members: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add one or more default channels to an IDP group. """ kwargs.update( { "usergroup_id": usergroup_id, "include_num_members": include_num_members, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.usergroups.listChannels", params=kwargs) async def admin_usergroups_removeChannels( self, *, usergroup_id: str, channel_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add one or more default channels to an IDP group. """ kwargs.update({"usergroup_id": usergroup_id}) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.usergroups.removeChannels", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_assign( self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, channel_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, is_restricted: Optional[bool] = None, is_ultra_restricted: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add an Enterprise user to a workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id, "is_restricted": is_restricted, "is_ultra_restricted": is_ultra_restricted, } ) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.assign", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_invite( self, *, team_id: str, email: str, channel_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], custom_message: Optional[str] = None, email_password_policy_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, guest_expiration_ts: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None, is_restricted: Optional[bool] = None, is_ultra_restricted: Optional[bool] = None, real_name: Optional[str] = None, resend: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Invite a user to a workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "team_id": team_id, "email": email, "custom_message": custom_message, "email_password_policy_enabled": email_password_policy_enabled, "guest_expiration_ts": str(guest_expiration_ts) if guest_expiration_ts is not None else None, "is_restricted": is_restricted, "is_ultra_restricted": is_ultra_restricted, "real_name": real_name, "resend": resend, } ) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.invite", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_list( self, *, team_id: str, include_deactivated_user_workspaces: Optional[bool] = None, is_active: Optional[bool] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List users on a workspace """ kwargs.update( { "team_id": team_id, "include_deactivated_user_workspaces": include_deactivated_user_workspaces, "is_active": is_active, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.users.list", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_remove( self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove a user from a workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.remove", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_setAdmin( self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set an existing guest, regular user, or owner to be an admin user. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.setAdmin", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_setExpiration( self, *, expiration_ts: int, user_id: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set an expiration for a guest user. """ kwargs.update({"expiration_ts": expiration_ts, "team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.setExpiration", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_setOwner( self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set an existing guest, regular user, or admin user to be a workspace owner. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.setOwner", params=kwargs) async def admin_users_setRegular( self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set an existing guest user, admin user, or owner to be a regular user. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.setRegular", params=kwargs) async def admin_workflows_search( self, *, app_id: Optional[str] = None, collaborator_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, no_collaborators: Optional[bool] = None, num_trigger_ids: Optional[int] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[str] = None, sort_dir: Optional[str] = None, source: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Search workflows within the team or enterprise """ if collaborator_ids is not None: if isinstance(collaborator_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"collaborator_ids": ",".join(collaborator_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"collaborator_ids": collaborator_ids}) kwargs.update( { "app_id": app_id, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "no_collaborators": no_collaborators, "num_trigger_ids": num_trigger_ids, "query": query, "sort": sort, "sort_dir": sort_dir, "source": source, } ) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs) async def admin_workflows_permissions_lookup( self, *, workflow_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], max_workflow_triggers: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Look up the permissions for a set of workflows """ if isinstance(workflow_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": ",".join(workflow_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": workflow_ids}) kwargs.update( { "max_workflow_triggers": max_workflow_triggers, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.workflows.permissions.lookup", params=kwargs) async def admin_workflows_collaborators_add( self, *, collaborator_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], workflow_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add collaborators to workflows within the team or enterprise """ if isinstance(collaborator_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"collaborator_ids": ",".join(collaborator_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"collaborator_ids": collaborator_ids}) if isinstance(workflow_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": ",".join(workflow_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": workflow_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.workflows.collaborators.add", params=kwargs) async def admin_workflows_collaborators_remove( self, *, collaborator_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], workflow_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove collaborators from workflows within the team or enterprise """ if isinstance(collaborator_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"collaborator_ids": ",".join(collaborator_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"collaborator_ids": collaborator_ids}) if isinstance(workflow_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": ",".join(workflow_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": workflow_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.workflows.collaborators.remove", params=kwargs) async def admin_workflows_unpublish( self, *, workflow_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Unpublish workflows within the team or enterprise """ if isinstance(workflow_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": ",".join(workflow_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": workflow_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.workflows.unpublish", params=kwargs) async def api_test( self, *, error: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Checks API calling code. """ kwargs.update({"error": error}) return await self.api_call("api.test", params=kwargs) async def apps_connections_open( self, *, app_token: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Generate a temporary Socket Mode WebSocket URL that your app can connect to in order to receive events and interactive payloads """ kwargs.update({"token": app_token}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def apps_event_authorizations_list( self, *, event_context: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get a list of authorizations for the given event context. Each authorization represents an app installation that the event is visible to. """ kwargs.update({"event_context": event_context, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit}) return await self.api_call("apps.event.authorizations.list", params=kwargs) async def apps_uninstall( self, *, client_id: str, client_secret: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Uninstalls your app from a workspace. """ kwargs.update({"client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret}) return await self.api_call("apps.uninstall", params=kwargs) async def apps_manifest_create( self, *, manifest: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create an app from an app manifest """ if isinstance(manifest, str): kwargs.update({"manifest": manifest}) else: kwargs.update({"manifest": json.dumps(manifest)}) return await self.api_call("apps.manifest.create", params=kwargs) async def apps_manifest_delete( self, *, app_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Permanently deletes an app created through app manifests """ kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) return await self.api_call("apps.manifest.delete", params=kwargs) async def apps_manifest_export( self, *, app_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Export an app manifest from an existing app """ kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) return await self.api_call("apps.manifest.export", params=kwargs) async def apps_manifest_update( self, *, app_id: str, manifest: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update an app from an app manifest """ if isinstance(manifest, str): kwargs.update({"manifest": manifest}) else: kwargs.update({"manifest": json.dumps(manifest)}) kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) return await self.api_call("apps.manifest.update", params=kwargs) async def apps_manifest_validate( self, *, manifest: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], app_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Validate an app manifest """ if isinstance(manifest, str): kwargs.update({"manifest": manifest}) else: kwargs.update({"manifest": json.dumps(manifest)}) kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) return await self.api_call("apps.manifest.validate", params=kwargs) async def tooling_tokens_rotate( self, *, refresh_token: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Exchanges a refresh token for a new app configuration token """ kwargs.update({"refresh_token": refresh_token}) return await self.api_call("tooling.tokens.rotate", params=kwargs) async def assistant_threads_setStatus( self, *, channel_id: str, thread_ts: str, status: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Revokes a token. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "status": status}) return await self.api_call("assistant.threads.setStatus", params=kwargs) async def assistant_threads_setTitle( self, *, channel_id: str, thread_ts: str, title: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Revokes a token. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "title": title}) return await self.api_call("assistant.threads.setTitle", params=kwargs) async def assistant_threads_setSuggestedPrompts( self, *, channel_id: str, thread_ts: str, title: Optional[str] = None, prompts: List[Dict[str, str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Revokes a token. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "prompts": prompts}) if title is not None: kwargs.update({"title": title}) return await self.api_call("assistant.threads.setSuggestedPrompts", json=kwargs) async def auth_revoke( self, *, test: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Revokes a token. """ kwargs.update({"test": test}) return await self.api_call("auth.revoke", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def auth_test( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Checks authentication & identity. """ return await self.api_call("auth.test", params=kwargs) async def auth_teams_list( self, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, include_icon: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List the workspaces a token can access. """ kwargs.update({"cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "include_icon": include_icon}) return await self.api_call("auth.teams.list", params=kwargs) async def bookmarks_add( self, *, channel_id: str, title: str, type: str, emoji: Optional[str] = None, entity_id: Optional[str] = None, link: Optional[str] = None, # include when type is 'link' parent_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add bookmark to a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel_id": channel_id, "title": title, "type": type, "emoji": emoji, "entity_id": entity_id, "link": link, "parent_id": parent_id, } ) return await self.api_call("bookmarks.add", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def bookmarks_edit( self, *, bookmark_id: str, channel_id: str, emoji: Optional[str] = None, link: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Edit bookmark. """ kwargs.update( { "bookmark_id": bookmark_id, "channel_id": channel_id, "emoji": emoji, "link": link, "title": title, } ) return await self.api_call("bookmarks.edit", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def bookmarks_list( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List bookmark for the channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("bookmarks.list", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def bookmarks_remove( self, *, bookmark_id: str, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove bookmark from the channel. """ kwargs.update({"bookmark_id": bookmark_id, "channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("bookmarks.remove", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def bots_info( self, *, bot: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about a bot user. """ kwargs.update({"bot": bot, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def calls_add( self, *, external_unique_id: str, join_url: str, created_by: Optional[str] = None, date_start: Optional[int] = None, desktop_app_join_url: Optional[str] = None, external_display_id: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, users: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Dict[str, str]]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Registers a new Call. """ kwargs.update( { "external_unique_id": external_unique_id, "join_url": join_url, "created_by": created_by, "date_start": date_start, "desktop_app_join_url": desktop_app_join_url, "external_display_id": external_display_id, "title": title, } ) _update_call_participants( kwargs, users if users is not None else kwargs.get("users"), # type: ignore[arg-type] ) return await self.api_call("calls.add", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def calls_end( self, *, id: str, duration: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Ends a Call. """ kwargs.update({"id": id, "duration": duration}) return await self.api_call("calls.end", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def calls_info( self, *, id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Returns information about a Call. """ kwargs.update({"id": id}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def calls_participants_add( self, *, id: str, users: Union[str, Sequence[Dict[str, str]]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Registers new participants added to a Call. """ kwargs.update({"id": id}) _update_call_participants(kwargs, users) return await self.api_call("calls.participants.add", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def calls_participants_remove( self, *, id: str, users: Union[str, Sequence[Dict[str, str]]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Registers participants removed from a Call. """ kwargs.update({"id": id}) _update_call_participants(kwargs, users) return await self.api_call("calls.participants.remove", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def calls_update( self, *, id: str, desktop_app_join_url: Optional[str] = None, join_url: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Updates information about a Call. """ kwargs.update( { "id": id, "desktop_app_join_url": desktop_app_join_url, "join_url": join_url, "title": title, } ) return await self.api_call("calls.update", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def canvases_create( self, *, title: Optional[str] = None, document_content: Dict[str, str], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create Canvas for a user """ kwargs.update({"title": title, "document_content": document_content}) return await self.api_call("canvases.create", json=kwargs) async def canvases_edit( self, *, canvas_id: str, changes: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update an existing canvas """ kwargs.update({"canvas_id": canvas_id, "changes": changes}) return await self.api_call("canvases.edit", json=kwargs) async def canvases_delete( self, *, canvas_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deletes a canvas """ kwargs.update({"canvas_id": canvas_id}) return await self.api_call("canvases.delete", params=kwargs) async def canvases_access_set( self, *, canvas_id: str, access_level: str, channel_ids: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None, user_ids: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the access level to a canvas for specified entities """ kwargs.update({"canvas_id": canvas_id, "access_level": access_level}) if channel_ids is not None: if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) if user_ids is not None: if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("canvases.access.set", params=kwargs) async def canvases_access_delete( self, *, canvas_id: str, channel_ids: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None, user_ids: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create a Channel Canvas for a channel """ kwargs.update({"canvas_id": canvas_id}) if channel_ids is not None: if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) if user_ids is not None: if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("canvases.access.delete", params=kwargs) async def canvases_sections_lookup( self, *, canvas_id: str, criteria: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Find sections matching the provided criteria """ kwargs.update({"canvas_id": canvas_id, "criteria": json.dumps(criteria)}) return await self.api_call("canvases.sections.lookup", params=kwargs) # -------------------------- # Deprecated: channels.* # You can use conversations.* APIs instead. # # -------------------------- async def channels_archive( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Archives a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.archive", json=kwargs) async def channels_create( self, *, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Creates a channel.""" kwargs.update({"name": name}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.create", json=kwargs) async def channels_history( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetches history of messages and events from a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("channels.history", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def channels_info( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def channels_invite( self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Invites a user to a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "user": user}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.invite", json=kwargs) async def channels_join( self, *, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Joins a channel, creating it if needed.""" kwargs.update({"name": name}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.join", json=kwargs) async def channels_kick( self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Removes a user from a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "user": user}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.kick", json=kwargs) async def channels_leave( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Leaves a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.leave", json=kwargs) async def channels_list( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists all channels in a Slack team.""" return await self.api_call("channels.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def channels_mark( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the read cursor in a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "ts": ts}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.mark", json=kwargs) async def channels_rename( self, *, channel: str, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Renames a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "name": name}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.rename", json=kwargs) async def channels_replies( self, *, channel: str, thread_ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a channel""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "thread_ts": thread_ts}) return await self.api_call("channels.replies", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def channels_setPurpose( self, *, channel: str, purpose: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the purpose for a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "purpose": purpose}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.setPurpose", json=kwargs) async def channels_setTopic( self, *, channel: str, topic: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the topic for a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "topic": topic}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.setTopic", json=kwargs) async def channels_unarchive( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Unarchives a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.unarchive", json=kwargs) # -------------------------- async def chat_delete( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, as_user: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deletes a message. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "ts": ts, "as_user": as_user}) return await self.api_call("chat.delete", params=kwargs) async def chat_deleteScheduledMessage( self, *, channel: str, scheduled_message_id: str, as_user: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deletes a scheduled message. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "scheduled_message_id": scheduled_message_id, "as_user": as_user, } ) return await self.api_call("chat.deleteScheduledMessage", params=kwargs) async def chat_getPermalink( self, *, channel: str, message_ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a permalink URL for a specific extant message """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "message_ts": message_ts}) return await self.api_call("chat.getPermalink", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def chat_meMessage( self, *, channel: str, text: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Share a me message into a channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "text": text}) return await self.api_call("chat.meMessage", params=kwargs) async def chat_postEphemeral( self, *, channel: str, user: str, text: Optional[str] = None, as_user: Optional[bool] = None, attachments: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Attachment]]]] = None, blocks: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Block]]]] = None, thread_ts: Optional[str] = None, icon_emoji: Optional[str] = None, icon_url: Optional[str] = None, link_names: Optional[bool] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, parse: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sends an ephemeral message to a user in a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "user": user, "text": text, "as_user": as_user, "attachments": attachments, "blocks": blocks, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "icon_emoji": icon_emoji, "icon_url": icon_url, "link_names": link_names, "username": username, "parse": parse, } ) _parse_web_class_objects(kwargs) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) _warn_if_text_or_attachment_fallback_is_missing("chat.postEphemeral", kwargs) # NOTE: intentionally using json over params for the API methods using blocks/attachments return await self.api_call("chat.postEphemeral", json=kwargs) async def chat_postMessage( self, *, channel: str, text: Optional[str] = None, as_user: Optional[bool] = None, attachments: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Attachment]]]] = None, blocks: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Block]]]] = None, thread_ts: Optional[str] = None, reply_broadcast: Optional[bool] = None, unfurl_links: Optional[bool] = None, unfurl_media: Optional[bool] = None, container_id: Optional[str] = None, icon_emoji: Optional[str] = None, icon_url: Optional[str] = None, mrkdwn: Optional[bool] = None, link_names: Optional[bool] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, parse: Optional[str] = None, # none, full metadata: Optional[Union[Dict, Metadata]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sends a message to a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "text": text, "as_user": as_user, "attachments": attachments, "blocks": blocks, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "reply_broadcast": reply_broadcast, "unfurl_links": unfurl_links, "unfurl_media": unfurl_media, "container_id": container_id, "icon_emoji": icon_emoji, "icon_url": icon_url, "mrkdwn": mrkdwn, "link_names": link_names, "username": username, "parse": parse, "metadata": metadata, } ) _parse_web_class_objects(kwargs) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) _warn_if_text_or_attachment_fallback_is_missing("chat.postMessage", kwargs) # NOTE: intentionally using json over params for the API methods using blocks/attachments return await self.api_call("chat.postMessage", json=kwargs) async def chat_scheduleMessage( self, *, channel: str, post_at: Union[str, int], text: str, as_user: Optional[bool] = None, attachments: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Attachment]]]] = None, blocks: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Block]]]] = None, thread_ts: Optional[str] = None, parse: Optional[str] = None, reply_broadcast: Optional[bool] = None, unfurl_links: Optional[bool] = None, unfurl_media: Optional[bool] = None, link_names: Optional[bool] = None, metadata: Optional[Union[Dict, Metadata]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Schedules a message. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "post_at": post_at, "text": text, "as_user": as_user, "attachments": attachments, "blocks": blocks, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "reply_broadcast": reply_broadcast, "parse": parse, "unfurl_links": unfurl_links, "unfurl_media": unfurl_media, "link_names": link_names, "metadata": metadata, } ) _parse_web_class_objects(kwargs) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) _warn_if_text_or_attachment_fallback_is_missing("chat.scheduleMessage", kwargs) # NOTE: intentionally using json over params for the API methods using blocks/attachments return await self.api_call("chat.scheduleMessage", json=kwargs) async def chat_unfurl( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, ts: Optional[str] = None, source: Optional[str] = None, unfurl_id: Optional[str] = None, unfurls: Optional[Dict[str, Dict]] = None, # or user_auth_* user_auth_blocks: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Block]]]] = None, user_auth_message: Optional[str] = None, user_auth_required: Optional[bool] = None, user_auth_url: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Provide custom unfurl behavior for user-posted URLs. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "ts": ts, "source": source, "unfurl_id": unfurl_id, "unfurls": unfurls, "user_auth_blocks": user_auth_blocks, "user_auth_message": user_auth_message, "user_auth_required": user_auth_required, "user_auth_url": user_auth_url, } ) _parse_web_class_objects(kwargs) # for user_auth_blocks kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: intentionally using json over params for API methods using blocks/attachments return await self.api_call("chat.unfurl", json=kwargs) async def chat_update( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, text: Optional[str] = None, attachments: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Attachment]]]] = None, blocks: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Block]]]] = None, as_user: Optional[bool] = None, file_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, link_names: Optional[bool] = None, parse: Optional[str] = None, # none, full reply_broadcast: Optional[bool] = None, metadata: Optional[Union[Dict, Metadata]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Updates a message in a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "ts": ts, "text": text, "attachments": attachments, "blocks": blocks, "as_user": as_user, "link_names": link_names, "parse": parse, "reply_broadcast": reply_broadcast, "metadata": metadata, } ) if isinstance(file_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"file_ids": ",".join(file_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"file_ids": file_ids}) _parse_web_class_objects(kwargs) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) _warn_if_text_or_attachment_fallback_is_missing("chat.update", kwargs) # NOTE: intentionally using json over params for API methods using blocks/attachments return await self.api_call("chat.update", json=kwargs) async def chat_scheduledMessages_list( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, latest: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, oldest: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists all scheduled messages. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "cursor": cursor, "latest": latest, "limit": limit, "oldest": oldest, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("chat.scheduledMessages.list", params=kwargs) async def conversations_acceptSharedInvite( self, *, channel_name: str, channel_id: Optional[str] = None, invite_id: Optional[str] = None, free_trial_accepted: Optional[bool] = None, is_private: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Accepts an invitation to a Slack Connect channel. """ if channel_id is None and invite_id is None: raise e.SlackRequestError("Either channel_id or invite_id must be provided.") kwargs.update( { "channel_name": channel_name, "channel_id": channel_id, "invite_id": invite_id, "free_trial_accepted": free_trial_accepted, "is_private": is_private, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("conversations.acceptSharedInvite", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def conversations_approveSharedInvite( self, *, invite_id: str, target_team: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Approves an invitation to a Slack Connect channel. """ kwargs.update({"invite_id": invite_id, "target_team": target_team}) return await self.api_call("conversations.approveSharedInvite", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def conversations_archive( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Archives a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("conversations.archive", params=kwargs) async def conversations_close( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Closes a direct message or multi-person direct message. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("conversations.close", params=kwargs) async def conversations_create( self, *, name: str, is_private: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Initiates a public or private channel-based conversation """ kwargs.update({"name": name, "is_private": is_private, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("conversations.create", params=kwargs) async def conversations_declineSharedInvite( self, *, invite_id: str, target_team: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Declines a Slack Connect channel invite. """ kwargs.update({"invite_id": invite_id, "target_team": target_team}) return await self.api_call("conversations.declineSharedInvite", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def conversations_externalInvitePermissions_set( self, *, action: str, channel: str, target_team: str, **kwargs ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets a team in a shared External Limited channel to a shared Slack Connect channel or vice versa. """ kwargs.update( { "action": action, "channel": channel, "target_team": target_team, } ) return await self.api_call("conversations.externalInvitePermissions.set", params=kwargs) async def conversations_history( self, *, channel: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, inclusive: Optional[bool] = None, include_all_metadata: Optional[bool] = None, latest: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, oldest: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetches a conversation's history of messages and events. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "cursor": cursor, "inclusive": inclusive, "include_all_metadata": include_all_metadata, "limit": limit, "latest": latest, "oldest": oldest, } ) return await self.api_call("conversations.history", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def conversations_info( self, *, channel: str, include_locale: Optional[bool] = None, include_num_members: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve information about a conversation. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "include_locale": include_locale, "include_num_members": include_num_members, } ) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def conversations_invite( self, *, channel: str, users: Union[str, Sequence[str]], force: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Invites users to a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "force": force, } ) if isinstance(users, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"users": ",".join(users)}) else: kwargs.update({"users": users}) return await self.api_call("conversations.invite", params=kwargs) async def conversations_inviteShared( self, *, channel: str, emails: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, user_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sends an invitation to a Slack Connect channel. """ if emails is None and user_ids is None: raise e.SlackRequestError("Either emails or user ids must be provided.") kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) if isinstance(emails, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"emails": ",".join(emails)}) else: kwargs.update({"emails": emails}) if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("conversations.inviteShared", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def conversations_join( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Joins an existing conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("conversations.join", params=kwargs) async def conversations_kick( self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Removes a user from a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "user": user}) return await self.api_call("conversations.kick", params=kwargs) async def conversations_leave( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Leaves a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("conversations.leave", params=kwargs) async def conversations_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, exclude_archived: Optional[bool] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, types: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists all channels in a Slack team. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "exclude_archived": exclude_archived, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, } ) if isinstance(types, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"types": ",".join(types)}) else: kwargs.update({"types": types}) return await self.api_call("conversations.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def conversations_listConnectInvites( self, *, count: Optional[int] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List shared channel invites that have been generated or received but have not yet been approved by all parties. """ kwargs.update({"count": count, "cursor": cursor, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("conversations.listConnectInvites", params=kwargs) async def conversations_mark( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the read cursor in a channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "ts": ts}) return await self.api_call("conversations.mark", params=kwargs) async def conversations_members( self, *, channel: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve members of a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit}) return await self.api_call("conversations.members", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def conversations_open( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, return_im: Optional[bool] = None, users: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Opens or resumes a direct message or multi-person direct message. """ if channel is None and users is None: raise e.SlackRequestError("Either channel or users must be provided.") kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "return_im": return_im}) if isinstance(users, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"users": ",".join(users)}) else: kwargs.update({"users": users}) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs) async def conversations_rename( self, *, channel: str, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Renames a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "name": name}) return await self.api_call("conversations.rename", params=kwargs) async def conversations_replies( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, inclusive: Optional[bool] = None, include_all_metadata: Optional[bool] = None, latest: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, oldest: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a conversation """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "ts": ts, "cursor": cursor, "inclusive": inclusive, "include_all_metadata": include_all_metadata, "limit": limit, "latest": latest, "oldest": oldest, } ) return await self.api_call("conversations.replies", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def conversations_requestSharedInvite_approve( self, *, invite_id: str, channel_id: Optional[str] = None, is_external_limited: Optional[str] = None, message: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Approve a request to add an external user to a channel. This also sends them a Slack Connect invite. """ kwargs.update( { "invite_id": invite_id, "channel_id": channel_id, "is_external_limited": is_external_limited, } ) if message is not None: kwargs.update({"message": json.dumps(message)}) return await self.api_call("conversations.requestSharedInvite.approve", params=kwargs) async def conversations_requestSharedInvite_deny( self, *, invite_id: str, message: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deny a request to invite an external user to a channel. """ kwargs.update({"invite_id": invite_id, "message": message}) return await self.api_call("conversations.requestSharedInvite.deny", params=kwargs) async def conversations_requestSharedInvite_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, include_approved: Optional[bool] = None, include_denied: Optional[bool] = None, include_expired: Optional[bool] = None, invite_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, user_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists requests to add external users to channels with ability to filter. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "include_approved": include_approved, "include_denied": include_denied, "include_expired": include_expired, "limit": limit, "user_id": user_id, } ) if invite_ids is not None: if isinstance(invite_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"invite_ids": ",".join(invite_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"invite_ids": invite_ids}) return await self.api_call("conversations.requestSharedInvite.list", params=kwargs) async def conversations_setPurpose( self, *, channel: str, purpose: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the purpose for a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "purpose": purpose}) return await self.api_call("conversations.setPurpose", params=kwargs) async def conversations_setTopic( self, *, channel: str, topic: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the topic for a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "topic": topic}) return await self.api_call("conversations.setTopic", params=kwargs) async def conversations_unarchive( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Reverses conversation archival. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("conversations.unarchive", params=kwargs) async def conversations_canvases_create( self, *, channel_id: str, document_content: Dict[str, str], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create a Channel Canvas for a channel """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id, "document_content": document_content}) return await self.api_call("conversations.canvases.create", json=kwargs) async def dialog_open( self, *, dialog: Dict[str, Any], trigger_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Open a dialog with a user. """ kwargs.update({"dialog": dialog, "trigger_id": trigger_id}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: As the dialog can be a dict, this API call works only with json format. return await self.api_call("", json=kwargs) async def dnd_endDnd( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Ends the current user's Do Not Disturb session immediately. """ return await self.api_call("dnd.endDnd", params=kwargs) async def dnd_endSnooze( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Ends the current user's snooze mode immediately. """ return await self.api_call("dnd.endSnooze", params=kwargs) async def dnd_info( self, *, team_id: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieves a user's current Do Not Disturb status. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "user": user}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def dnd_setSnooze( self, *, num_minutes: Union[int, str], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Turns on Do Not Disturb mode for the current user, or changes its duration. """ kwargs.update({"num_minutes": num_minutes}) return await self.api_call("dnd.setSnooze", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def dnd_teamInfo( self, users: Union[str, Sequence[str]], team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieves the Do Not Disturb status for users on a team. """ if isinstance(users, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"users": ",".join(users)}) else: kwargs.update({"users": users}) kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("dnd.teamInfo", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def emoji_list( self, include_categories: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists custom emoji for a team. """ kwargs.update({"include_categories": include_categories}) return await self.api_call("emoji.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def files_comments_delete( self, *, file: str, id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deletes an existing comment on a file. """ kwargs.update({"file": file, "id": id}) return await self.api_call("files.comments.delete", params=kwargs) async def files_delete( self, *, file: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deletes a file. """ kwargs.update({"file": file}) return await self.api_call("files.delete", params=kwargs) async def files_info( self, *, file: str, count: Optional[int] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about a team file. """ kwargs.update( { "file": file, "count": count, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "page": page, } ) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def files_list( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, count: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, show_files_hidden_by_limit: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, ts_from: Optional[str] = None, ts_to: Optional[str] = None, types: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists & filters team files. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "count": count, "page": page, "show_files_hidden_by_limit": show_files_hidden_by_limit, "team_id": team_id, "ts_from": ts_from, "ts_to": ts_to, "user": user, } ) if isinstance(types, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"types": ",".join(types)}) else: kwargs.update({"types": types}) return await self.api_call("files.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def files_remote_info( self, *, external_id: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve information about a remote file added to Slack. """ kwargs.update({"external_id": external_id, "file": file}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def files_remote_list( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ts_from: Optional[str] = None, ts_to: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve information about a remote file added to Slack. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "ts_from": ts_from, "ts_to": ts_to, } ) return await self.api_call("files.remote.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def files_remote_add( self, *, external_id: str, external_url: str, title: str, filetype: Optional[str] = None, indexable_file_contents: Optional[Union[str, bytes, IOBase]] = None, preview_image: Optional[Union[str, bytes, IOBase]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Adds a file from a remote service. """ kwargs.update( { "external_id": external_id, "external_url": external_url, "title": title, "filetype": filetype, } ) files = None # preview_image (file): Preview of the document via multipart/form-data. if preview_image is not None or indexable_file_contents is not None: files = { "preview_image": preview_image, "indexable_file_contents": indexable_file_contents, } return await self.api_call( # Intentionally using "POST" method over "GET" here "files.remote.add", http_verb="POST", data=kwargs, files=files, ) async def files_remote_update( self, *, external_id: Optional[str] = None, external_url: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, filetype: Optional[str] = None, indexable_file_contents: Optional[str] = None, preview_image: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Updates an existing remote file. """ kwargs.update( { "external_id": external_id, "external_url": external_url, "file": file, "title": title, "filetype": filetype, } ) files = None # preview_image (file): Preview of the document via multipart/form-data. if preview_image is not None or indexable_file_contents is not None: files = { "preview_image": preview_image, "indexable_file_contents": indexable_file_contents, } return await self.api_call( # Intentionally using "POST" method over "GET" here "files.remote.update", http_verb="POST", data=kwargs, files=files, ) async def files_remote_remove( self, *, external_id: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove a remote file. """ kwargs.update({"external_id": external_id, "file": file}) return await self.api_call("files.remote.remove", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs) async def files_remote_share( self, *, channels: Union[str, Sequence[str]], external_id: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Share a remote file into a channel. """ if external_id is None and file is None: raise e.SlackRequestError("Either external_id or file must be provided.") if isinstance(channels, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channels": ",".join(channels)}) else: kwargs.update({"channels": channels}) kwargs.update({"external_id": external_id, "file": file}) return await self.api_call("files.remote.share", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def files_revokePublicURL( self, *, file: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Revokes public/external sharing access for a file """ kwargs.update({"file": file}) return await self.api_call("files.revokePublicURL", params=kwargs) async def files_sharedPublicURL( self, *, file: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Enables a file for public/external sharing. """ kwargs.update({"file": file}) return await self.api_call("files.sharedPublicURL", params=kwargs) async def files_upload( self, *, file: Optional[Union[str, bytes, IOBase]] = None, content: Optional[Union[str, bytes]] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, filetype: Optional[str] = None, initial_comment: Optional[str] = None, thread_ts: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, channels: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Uploads or creates a file. """ _print_files_upload_v2_suggestion() if file is None and content is None: raise e.SlackRequestError("The file or content argument must be specified.") if file is not None and content is not None: raise e.SlackRequestError("You cannot specify both the file and the content argument.") if isinstance(channels, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channels": ",".join(channels)}) else: kwargs.update({"channels": channels}) kwargs.update( { "filename": filename, "filetype": filetype, "initial_comment": initial_comment, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "title": title, } ) if file: if kwargs.get("filename") is None and isinstance(file, str): # use the local filename if filename is missing if kwargs.get("filename") is None: kwargs["filename"] = file.split(os.path.sep)[-1] return await self.api_call("files.upload", files={"file": file}, data=kwargs) else: kwargs["content"] = content return await self.api_call("files.upload", data=kwargs) async def files_upload_v2( self, *, # for sending a single file filename: Optional[str] = None, # you can skip this only when sending along with content parameter file: Optional[Union[str, bytes, IOBase, os.PathLike]] = None, content: Optional[Union[str, bytes]] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, alt_txt: Optional[str] = None, snippet_type: Optional[str] = None, # To upload multiple files at a time file_uploads: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, channel: Optional[str] = None, channels: Optional[List[str]] = None, initial_comment: Optional[str] = None, thread_ts: Optional[str] = None, request_file_info: bool = True, # since v3.23, this flag is no longer necessary **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """This wrapper method provides an easy way to upload files using the following endpoints: - step1: - step2: "" URLs returned from files.getUploadURLExternal API - step3: and """ if file is None and content is None and file_uploads is None: raise e.SlackRequestError("Any of file, content, and file_uploads must be specified.") if file is not None and content is not None: raise e.SlackRequestError("You cannot specify both the file and the content argument.") # deprecated arguments: filetype = kwargs.get("filetype") if filetype is not None: warnings.warn("The filetype parameter is no longer supported. Please remove it from the arguments.") # step1: files.getUploadURLExternal per file files: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] if file_uploads is not None: for f in file_uploads: files.append(_to_v2_file_upload_item(f)) else: f = _to_v2_file_upload_item( { "filename": filename, "file": file, "content": content, "title": title, "alt_txt": alt_txt, "snippet_type": snippet_type, } ) files.append(f) for f in files: url_response = await self.files_getUploadURLExternal( filename=f.get("filename"), # type: ignore[arg-type] length=f.get("length"), # type: ignore[arg-type] alt_txt=f.get("alt_txt"), snippet_type=f.get("snippet_type"), token=kwargs.get("token"), ) _validate_for_legacy_client(url_response) f["file_id"] = url_response.get("file_id") # type: ignore[union-attr, unused-ignore] f["upload_url"] = url_response.get("upload_url") # type: ignore[union-attr, unused-ignore] # step2: "" per file for f in files: upload_result = await self._upload_file( url=f["upload_url"], data=f["data"], logger=self._logger, timeout=self.timeout, proxy=self.proxy, ssl=self.ssl, ) if upload_result.status != 200: status = upload_result.status body = upload_result.body message = ( "Failed to upload a file " f"(status: {status}, body: {body}, filename: {f.get('filename')}, title: {f.get('title')})" ) raise e.SlackRequestError(message) # step3: files.completeUploadExternal with all the sets of (file_id + title) completion = await self.files_completeUploadExternal( files=[{"id": f["file_id"], "title": f["title"]} for f in files], channel_id=channel, channels=channels, initial_comment=initial_comment, thread_ts=thread_ts, **kwargs, ) if len(completion.get("files")) == 1: # type: ignore[arg-type, union-attr, unused-ignore]["file"] = completion.get("files")[0] # type: ignore[index, union-attr, unused-ignore] return completion async def files_getUploadURLExternal( self, *, filename: str, length: int, alt_txt: Optional[str] = None, snippet_type: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets a URL for an edge external upload. """ kwargs.update( { "filename": filename, "length": length, "alt_txt": alt_txt, "snippet_type": snippet_type, } ) return await self.api_call("files.getUploadURLExternal", params=kwargs) async def files_completeUploadExternal( self, *, files: List[Dict[str, str]], channel_id: Optional[str] = None, channels: Optional[List[str]] = None, initial_comment: Optional[str] = None, thread_ts: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Finishes an upload started with files.getUploadURLExternal. """ _files = [{k: v for k, v in f.items() if v is not None} for f in files] kwargs.update( { "files": json.dumps(_files), "channel_id": channel_id, "initial_comment": initial_comment, "thread_ts": thread_ts, } ) if channels: kwargs["channels"] = ",".join(channels) return await self.api_call("files.completeUploadExternal", params=kwargs) async def functions_completeSuccess( self, *, function_execution_id: str, outputs: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Signal the successful completion of a function """ kwargs.update({"function_execution_id": function_execution_id, "outputs": json.dumps(outputs)}) return await self.api_call("functions.completeSuccess", params=kwargs) async def functions_completeError( self, *, function_execution_id: str, error: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Signal the failure to execute a function """ kwargs.update({"function_execution_id": function_execution_id, "error": error}) return await self.api_call("functions.completeError", params=kwargs) # -------------------------- # Deprecated: groups.* # You can use conversations.* APIs instead. # # -------------------------- async def groups_archive( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Archives a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.archive", json=kwargs) async def groups_create( self, *, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Creates a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"name": name}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.create", json=kwargs) async def groups_createChild( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Clones and archives a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("groups.createChild", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def groups_history( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetches history of messages and events from a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("groups.history", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def groups_info( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def groups_invite( self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Invites a user to a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "user": user}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.invite", json=kwargs) async def groups_kick( self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Removes a user from a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "user": user}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.kick", json=kwargs) async def groups_leave( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Leaves a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.leave", json=kwargs) async def groups_list( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists private channels that the calling user has access to.""" return await self.api_call("groups.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def groups_mark( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the read cursor in a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "ts": ts}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.mark", json=kwargs) async def groups_open( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Opens a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("", json=kwargs) async def groups_rename( self, *, channel: str, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Renames a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "name": name}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.rename", json=kwargs) async def groups_replies( self, *, channel: str, thread_ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a private channel""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "thread_ts": thread_ts}) return await self.api_call("groups.replies", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def groups_setPurpose( self, *, channel: str, purpose: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the purpose for a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "purpose": purpose}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.setPurpose", json=kwargs) async def groups_setTopic( self, *, channel: str, topic: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the topic for a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "topic": topic}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.setTopic", json=kwargs) async def groups_unarchive( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Unarchives a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.unarchive", json=kwargs) # -------------------------- # Deprecated: im.* # You can use conversations.* APIs instead. # # -------------------------- async def im_close( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Close a direct message channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("im.close", json=kwargs) async def im_history( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetches history of messages and events from direct message channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("im.history", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def im_list( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists direct message channels for the calling user.""" return await self.api_call("im.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def im_mark( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the read cursor in a direct message channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "ts": ts}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("im.mark", json=kwargs) async def im_open( self, *, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Opens a direct message channel.""" kwargs.update({"user": user}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("", json=kwargs) async def im_replies( self, *, channel: str, thread_ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a direct message conversation""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "thread_ts": thread_ts}) return await self.api_call("im.replies", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) # -------------------------- async def migration_exchange( self, *, users: Union[str, Sequence[str]], team_id: Optional[str] = None, to_old: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """For Enterprise Grid workspaces, map local user IDs to global user IDs """ if isinstance(users, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"users": ",".join(users)}) else: kwargs.update({"users": users}) kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "to_old": to_old}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) # -------------------------- # Deprecated: mpim.* # You can use conversations.* APIs instead. # # -------------------------- async def mpim_close( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Closes a multiparty direct message channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("mpim.close", json=kwargs) async def mpim_history( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetches history of messages and events from a multiparty direct message.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("mpim.history", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def mpim_list( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists multiparty direct message channels for the calling user.""" return await self.api_call("mpim.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def mpim_mark( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the read cursor in a multiparty direct message channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "ts": ts}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("mpim.mark", json=kwargs) async def mpim_open( self, *, users: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """This method opens a multiparty direct message.""" if isinstance(users, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"users": ",".join(users)}) else: kwargs.update({"users": users}) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs) async def mpim_replies( self, *, channel: str, thread_ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a direct message conversation from a multiparty direct message. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "thread_ts": thread_ts}) return await self.api_call("mpim.replies", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) # -------------------------- async def oauth_v2_access( self, *, client_id: str, client_secret: str, # This field is required when processing the OAuth redirect URL requests # while it's absent for token rotation code: Optional[str] = None, redirect_uri: Optional[str] = None, # This field is required for token rotation grant_type: Optional[str] = None, # This field is required for token rotation refresh_token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Exchanges a temporary OAuth verifier code for an access token. """ if redirect_uri is not None: kwargs.update({"redirect_uri": redirect_uri}) if code is not None: kwargs.update({"code": code}) if grant_type is not None: kwargs.update({"grant_type": grant_type}) if refresh_token is not None: kwargs.update({"refresh_token": refresh_token}) return await self.api_call( "oauth.v2.access", data=kwargs, auth={"client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret}, ) async def oauth_access( self, *, client_id: str, client_secret: str, code: str, redirect_uri: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Exchanges a temporary OAuth verifier code for an access token. """ if redirect_uri is not None: kwargs.update({"redirect_uri": redirect_uri}) kwargs.update({"code": code}) return await self.api_call( "oauth.access", data=kwargs, auth={"client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret}, ) async def oauth_v2_exchange( self, *, token: str, client_id: str, client_secret: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Exchanges a legacy access token for a new expiring access token and refresh token """ kwargs.update({"client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret, "token": token}) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs) async def openid_connect_token( self, client_id: str, client_secret: str, code: Optional[str] = None, redirect_uri: Optional[str] = None, grant_type: Optional[str] = None, refresh_token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Exchanges a temporary OAuth verifier code for an access token for Sign in with Slack. """ if redirect_uri is not None: kwargs.update({"redirect_uri": redirect_uri}) if code is not None: kwargs.update({"code": code}) if grant_type is not None: kwargs.update({"grant_type": grant_type}) if refresh_token is not None: kwargs.update({"refresh_token": refresh_token}) return await self.api_call( "openid.connect.token", data=kwargs, auth={"client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret}, ) async def openid_connect_userInfo( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get the identity of a user who has authorized Sign in with Slack. """ return await self.api_call("openid.connect.userInfo", params=kwargs) async def pins_add( self, *, channel: str, timestamp: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Pins an item to a channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "timestamp": timestamp}) return await self.api_call("pins.add", params=kwargs) async def pins_list( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists items pinned to a channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("pins.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def pins_remove( self, *, channel: str, timestamp: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Un-pins an item from a channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "timestamp": timestamp}) return await self.api_call("pins.remove", params=kwargs) async def reactions_add( self, *, channel: str, name: str, timestamp: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Adds a reaction to an item. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "name": name, "timestamp": timestamp}) return await self.api_call("reactions.add", params=kwargs) async def reactions_get( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, file_comment: Optional[str] = None, full: Optional[bool] = None, timestamp: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets reactions for an item. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "file": file, "file_comment": file_comment, "full": full, "timestamp": timestamp, } ) return await self.api_call("reactions.get", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def reactions_list( self, *, count: Optional[int] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, full: Optional[bool] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists reactions made by a user. """ kwargs.update( { "count": count, "cursor": cursor, "full": full, "limit": limit, "page": page, "team_id": team_id, "user": user, } ) return await self.api_call("reactions.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def reactions_remove( self, *, name: str, channel: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, file_comment: Optional[str] = None, timestamp: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Removes a reaction from an item. """ kwargs.update( { "name": name, "channel": channel, "file": file, "file_comment": file_comment, "timestamp": timestamp, } ) return await self.api_call("reactions.remove", params=kwargs) async def reminders_add( self, *, text: str, time: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, recurrence: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Creates a reminder. """ kwargs.update( { "text": text, "time": time, "team_id": team_id, "user": user, "recurrence": recurrence, } ) return await self.api_call("reminders.add", params=kwargs) async def reminders_complete( self, *, reminder: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Marks a reminder as complete. """ kwargs.update({"reminder": reminder, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("reminders.complete", params=kwargs) async def reminders_delete( self, *, reminder: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deletes a reminder. """ kwargs.update({"reminder": reminder, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("reminders.delete", params=kwargs) async def reminders_info( self, *, reminder: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about a reminder. """ kwargs.update({"reminder": reminder, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def reminders_list( self, *, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists all reminders created by or for a given user. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("reminders.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def rtm_connect( self, *, batch_presence_aware: Optional[bool] = None, presence_sub: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Starts a Real Time Messaging session. """ kwargs.update({"batch_presence_aware": batch_presence_aware, "presence_sub": presence_sub}) return await self.api_call("rtm.connect", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def rtm_start( self, *, batch_presence_aware: Optional[bool] = None, include_locale: Optional[bool] = None, mpim_aware: Optional[bool] = None, no_latest: Optional[bool] = None, no_unreads: Optional[bool] = None, presence_sub: Optional[bool] = None, simple_latest: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Starts a Real Time Messaging session. """ kwargs.update( { "batch_presence_aware": batch_presence_aware, "include_locale": include_locale, "mpim_aware": mpim_aware, "no_latest": no_latest, "no_unreads": no_unreads, "presence_sub": presence_sub, "simple_latest": simple_latest, } ) return await self.api_call("rtm.start", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def search_all( self, *, query: str, count: Optional[int] = None, highlight: Optional[bool] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[str] = None, sort_dir: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Searches for messages and files matching a query. """ kwargs.update( { "query": query, "count": count, "highlight": highlight, "page": page, "sort": sort, "sort_dir": sort_dir, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("search.all", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def search_files( self, *, query: str, count: Optional[int] = None, highlight: Optional[bool] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[str] = None, sort_dir: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Searches for files matching a query. """ kwargs.update( { "query": query, "count": count, "highlight": highlight, "page": page, "sort": sort, "sort_dir": sort_dir, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("search.files", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def search_messages( self, *, query: str, count: Optional[int] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, highlight: Optional[bool] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[str] = None, sort_dir: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Searches for messages matching a query. """ kwargs.update( { "query": query, "count": count, "cursor": cursor, "highlight": highlight, "page": page, "sort": sort, "sort_dir": sort_dir, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("search.messages", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def stars_add( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, file_comment: Optional[str] = None, timestamp: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Adds a star to an item. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "file": file, "file_comment": file_comment, "timestamp": timestamp, } ) return await self.api_call("stars.add", params=kwargs) async def stars_list( self, *, count: Optional[int] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists stars for a user. """ kwargs.update( { "count": count, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "page": page, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("stars.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def stars_remove( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, file_comment: Optional[str] = None, timestamp: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Removes a star from an item. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "file": file, "file_comment": file_comment, "timestamp": timestamp, } ) return await self.api_call("stars.remove", params=kwargs) async def team_accessLogs( self, *, before: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, count: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, page: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets the access logs for the current team. """ kwargs.update( { "before": before, "count": count, "page": page, "team_id": team_id, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) return await self.api_call("team.accessLogs", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def team_billableInfo( self, *, team_id: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets billable users information for the current team. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "user": user}) return await self.api_call("team.billableInfo", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def team_billing_info( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Reads a workspace's billing plan information. """ return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs) async def team_externalTeams_disconnect( self, *, target_team: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Disconnects an external organization. """ kwargs.update( { "target_team": target_team, } ) return await self.api_call("team.externalTeams.disconnect", params=kwargs) async def team_externalTeams_list( self, *, connection_status_filter: Optional[str] = None, slack_connect_pref_filter: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, sort_direction: Optional[str] = None, sort_field: Optional[str] = None, workspace_filter: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Returns a list of all the external teams connected and details about the connection. """ kwargs.update( { "connection_status_filter": connection_status_filter, "sort_direction": sort_direction, "sort_field": sort_field, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) if slack_connect_pref_filter is not None: if isinstance(slack_connect_pref_filter, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"slack_connect_pref_filter": ",".join(slack_connect_pref_filter)}) else: kwargs.update({"slack_connect_pref_filter": slack_connect_pref_filter}) if workspace_filter is not None: if isinstance(workspace_filter, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"workspace_filter": ",".join(workspace_filter)}) else: kwargs.update({"workspace_filter": workspace_filter}) return await self.api_call("team.externalTeams.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def team_info( self, *, team: Optional[str] = None, domain: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about the current team. """ kwargs.update({"team": team, "domain": domain}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def team_integrationLogs( self, *, app_id: Optional[str] = None, change_type: Optional[str] = None, count: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, page: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, service_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets the integration logs for the current team. """ kwargs.update( { "app_id": app_id, "change_type": change_type, "count": count, "page": page, "service_id": service_id, "team_id": team_id, "user": user, } ) return await self.api_call("team.integrationLogs", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def team_profile_get( self, *, visibility: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a team's profile. """ kwargs.update({"visibility": visibility}) return await self.api_call("team.profile.get", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def team_preferences_list( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a list of a workspace's team preferences. """ return await self.api_call("team.preferences.list", params=kwargs) async def usergroups_create( self, *, name: str, channels: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, handle: Optional[str] = None, include_count: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create a User Group """ kwargs.update( { "name": name, "description": description, "handle": handle, "include_count": include_count, "team_id": team_id, } ) if isinstance(channels, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channels": ",".join(channels)}) else: kwargs.update({"channels": channels}) return await self.api_call("usergroups.create", params=kwargs) async def usergroups_disable( self, *, usergroup: str, include_count: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Disable an existing User Group """ kwargs.update({"usergroup": usergroup, "include_count": include_count, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("usergroups.disable", params=kwargs) async def usergroups_enable( self, *, usergroup: str, include_count: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Enable a User Group """ kwargs.update({"usergroup": usergroup, "include_count": include_count, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("usergroups.enable", params=kwargs) async def usergroups_list( self, *, include_count: Optional[bool] = None, include_disabled: Optional[bool] = None, include_users: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all User Groups for a team """ kwargs.update( { "include_count": include_count, "include_disabled": include_disabled, "include_users": include_users, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("usergroups.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def usergroups_update( self, *, usergroup: str, channels: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, handle: Optional[str] = None, include_count: Optional[bool] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update an existing User Group """ kwargs.update( { "usergroup": usergroup, "description": description, "handle": handle, "include_count": include_count, "name": name, "team_id": team_id, } ) if isinstance(channels, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channels": ",".join(channels)}) else: kwargs.update({"channels": channels}) return await self.api_call("usergroups.update", params=kwargs) async def usergroups_users_list( self, *, usergroup: str, include_disabled: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all users in a User Group """ kwargs.update( { "usergroup": usergroup, "include_disabled": include_disabled, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("usergroups.users.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def usergroups_users_update( self, *, usergroup: str, users: Union[str, Sequence[str]], include_count: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update the list of users for a User Group """ kwargs.update( { "usergroup": usergroup, "include_count": include_count, "team_id": team_id, } ) if isinstance(users, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"users": ",".join(users)}) else: kwargs.update({"users": users}) return await self.api_call("usergroups.users.update", params=kwargs) async def users_conversations( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, exclude_archived: Optional[bool] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, types: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List conversations the calling user may access. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "exclude_archived": exclude_archived, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, "user": user, } ) if isinstance(types, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"types": ",".join(types)}) else: kwargs.update({"types": types}) return await self.api_call("users.conversations", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def users_deletePhoto( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Delete the user profile photo """ return await self.api_call("users.deletePhoto", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def users_getPresence( self, *, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets user presence information. """ kwargs.update({"user": user}) return await self.api_call("users.getPresence", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def users_identity( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get a user's identity. """ return await self.api_call("users.identity", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def users_info( self, *, user: str, include_locale: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about a user. """ kwargs.update({"user": user, "include_locale": include_locale}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def users_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, include_locale: Optional[bool] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists all users in a Slack team. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "include_locale": include_locale, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("users.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def users_lookupByEmail( self, *, email: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Find a user with an email address. """ kwargs.update({"email": email}) return await self.api_call("users.lookupByEmail", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def users_setPhoto( self, *, image: Union[str, IOBase], crop_w: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, crop_x: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, crop_y: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the user profile photo """ kwargs.update({"crop_w": crop_w, "crop_x": crop_x, "crop_y": crop_y}) return await self.api_call("users.setPhoto", files={"image": image}, data=kwargs) async def users_setPresence( self, *, presence: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Manually sets user presence. """ kwargs.update({"presence": presence}) return await self.api_call("users.setPresence", params=kwargs) async def users_discoverableContacts_lookup( self, email: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lookup an email address to see if someone is on Slack """ kwargs.update({"email": email}) return await self.api_call("users.discoverableContacts.lookup", params=kwargs) async def users_profile_get( self, *, user: Optional[str] = None, include_labels: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieves a user's profile information. """ kwargs.update({"user": user, "include_labels": include_labels}) return await self.api_call("users.profile.get", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs) async def users_profile_set( self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, profile: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the profile information for a user. """ kwargs.update( { "name": name, "profile": profile, "user": user, "value": value, } ) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "profile" parameter return await self.api_call("users.profile.set", json=kwargs) async def views_open( self, *, trigger_id: Optional[str] = None, interactivity_pointer: Optional[str] = None, view: Union[dict, View], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Open a view for a user. See for details. """ kwargs.update({"trigger_id": trigger_id, "interactivity_pointer": interactivity_pointer}) if isinstance(view, View): kwargs.update({"view": view.to_dict()}) else: kwargs.update({"view": view}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "view" parameter return await self.api_call("", json=kwargs) async def views_push( self, *, trigger_id: Optional[str] = None, interactivity_pointer: Optional[str] = None, view: Union[dict, View], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Push a view onto the stack of a root view. Push a new view onto the existing view stack by passing a view payload and a valid trigger_id generated from an interaction within the existing modal. Read the modals documentation ( to learn more about the lifecycle and intricacies of views. """ kwargs.update({"trigger_id": trigger_id, "interactivity_pointer": interactivity_pointer}) if isinstance(view, View): kwargs.update({"view": view.to_dict()}) else: kwargs.update({"view": view}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "view" parameter return await self.api_call("views.push", json=kwargs) async def views_update( self, *, view: Union[dict, View], external_id: Optional[str] = None, view_id: Optional[str] = None, hash: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update an existing view. Update a view by passing a new view definition along with the view_id returned in or the external_id. See the modals documentation ( to learn more about updating views and avoiding race conditions with the hash argument. """ if isinstance(view, View): kwargs.update({"view": view.to_dict()}) else: kwargs.update({"view": view}) if external_id: kwargs.update({"external_id": external_id}) elif view_id: kwargs.update({"view_id": view_id}) else: raise e.SlackRequestError("Either view_id or external_id is required.") kwargs.update({"hash": hash}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "view" parameter return await self.api_call("views.update", json=kwargs) async def views_publish( self, *, user_id: str, view: Union[dict, View], hash: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Publish a static view for a User. Create or update the view that comprises an app's Home tab ( """ kwargs.update({"user_id": user_id, "hash": hash}) if isinstance(view, View): kwargs.update({"view": view.to_dict()}) else: kwargs.update({"view": view}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "view" parameter return await self.api_call("views.publish", json=kwargs) async def workflows_stepCompleted( self, *, workflow_step_execute_id: str, outputs: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Indicate a successful outcome of a workflow step's execution. """ kwargs.update({"workflow_step_execute_id": workflow_step_execute_id}) if outputs is not None: kwargs.update({"outputs": outputs}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "outputs" parameter return await self.api_call("workflows.stepCompleted", json=kwargs) async def workflows_stepFailed( self, *, workflow_step_execute_id: str, error: Dict[str, str], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Indicate an unsuccessful outcome of a workflow step's execution. """ kwargs.update( { "workflow_step_execute_id": workflow_step_execute_id, "error": error, } ) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "error" parameter return await self.api_call("workflows.stepFailed", json=kwargs) async def workflows_updateStep( self, *, workflow_step_edit_id: str, inputs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, outputs: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update the configuration for a workflow extension step. """ kwargs.update({"workflow_step_edit_id": workflow_step_edit_id}) if inputs is not None: kwargs.update({"inputs": inputs}) if outputs is not None: kwargs.update({"outputs": outputs}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "inputs" / "outputs" parameters return await self.api_call("workflows.updateStep", json=kwargs)
A WebClient allows apps to communicate with the Slack Platform's Web API.
The Slack Web API is an interface for querying information from and enacting change in a Slack workspace.
This client handles constructing and sending HTTP requests to Slack as well as parsing any responses received into a
- A string specifying an
token. base_url
- A string representing the Slack API base URL.
Default is
- The maximum number of seconds the client will wait to connect and receive a response from Slack. Default is 30 seconds.
- An
instance, helpful for specifying your own custom certificate chain. proxy
- String representing a fully-qualified URL to a proxy through
which to route all requests to the Slack API. Even if this parameter
is not specified, if any of the following environment variables are
present, they will be loaded into this parameter:
. headers
- Additional request headers to attach to all requests.
: Constructs a request and executes the API call to Slack.Example of recommended usage:
import os from slack_sdk.web.async_client import AsyncWebClient client = AsyncWebClient(token=os.environ['SLACK_API_TOKEN']) response = client.chat_postMessage( channel='#random', text="Hello world!") assert response["ok"] assert response["message"]["text"] == "Hello world!"
Example manually creating an API request:
import os from slack_sdk.web.async_client import AsyncWebClient client = AsyncWebClient(token=os.environ['SLACK_API_TOKEN']) response = client.api_call( api_method='chat.postMessage', json={'channel': '#random','text': "Hello world!"} ) assert response["ok"] assert response["message"]["text"] == "Hello world!"
Any attributes or methods prefixed with _underscores are intended to be "private" internal use only. They may be changed or removed at anytime.
async def admin_analytics_getFile(self,
type: str,
date: str | None = None,
metadata_only: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_analytics_getFile( self, *, type: str, date: Optional[str] = None, metadata_only: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve analytics data for a given date, presented as a compressed JSON file """ kwargs.update({"type": type}) if date is not None: kwargs.update({"date": date}) if metadata_only is not None: kwargs.update({"metadata_only": metadata_only}) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs)
Retrieve analytics data for a given date, presented as a compressed JSON file
async def admin_apps_activities_list(self,
app_id: str | None = None,
component_id: str | None = None,
component_type: str | None = None,
log_event_type: str | None = None,
max_date_created: int | None = None,
min_date_created: int | None = None,
min_log_level: str | None = None,
sort_direction: str | None = None,
source: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
trace_id: str | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_apps_activities_list( self, *, app_id: Optional[str] = None, component_id: Optional[str] = None, component_type: Optional[str] = None, log_event_type: Optional[str] = None, max_date_created: Optional[int] = None, min_date_created: Optional[int] = None, min_log_level: Optional[str] = None, sort_direction: Optional[str] = None, source: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, trace_id: Optional[str] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get logs for a specified team/org """ kwargs.update( { "app_id": app_id, "component_id": component_id, "component_type": component_type, "log_event_type": log_event_type, "max_date_created": max_date_created, "min_date_created": min_date_created, "min_log_level": min_log_level, "sort_direction": sort_direction, "source": source, "team_id": team_id, "trace_id": trace_id, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.activities.list", params=kwargs)
Get logs for a specified team/org
async def admin_apps_approve(self,
app_id: str | None = None,
request_id: str | None = None,
enterprise_id: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_apps_approve( self, *, app_id: Optional[str] = None, request_id: Optional[str] = None, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Approve an app for installation on a workspace. Either app_id or request_id is required. These IDs can be obtained either directly via the app_requested event, or by the admin.apps.requests.list method. """ if app_id: kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) elif request_id: kwargs.update({"request_id": request_id}) else: raise e.SlackRequestError("The app_id or request_id argument must be specified.") kwargs.update( { "enterprise_id": enterprise_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.approve", params=kwargs)
Approve an app for installation on a workspace. Either app_id or request_id is required. These IDs can be obtained either directly via the app_requested event, or by the admin.apps.requests.list method.
async def admin_apps_approved_list(self,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
enterprise_id: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_apps_approved_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List approved apps for an org or workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "enterprise_id": enterprise_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.approved.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
List approved apps for an org or workspace.
async def admin_apps_clearResolution(self,
app_id: str,
enterprise_id: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_apps_clearResolution( self, *, app_id: str, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Clear an app resolution """ kwargs.update( { "app_id": app_id, "enterprise_id": enterprise_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.clearResolution", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Clear an app resolution
async def admin_apps_config_lookup(self, *, app_ids: str | Sequence[str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def admin_apps_config_lookup( self, *, app_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Look up the app config for connectors by their IDs """ if isinstance(app_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"app_ids": ",".join(app_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"app_ids": app_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.config.lookup", params=kwargs)
Look up the app config for connectors by their IDs
async def admin_apps_config_set(self,
app_id: str,
domain_restrictions: Dict[str, Any] | None = None,
workflow_auth_strategy: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_apps_config_set( self, *, app_id: str, domain_restrictions: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, workflow_auth_strategy: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the app config for a connector """ kwargs.update( { "app_id": app_id, "workflow_auth_strategy": workflow_auth_strategy, } ) if domain_restrictions is not None: kwargs.update({"domain_restrictions": json.dumps(domain_restrictions)}) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.config.set", params=kwargs)
Set the app config for a connector
async def admin_apps_requests_cancel(self,
request_id: str,
enterprise_id: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_apps_requests_cancel( self, *, request_id: str, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List app requests for a team/workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "request_id": request_id, "enterprise_id": enterprise_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.requests.cancel", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
List app requests for a team/workspace.
async def admin_apps_requests_list(self,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_apps_requests_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List app requests for a team/workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.requests.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
List app requests for a team/workspace.
async def admin_apps_restrict(self,
app_id: str | None = None,
request_id: str | None = None,
enterprise_id: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_apps_restrict( self, *, app_id: Optional[str] = None, request_id: Optional[str] = None, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Restrict an app for installation on a workspace. Exactly one of the team_id or enterprise_id arguments is required, not both. Either app_id or request_id is required. These IDs can be obtained either directly via the app_requested event, or by the admin.apps.requests.list method. """ if app_id: kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) elif request_id: kwargs.update({"request_id": request_id}) else: raise e.SlackRequestError("The app_id or request_id argument must be specified.") kwargs.update( { "enterprise_id": enterprise_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.restrict", params=kwargs)
Restrict an app for installation on a workspace. Exactly one of the team_id or enterprise_id arguments is required, not both. Either app_id or request_id is required. These IDs can be obtained either directly via the app_requested event, or by the admin.apps.requests.list method.
async def admin_apps_restricted_list(self,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
enterprise_id: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_apps_restricted_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List restricted apps for an org or workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "enterprise_id": enterprise_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.restricted.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
List restricted apps for an org or workspace.
async def admin_apps_uninstall(self,
app_id: str,
enterprise_id: str | None = None,
team_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_apps_uninstall( self, *, app_id: str, enterprise_id: Optional[str] = None, team_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Uninstall an app from one or many workspaces, or an entire enterprise organization. With an org-level token, enterprise_id or team_ids is required. """ kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) if enterprise_id is not None: kwargs.update({"enterprise_id": enterprise_id}) if team_ids is not None: if isinstance(team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"team_ids": ",".join(team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"team_ids": team_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.apps.uninstall", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Uninstall an app from one or many workspaces, or an entire enterprise organization. With an org-level token, enterprise_id or team_ids is required.
async def admin_auth_policy_assignEntities(self,
entity_ids: str | Sequence[str],
policy_name: str,
entity_type: str,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_auth_policy_assignEntities( self, *, entity_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], policy_name: str, entity_type: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Assign entities to a particular authentication policy. """ if isinstance(entity_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"entity_ids": ",".join(entity_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"entity_ids": entity_ids}) kwargs.update({"policy_name": policy_name}) kwargs.update({"entity_type": entity_type}) return await self.api_call("admin.auth.policy.assignEntities", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Assign entities to a particular authentication policy.
async def admin_auth_policy_getEntities(self,
policy_name: str,
cursor: str | None = None,
entity_type: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_auth_policy_getEntities( self, *, policy_name: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, entity_type: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetch all the entities assigned to a particular authentication policy by name. """ kwargs.update({"policy_name": policy_name}) if cursor is not None: kwargs.update({"cursor": cursor}) if entity_type is not None: kwargs.update({"entity_type": entity_type}) if limit is not None: kwargs.update({"limit": limit}) return await self.api_call("admin.auth.policy.getEntities", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Fetch all the entities assigned to a particular authentication policy by name.
async def admin_auth_policy_removeEntities(self,
entity_ids: str | Sequence[str],
policy_name: str,
entity_type: str,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_auth_policy_removeEntities( self, *, entity_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], policy_name: str, entity_type: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove specified entities from a specified authentication policy. """ if isinstance(entity_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"entity_ids": ",".join(entity_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"entity_ids": entity_ids}) kwargs.update({"policy_name": policy_name}) kwargs.update({"entity_type": entity_type}) return await self.api_call("admin.auth.policy.removeEntities", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Remove specified entities from a specified authentication policy.
async def admin_barriers_create(self,
barriered_from_usergroup_ids: str | Sequence[str],
primary_usergroup_id: str,
restricted_subjects: str | Sequence[str],
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_barriers_create( self, *, barriered_from_usergroup_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], primary_usergroup_id: str, restricted_subjects: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create an Information Barrier """ kwargs.update({"primary_usergroup_id": primary_usergroup_id}) if isinstance(barriered_from_usergroup_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"barriered_from_usergroup_ids": ",".join(barriered_from_usergroup_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"barriered_from_usergroup_ids": barriered_from_usergroup_ids}) if isinstance(restricted_subjects, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"restricted_subjects": ",".join(restricted_subjects)}) else: kwargs.update({"restricted_subjects": restricted_subjects}) return await self.api_call("admin.barriers.create", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Create an Information Barrier
async def admin_barriers_delete(self, *, barrier_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def admin_barriers_delete( self, *, barrier_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Delete an existing Information Barrier """ kwargs.update({"barrier_id": barrier_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.barriers.delete", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Delete an existing Information Barrier
async def admin_barriers_list(self, *, cursor: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def admin_barriers_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get all Information Barriers for your organization""" kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.barriers.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Get all Information Barriers for your organization
async def admin_barriers_update(self,
barrier_id: str,
barriered_from_usergroup_ids: str | Sequence[str],
primary_usergroup_id: str,
restricted_subjects: str | Sequence[str],
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_barriers_update( self, *, barrier_id: str, barriered_from_usergroup_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], primary_usergroup_id: str, restricted_subjects: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update an existing Information Barrier """ kwargs.update({"barrier_id": barrier_id, "primary_usergroup_id": primary_usergroup_id}) if isinstance(barriered_from_usergroup_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"barriered_from_usergroup_ids": ",".join(barriered_from_usergroup_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"barriered_from_usergroup_ids": barriered_from_usergroup_ids}) if isinstance(restricted_subjects, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"restricted_subjects": ",".join(restricted_subjects)}) else: kwargs.update({"restricted_subjects": restricted_subjects}) return await self.api_call("admin.barriers.update", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Update an existing Information Barrier
async def admin_conversations_archive(self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def admin_conversations_archive( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Archive a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.archive", params=kwargs)
Archive a public or private channel.
async def admin_conversations_bulkArchive(self, *, channel_ids: str | Sequence[str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def admin_conversations_bulkArchive( self, *, channel_ids: Union[Sequence[str], str], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Archive public or private channels in bulk. """ kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)) else channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.bulkArchive", params=kwargs)
Archive public or private channels in bulk.
async def admin_conversations_bulkDelete(self, *, channel_ids: str | Sequence[str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def admin_conversations_bulkDelete( self, *, channel_ids: Union[Sequence[str], str], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Delete public or private channels in bulk. """ kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)) else channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.bulkDelete", params=kwargs)
Delete public or private channels in bulk.
async def admin_conversations_bulkMove(self, *, channel_ids: str | Sequence[str], target_team_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def admin_conversations_bulkMove( self, *, channel_ids: Union[Sequence[str], str], target_team_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Move public or private channels in bulk. """ kwargs.update( { "target_team_id": target_team_id, "channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)) else channel_ids, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.bulkMove", params=kwargs)
Move public or private channels in bulk.
async def admin_conversations_convertToPrivate(self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def admin_conversations_convertToPrivate( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Convert a public channel to a private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.convertToPrivate", params=kwargs)
Convert a public channel to a private channel.
async def admin_conversations_convertToPublic(self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def admin_conversations_convertToPublic( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Convert a privte channel to a public channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.convertToPublic", params=kwargs)
Convert a privte channel to a public channel.
async def admin_conversations_create(self,
is_private: bool,
name: str,
description: str | None = None,
org_wide: bool | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_conversations_create( self, *, is_private: bool, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, org_wide: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create a public or private channel-based conversation. """ kwargs.update( { "is_private": is_private, "name": name, "description": description, "org_wide": org_wide, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.create", params=kwargs)
Create a public or private channel-based conversation.
async def admin_conversations_delete(self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def admin_conversations_delete( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Delete a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.delete", params=kwargs)
Delete a public or private channel.
Expand source code
async def admin_conversations_disconnectShared( self, *, channel_id: str, leaving_team_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Disconnect a connected channel from one or more workspaces. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) if isinstance(leaving_team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"leaving_team_ids": ",".join(leaving_team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"leaving_team_ids": leaving_team_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.disconnectShared", params=kwargs)
Disconnect a connected channel from one or more workspaces.
async def admin_conversations_ekm_listOriginalConnectedChannelInfo(self,
channel_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
team_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_conversations_ekm_listOriginalConnectedChannelInfo( self, *, channel_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all disconnected channels—i.e., channels that were once connected to other workspaces and then disconnected—and the corresponding original channel IDs for key revocation with EKM. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) if isinstance(team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"team_ids": ",".join(team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"team_ids": team_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.ekm.listOriginalConnectedChannelInfo", params=kwargs)
List all disconnected channels—i.e., channels that were once connected to other workspaces and then disconnected—and the corresponding original channel IDs for key revocation with EKM.
async def admin_conversations_getConversationPrefs(self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_conversations_getConversationPrefs( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get conversation preferences for a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.getConversationPrefs", params=kwargs)
Get conversation preferences for a public or private channel.
async def admin_conversations_getCustomRetention(self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_conversations_getCustomRetention( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get a channel's retention policy """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.getCustomRetention", params=kwargs)
Get a channel's retention policy
async def admin_conversations_getTeams(self,
channel_id: str,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_conversations_getTeams( self, *, channel_id: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the workspaces in an Enterprise grid org that connect to a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel_id": channel_id, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.getTeams", params=kwargs)
Set the workspaces in an Enterprise grid org that connect to a channel.
async def admin_conversations_invite(self, *, channel_id: str, user_ids: str | Sequence[str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_conversations_invite( self, *, channel_id: str, user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Invite a user to a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) # NOTE: the endpoint is unable to handle Content-Type: application/json as of Sep 3, 2020. return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.invite", params=kwargs)
Invite a user to a public or private channel.
async def admin_conversations_lookup(self,
last_message_activity_before: int,
team_ids: str | Sequence[str],
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
max_member_count: int | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_conversations_lookup( self, *, last_message_activity_before: int, team_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, max_member_count: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Returns channels on the given team using the filters. """ kwargs.update( { "last_message_activity_before": last_message_activity_before, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "max_member_count": max_member_count, } ) if isinstance(team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"team_ids": ",".join(team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"team_ids": team_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.lookup", params=kwargs)
Returns channels on the given team using the filters.
async def admin_conversations_removeCustomRetention(self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_conversations_removeCustomRetention( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove a channel's retention policy """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.removeCustomRetention", params=kwargs)
Remove a channel's retention policy
async def admin_conversations_rename(self, *, channel_id: str, name: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_conversations_rename( self, *, channel_id: str, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Rename a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id, "name": name}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.rename", params=kwargs)
Rename a public or private channel.
async def admin_conversations_restrictAccess_addGroup(self, *, channel_id: str, group_id: str, team_id: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_conversations_restrictAccess_addGroup( self, *, channel_id: str, group_id: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add an allowlist of IDP groups for accessing a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel_id": channel_id, "group_id": group_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call( "admin.conversations.restrictAccess.addGroup", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs, )
Add an allowlist of IDP groups for accessing a channel.
async def admin_conversations_restrictAccess_listGroups(self, *, channel_id: str, team_id: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_conversations_restrictAccess_listGroups( self, *, channel_id: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all IDP Groups linked to a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel_id": channel_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call( "admin.conversations.restrictAccess.listGroups", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs, )
List all IDP Groups linked to a channel.
async def admin_conversations_restrictAccess_removeGroup(self, *, channel_id: str, group_id: str, team_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_conversations_restrictAccess_removeGroup( self, *, channel_id: str, group_id: str, team_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove a linked IDP group linked from a private channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel_id": channel_id, "group_id": group_id, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call( "admin.conversations.restrictAccess.removeGroup", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs, )
Remove a linked IDP group linked from a private channel.
async def admin_conversations_search(self,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
query: str | None = None,
search_channel_types: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
sort: str | None = None,
sort_dir: str | None = None,
team_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_conversations_search( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, search_channel_types: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, sort: Optional[str] = None, sort_dir: Optional[str] = None, team_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Search for public or private channels in an Enterprise organization. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "query": query, "sort": sort, "sort_dir": sort_dir, } ) if isinstance(search_channel_types, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"search_channel_types": ",".join(search_channel_types)}) else: kwargs.update({"search_channel_types": search_channel_types}) if isinstance(team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"team_ids": ",".join(team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"team_ids": team_ids}) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs)
Search for public or private channels in an Enterprise organization.
async def admin_conversations_setConversationPrefs(self, *, channel_id: str, prefs: str | Dict[str, str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_conversations_setConversationPrefs( self, *, channel_id: str, prefs: Union[str, Dict[str, str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the posting permissions for a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) if isinstance(prefs, dict): kwargs.update({"prefs": json.dumps(prefs)}) else: kwargs.update({"prefs": prefs}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.setConversationPrefs", params=kwargs)
Set the posting permissions for a public or private channel.
async def admin_conversations_setCustomRetention(self, *, channel_id: str, duration_days: int, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_conversations_setCustomRetention( self, *, channel_id: str, duration_days: int, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set a channel's retention policy """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id, "duration_days": duration_days}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.setCustomRetention", params=kwargs)
Set a channel's retention policy
async def admin_conversations_setTeams(self,
channel_id: str,
org_channel: bool | None = None,
target_team_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_conversations_setTeams( self, *, channel_id: str, org_channel: Optional[bool] = None, target_team_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the workspaces in an Enterprise grid org that connect to a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel_id": channel_id, "org_channel": org_channel, "team_id": team_id, } ) if isinstance(target_team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"target_team_ids": ",".join(target_team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"target_team_ids": target_team_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.setTeams", params=kwargs)
Set the workspaces in an Enterprise grid org that connect to a public or private channel.
async def admin_conversations_unarchive(self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_conversations_unarchive( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Unarchive a public or private channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.conversations.unarchive", params=kwargs)
Unarchive a public or private channel.
async def admin_emoji_add(self, *, name: str, url: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_emoji_add( self, *, name: str, url: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add an emoji. """ kwargs.update({"name": name, "url": url}) return await self.api_call("admin.emoji.add", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Add an emoji.
async def admin_emoji_addAlias(self, *, alias_for: str, name: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_emoji_addAlias( self, *, alias_for: str, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add an emoji alias. """ kwargs.update({"alias_for": alias_for, "name": name}) return await self.api_call("admin.emoji.addAlias", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Add an emoji alias.
async def admin_emoji_list(self, *, cursor: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_emoji_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List emoji for an Enterprise Grid organization. """ kwargs.update({"cursor": cursor, "limit": limit}) return await self.api_call("admin.emoji.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
List emoji for an Enterprise Grid organization.
async def admin_emoji_remove(self, *, name: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_emoji_remove( self, *, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove an emoji across an Enterprise Grid organization. """ kwargs.update({"name": name}) return await self.api_call("admin.emoji.remove", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Remove an emoji across an Enterprise Grid organization.
async def admin_emoji_rename(self, *, name: str, new_name: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_emoji_rename( self, *, name: str, new_name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Rename an emoji. """ kwargs.update({"name": name, "new_name": new_name}) return await self.api_call("admin.emoji.rename", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Rename an emoji.
async def admin_functions_list(self,
app_ids: str | Sequence[str],
team_id: str | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_functions_list( self, *, app_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], team_id: Optional[str] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Look up functions by a set of apps """ if isinstance(app_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"app_ids": ",".join(app_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"app_ids": app_ids}) kwargs.update( { "team_id": team_id, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.functions.list", params=kwargs)
Look up functions by a set of apps
async def admin_functions_permissions_lookup(self, *, function_ids: str | Sequence[str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_functions_permissions_lookup( self, *, function_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lookup the visibility of multiple Slack functions and include the users if it is limited to particular named entities. """ if isinstance(function_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"function_ids": ",".join(function_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"function_ids": function_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.functions.permissions.lookup", params=kwargs)
Lookup the visibility of multiple Slack functions and include the users if it is limited to particular named entities.
async def admin_functions_permissions_set(self,
function_id: str,
visibility: str,
user_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_functions_permissions_set( self, *, function_id: str, visibility: str, user_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the visibility of a Slack function and define the users or workspaces if it is set to named_entities """ kwargs.update( { "function_id": function_id, "visibility": visibility, } ) if user_ids is not None: if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.functions.permissions.set", params=kwargs)
Set the visibility of a Slack function and define the users or workspaces if it is set to named_entities
async def admin_inviteRequests_approve(self, *, invite_request_id: str, team_id: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_inviteRequests_approve( self, *, invite_request_id: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Approve a workspace invite request. """ kwargs.update({"invite_request_id": invite_request_id, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.inviteRequests.approve", params=kwargs)
Approve a workspace invite request.
async def admin_inviteRequests_approved_list(self,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_inviteRequests_approved_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all approved workspace invite requests. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.inviteRequests.approved.list", params=kwargs)
List all approved workspace invite requests.
async def admin_inviteRequests_denied_list(self,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_inviteRequests_denied_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all denied workspace invite requests. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.inviteRequests.denied.list", params=kwargs)
List all denied workspace invite requests.
async def admin_inviteRequests_deny(self, *, invite_request_id: str, team_id: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_inviteRequests_deny( self, *, invite_request_id: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deny a workspace invite request. """ kwargs.update({"invite_request_id": invite_request_id, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.inviteRequests.deny", params=kwargs)
Deny a workspace invite request.
async def admin_inviteRequests_list(self, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_inviteRequests_list( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all pending workspace invite requests.""" return await self.api_call("admin.inviteRequests.list", params=kwargs)
List all pending workspace invite requests.
async def admin_roles_addAssignments(self,
role_id: str,
entity_ids: str | Sequence[str],
user_ids: str | Sequence[str],
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_roles_addAssignments( self, *, role_id: str, entity_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Adds members to the specified role with the specified scopes """ kwargs.update({"role_id": role_id}) if isinstance(entity_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"entity_ids": ",".join(entity_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"entity_ids": entity_ids}) if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.roles.addAssignments", params=kwargs)
Adds members to the specified role with the specified scopes
async def admin_roles_listAssignments(self,
role_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
entity_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: str | int | None = None,
sort_dir: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_roles_listAssignments( self, *, role_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, entity_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, sort_dir: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists assignments for all roles across entities. Options to scope results by any combination of roles or entities """ kwargs.update({"cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "sort_dir": sort_dir}) if isinstance(entity_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"entity_ids": ",".join(entity_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"entity_ids": entity_ids}) if isinstance(role_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"role_ids": ",".join(role_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"role_ids": role_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.roles.listAssignments", params=kwargs)
Lists assignments for all roles across entities. Options to scope results by any combination of roles or entities
async def admin_roles_removeAssignments(self,
role_id: str,
entity_ids: str | Sequence[str],
user_ids: str | Sequence[str],
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_roles_removeAssignments( self, *, role_id: str, entity_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Removes a set of users from a role for the given scopes and entities """ kwargs.update({"role_id": role_id}) if isinstance(entity_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"entity_ids": ",".join(entity_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"entity_ids": entity_ids}) if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.roles.removeAssignments", params=kwargs)
Removes a set of users from a role for the given scopes and entities
async def admin_teams_admins_list(self, *, team_id: str, cursor: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_teams_admins_list( self, *, team_id: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all of the admins on a given workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.admins.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
List all of the admins on a given workspace.
async def admin_teams_create(self,
team_domain: str,
team_name: str,
team_description: str | None = None,
team_discoverability: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_teams_create( self, *, team_domain: str, team_name: str, team_description: Optional[str] = None, team_discoverability: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create an Enterprise team. """ kwargs.update( { "team_domain": team_domain, "team_name": team_name, "team_description": team_description, "team_discoverability": team_discoverability, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.create", params=kwargs)
Create an Enterprise team.
async def admin_teams_list(self, *, cursor: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_teams_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all teams on an Enterprise organization. """ kwargs.update({"cursor": cursor, "limit": limit}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.list", params=kwargs)
List all teams on an Enterprise organization.
async def admin_teams_owners_list(self, *, team_id: str, cursor: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_teams_owners_list( self, *, team_id: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all of the admins on a given workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.owners.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
List all of the admins on a given workspace.
async def admin_teams_settings_info(self, *, team_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_teams_settings_info( self, *, team_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetch information about settings in a workspace """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs)
Fetch information about settings in a workspace
async def admin_teams_settings_setDefaultChannels(self, *, team_id: str, channel_ids: str | Sequence[str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_teams_settings_setDefaultChannels( self, *, team_id: str, channel_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the default channels of a workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id}) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.settings.setDefaultChannels", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Set the default channels of a workspace.
async def admin_teams_settings_setDescription(self, *, team_id: str, description: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_teams_settings_setDescription( self, *, team_id: str, description: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the description of a given workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "description": description}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.settings.setDescription", params=kwargs)
Set the description of a given workspace.
async def admin_teams_settings_setDiscoverability(self, *, team_id: str, discoverability: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_teams_settings_setDiscoverability( self, *, team_id: str, discoverability: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the icon of a workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "discoverability": discoverability}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.settings.setDiscoverability", params=kwargs)
Sets the icon of a workspace.
async def admin_teams_settings_setIcon(self, *, team_id: str, image_url: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_teams_settings_setIcon( self, *, team_id: str, image_url: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the icon of a workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "image_url": image_url}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.settings.setIcon", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Sets the icon of a workspace.
async def admin_teams_settings_setName(self, *, team_id: str, name: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_teams_settings_setName( self, *, team_id: str, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the icon of a workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "name": name}) return await self.api_call("admin.teams.settings.setName", params=kwargs)
Sets the icon of a workspace.
async def admin_usergroups_addChannels(self,
channel_ids: str | Sequence[str],
usergroup_id: str,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_usergroups_addChannels( self, *, channel_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], usergroup_id: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add one or more default channels to an IDP group. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "usergroup_id": usergroup_id}) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.usergroups.addChannels", params=kwargs)
Add one or more default channels to an IDP group.
async def admin_usergroups_addTeams(self,
usergroup_id: str,
team_ids: str | Sequence[str],
auto_provision: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_usergroups_addTeams( self, *, usergroup_id: str, team_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], auto_provision: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Associate one or more default workspaces with an organization-wide IDP group. """ kwargs.update({"usergroup_id": usergroup_id, "auto_provision": auto_provision}) if isinstance(team_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"team_ids": ",".join(team_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"team_ids": team_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.usergroups.addTeams", params=kwargs)
Associate one or more default workspaces with an organization-wide IDP group.
async def admin_usergroups_listChannels(self,
usergroup_id: str,
include_num_members: bool | None = None,
team_id: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_usergroups_listChannels( self, *, usergroup_id: str, include_num_members: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add one or more default channels to an IDP group. """ kwargs.update( { "usergroup_id": usergroup_id, "include_num_members": include_num_members, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.usergroups.listChannels", params=kwargs)
Add one or more default channels to an IDP group.
async def admin_usergroups_removeChannels(self, *, usergroup_id: str, channel_ids: str | Sequence[str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def admin_usergroups_removeChannels( self, *, usergroup_id: str, channel_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add one or more default channels to an IDP group. """ kwargs.update({"usergroup_id": usergroup_id}) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.usergroups.removeChannels", params=kwargs)
Add one or more default channels to an IDP group.
async def admin_users_assign(self,
team_id: str,
user_id: str,
channel_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
is_restricted: bool | None = None,
is_ultra_restricted: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_users_assign( self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, channel_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, is_restricted: Optional[bool] = None, is_ultra_restricted: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add an Enterprise user to a workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id, "is_restricted": is_restricted, "is_ultra_restricted": is_ultra_restricted, } ) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.assign", params=kwargs)
Add an Enterprise user to a workspace.
async def admin_users_invite(self,
team_id: str,
email: str,
channel_ids: str | Sequence[str],
custom_message: str | None = None,
email_password_policy_enabled: bool | None = None,
guest_expiration_ts: str | float | None = None,
is_restricted: bool | None = None,
is_ultra_restricted: bool | None = None,
real_name: str | None = None,
resend: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_users_invite( self, *, team_id: str, email: str, channel_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], custom_message: Optional[str] = None, email_password_policy_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, guest_expiration_ts: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None, is_restricted: Optional[bool] = None, is_ultra_restricted: Optional[bool] = None, real_name: Optional[str] = None, resend: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Invite a user to a workspace. """ kwargs.update( { "team_id": team_id, "email": email, "custom_message": custom_message, "email_password_policy_enabled": email_password_policy_enabled, "guest_expiration_ts": str(guest_expiration_ts) if guest_expiration_ts is not None else None, "is_restricted": is_restricted, "is_ultra_restricted": is_ultra_restricted, "real_name": real_name, "resend": resend, } ) if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.invite", params=kwargs)
Invite a user to a workspace.
async def admin_users_list(self,
team_id: str,
include_deactivated_user_workspaces: bool | None = None,
is_active: bool | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_users_list( self, *, team_id: str, include_deactivated_user_workspaces: Optional[bool] = None, is_active: Optional[bool] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List users on a workspace """ kwargs.update( { "team_id": team_id, "include_deactivated_user_workspaces": include_deactivated_user_workspaces, "is_active": is_active, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.users.list", params=kwargs)
List users on a workspace
async def admin_users_remove(self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def admin_users_remove( self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove a user from a workspace. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.remove", params=kwargs)
Remove a user from a workspace.
async def admin_users_session_clearSettings(self, *, user_ids: str | Sequence[str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_users_session_clearSettings( self, *, user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Clear user-specific session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—for a list of users. """ if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.clearSettings", params=kwargs)
Clear user-specific session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—for a list of users.
async def admin_users_session_getSettings(self, *, user_ids: str | Sequence[str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_users_session_getSettings( self, *, user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get user-specific session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—given a list of users. """ if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.getSettings", params=kwargs)
Get user-specific session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—given a list of users.
async def admin_users_session_invalidate(self, *, session_id: str, team_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_users_session_invalidate( self, *, session_id: str, team_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Invalidate a single session for a user by session_id. """ kwargs.update({"session_id": session_id, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.invalidate", params=kwargs)
Invalidate a single session for a user by session_id.
async def admin_users_session_list(self,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
user_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_users_session_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, user_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists all active user sessions for an organization """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.list", params=kwargs)
Lists all active user sessions for an organization
async def admin_users_session_reset(self,
user_id: str,
mobile_only: bool | None = None,
web_only: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_users_session_reset( self, *, user_id: str, mobile_only: Optional[bool] = None, web_only: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Wipes all valid sessions on all devices for a given user. """ kwargs.update( { "user_id": user_id, "mobile_only": mobile_only, "web_only": web_only, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.reset", params=kwargs)
Wipes all valid sessions on all devices for a given user.
async def admin_users_session_resetBulk(self,
user_ids: str | Sequence[str],
mobile_only: bool | None = None,
web_only: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_users_session_resetBulk( self, *, user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], mobile_only: Optional[bool] = None, web_only: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Enqueues an asynchronous job to wipe all valid sessions on all devices for a given list of users """ if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) kwargs.update( { "mobile_only": mobile_only, "web_only": web_only, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.resetBulk", params=kwargs)
Enqueues an asynchronous job to wipe all valid sessions on all devices for a given list of users
async def admin_users_session_setSettings(self,
user_ids: str | Sequence[str],
desktop_app_browser_quit: bool | None = None,
duration: int | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_users_session_setSettings( self, *, user_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], desktop_app_browser_quit: Optional[bool] = None, duration: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Configure the user-level session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—for one or more users. """ if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) kwargs.update( { "desktop_app_browser_quit": desktop_app_browser_quit, "duration": duration, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.users.session.setSettings", params=kwargs)
Configure the user-level session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—for one or more users.
async def admin_users_setAdmin(self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_users_setAdmin( self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set an existing guest, regular user, or owner to be an admin user. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.setAdmin", params=kwargs)
Set an existing guest, regular user, or owner to be an admin user.
async def admin_users_setExpiration(self, *, expiration_ts: int, user_id: str, team_id: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_users_setExpiration( self, *, expiration_ts: int, user_id: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set an expiration for a guest user. """ kwargs.update({"expiration_ts": expiration_ts, "team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.setExpiration", params=kwargs)
Set an expiration for a guest user.
async def admin_users_setOwner(self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_users_setOwner( self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set an existing guest, regular user, or admin user to be a workspace owner. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.setOwner", params=kwargs)
Set an existing guest, regular user, or admin user to be a workspace owner.
async def admin_users_setRegular(self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_users_setRegular( self, *, team_id: str, user_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set an existing guest user, admin user, or owner to be a regular user. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "user_id": user_id}) return await self.api_call("admin.users.setRegular", params=kwargs)
Set an existing guest user, admin user, or owner to be a regular user.
async def admin_users_unsupportedVersions_export(self,
date_end_of_support: str | int | None = None,
date_sessions_started: str | int | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_users_unsupportedVersions_export( self, *, date_end_of_support: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, date_sessions_started: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Ask Slackbot to send you an export listing all workspace members using unsupported software, presented as a zipped CSV file. """ kwargs.update( { "date_end_of_support": date_end_of_support, "date_sessions_started": date_sessions_started, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.users.unsupportedVersions.export", params=kwargs)
Ask Slackbot to send you an export listing all workspace members using unsupported software, presented as a zipped CSV file.
async def admin_workflows_collaborators_add(self,
collaborator_ids: str | Sequence[str],
workflow_ids: str | Sequence[str],
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_workflows_collaborators_add( self, *, collaborator_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], workflow_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add collaborators to workflows within the team or enterprise """ if isinstance(collaborator_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"collaborator_ids": ",".join(collaborator_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"collaborator_ids": collaborator_ids}) if isinstance(workflow_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": ",".join(workflow_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": workflow_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.workflows.collaborators.add", params=kwargs)
Add collaborators to workflows within the team or enterprise
async def admin_workflows_collaborators_remove(self,
collaborator_ids: str | Sequence[str],
workflow_ids: str | Sequence[str],
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_workflows_collaborators_remove( self, *, collaborator_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], workflow_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove collaborators from workflows within the team or enterprise """ if isinstance(collaborator_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"collaborator_ids": ",".join(collaborator_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"collaborator_ids": collaborator_ids}) if isinstance(workflow_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": ",".join(workflow_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": workflow_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.workflows.collaborators.remove", params=kwargs)
Remove collaborators from workflows within the team or enterprise
async def admin_workflows_permissions_lookup(self,
workflow_ids: str | Sequence[str],
max_workflow_triggers: int | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def admin_workflows_permissions_lookup( self, *, workflow_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], max_workflow_triggers: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Look up the permissions for a set of workflows """ if isinstance(workflow_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": ",".join(workflow_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": workflow_ids}) kwargs.update( { "max_workflow_triggers": max_workflow_triggers, } ) return await self.api_call("admin.workflows.permissions.lookup", params=kwargs)
Look up the permissions for a set of workflows
async def admin_workflows_search(self,
app_id: str | None = None,
collaborator_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
no_collaborators: bool | None = None,
num_trigger_ids: int | None = None,
query: str | None = None,
sort: str | None = None,
sort_dir: str | None = None,
source: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def admin_workflows_search( self, *, app_id: Optional[str] = None, collaborator_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, no_collaborators: Optional[bool] = None, num_trigger_ids: Optional[int] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[str] = None, sort_dir: Optional[str] = None, source: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Search workflows within the team or enterprise """ if collaborator_ids is not None: if isinstance(collaborator_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"collaborator_ids": ",".join(collaborator_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"collaborator_ids": collaborator_ids}) kwargs.update( { "app_id": app_id, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "no_collaborators": no_collaborators, "num_trigger_ids": num_trigger_ids, "query": query, "sort": sort, "sort_dir": sort_dir, "source": source, } ) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs)
Search workflows within the team or enterprise
async def admin_workflows_unpublish(self, *, workflow_ids: str | Sequence[str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def admin_workflows_unpublish( self, *, workflow_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Unpublish workflows within the team or enterprise """ if isinstance(workflow_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": ",".join(workflow_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"workflow_ids": workflow_ids}) return await self.api_call("admin.workflows.unpublish", params=kwargs)
Unpublish workflows within the team or enterprise
async def api_test(self, *, error: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def api_test( self, *, error: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Checks API calling code. """ kwargs.update({"error": error}) return await self.api_call("api.test", params=kwargs)
Checks API calling code.
async def apps_connections_open(self, *, app_token: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def apps_connections_open( self, *, app_token: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Generate a temporary Socket Mode WebSocket URL that your app can connect to in order to receive events and interactive payloads """ kwargs.update({"token": app_token}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Generate a temporary Socket Mode WebSocket URL that your app can connect to in order to receive events and interactive payloads
Expand source code
async def apps_event_authorizations_list( self, *, event_context: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get a list of authorizations for the given event context. Each authorization represents an app installation that the event is visible to. """ kwargs.update({"event_context": event_context, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit}) return await self.api_call("apps.event.authorizations.list", params=kwargs)
Get a list of authorizations for the given event context. Each authorization represents an app installation that the event is visible to.
async def apps_manifest_create(self, *, manifest: str | Dict[str, Any], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def apps_manifest_create( self, *, manifest: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create an app from an app manifest """ if isinstance(manifest, str): kwargs.update({"manifest": manifest}) else: kwargs.update({"manifest": json.dumps(manifest)}) return await self.api_call("apps.manifest.create", params=kwargs)
Create an app from an app manifest
async def apps_manifest_delete(self, *, app_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def apps_manifest_delete( self, *, app_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Permanently deletes an app created through app manifests """ kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) return await self.api_call("apps.manifest.delete", params=kwargs)
Permanently deletes an app created through app manifests
async def apps_manifest_export(self, *, app_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def apps_manifest_export( self, *, app_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Export an app manifest from an existing app """ kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) return await self.api_call("apps.manifest.export", params=kwargs)
Export an app manifest from an existing app
async def apps_manifest_update(self, *, app_id: str, manifest: str | Dict[str, Any], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def apps_manifest_update( self, *, app_id: str, manifest: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update an app from an app manifest """ if isinstance(manifest, str): kwargs.update({"manifest": manifest}) else: kwargs.update({"manifest": json.dumps(manifest)}) kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) return await self.api_call("apps.manifest.update", params=kwargs)
Update an app from an app manifest
async def apps_manifest_validate(self, *, manifest: str | Dict[str, Any], app_id: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def apps_manifest_validate( self, *, manifest: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], app_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Validate an app manifest """ if isinstance(manifest, str): kwargs.update({"manifest": manifest}) else: kwargs.update({"manifest": json.dumps(manifest)}) kwargs.update({"app_id": app_id}) return await self.api_call("apps.manifest.validate", params=kwargs)
Validate an app manifest
async def apps_uninstall(self, *, client_id: str, client_secret: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def apps_uninstall( self, *, client_id: str, client_secret: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Uninstalls your app from a workspace. """ kwargs.update({"client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret}) return await self.api_call("apps.uninstall", params=kwargs)
Uninstalls your app from a workspace.
async def assistant_threads_setStatus(self, *, channel_id: str, thread_ts: str, status: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def assistant_threads_setStatus( self, *, channel_id: str, thread_ts: str, status: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Revokes a token. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "status": status}) return await self.api_call("assistant.threads.setStatus", params=kwargs)
Revokes a token.
async def assistant_threads_setSuggestedPrompts(self,
channel_id: str,
thread_ts: str,
title: str | None = None,
prompts: List[Dict[str, str]],
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def assistant_threads_setSuggestedPrompts( self, *, channel_id: str, thread_ts: str, title: Optional[str] = None, prompts: List[Dict[str, str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Revokes a token. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "prompts": prompts}) if title is not None: kwargs.update({"title": title}) return await self.api_call("assistant.threads.setSuggestedPrompts", json=kwargs)
Revokes a token.
async def assistant_threads_setTitle(self, *, channel_id: str, thread_ts: str, title: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def assistant_threads_setTitle( self, *, channel_id: str, thread_ts: str, title: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Revokes a token. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "title": title}) return await self.api_call("assistant.threads.setTitle", params=kwargs)
Revokes a token.
async def auth_revoke(self, *, test: bool | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def auth_revoke( self, *, test: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Revokes a token. """ kwargs.update({"test": test}) return await self.api_call("auth.revoke", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Revokes a token.
async def auth_teams_list(self,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
include_icon: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def auth_teams_list( self, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, include_icon: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List the workspaces a token can access. """ kwargs.update({"cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "include_icon": include_icon}) return await self.api_call("auth.teams.list", params=kwargs)
List the workspaces a token can access.
async def auth_test(self, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def auth_test( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Checks authentication & identity. """ return await self.api_call("auth.test", params=kwargs)
Checks authentication & identity.
async def bookmarks_add(self,
channel_id: str,
title: str,
type: str,
emoji: str | None = None,
entity_id: str | None = None,
link: str | None = None,
parent_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def bookmarks_add( self, *, channel_id: str, title: str, type: str, emoji: Optional[str] = None, entity_id: Optional[str] = None, link: Optional[str] = None, # include when type is 'link' parent_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Add bookmark to a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel_id": channel_id, "title": title, "type": type, "emoji": emoji, "entity_id": entity_id, "link": link, "parent_id": parent_id, } ) return await self.api_call("bookmarks.add", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Add bookmark to a channel.
async def bookmarks_edit(self,
bookmark_id: str,
channel_id: str,
emoji: str | None = None,
link: str | None = None,
title: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def bookmarks_edit( self, *, bookmark_id: str, channel_id: str, emoji: Optional[str] = None, link: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Edit bookmark. """ kwargs.update( { "bookmark_id": bookmark_id, "channel_id": channel_id, "emoji": emoji, "link": link, "title": title, } ) return await self.api_call("bookmarks.edit", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Edit bookmark.
async def bookmarks_list(self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def bookmarks_list( self, *, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List bookmark for the channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("bookmarks.list", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
List bookmark for the channel.
async def bookmarks_remove(self, *, bookmark_id: str, channel_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def bookmarks_remove( self, *, bookmark_id: str, channel_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove bookmark from the channel. """ kwargs.update({"bookmark_id": bookmark_id, "channel_id": channel_id}) return await self.api_call("bookmarks.remove", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Remove bookmark from the channel.
async def bots_info(self, *, bot: str | None = None, team_id: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def bots_info( self, *, bot: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about a bot user. """ kwargs.update({"bot": bot, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Gets information about a bot user.
async def calls_add(self,
external_unique_id: str,
join_url: str,
created_by: str | None = None,
date_start: int | None = None,
desktop_app_join_url: str | None = None,
external_display_id: str | None = None,
title: str | None = None,
users: str | Sequence[Dict[str, str]] | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def calls_add( self, *, external_unique_id: str, join_url: str, created_by: Optional[str] = None, date_start: Optional[int] = None, desktop_app_join_url: Optional[str] = None, external_display_id: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, users: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Dict[str, str]]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Registers a new Call. """ kwargs.update( { "external_unique_id": external_unique_id, "join_url": join_url, "created_by": created_by, "date_start": date_start, "desktop_app_join_url": desktop_app_join_url, "external_display_id": external_display_id, "title": title, } ) _update_call_participants( kwargs, users if users is not None else kwargs.get("users"), # type: ignore[arg-type] ) return await self.api_call("calls.add", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Registers a new Call.
async def calls_end(self, *, id: str, duration: int | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def calls_end( self, *, id: str, duration: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Ends a Call. """ kwargs.update({"id": id, "duration": duration}) return await self.api_call("calls.end", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Ends a Call.
async def calls_info(self, *, id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def calls_info( self, *, id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Returns information about a Call. """ kwargs.update({"id": id}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Returns information about a Call.
async def calls_participants_add(self, *, id: str, users: str | Sequence[Dict[str, str]], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def calls_participants_add( self, *, id: str, users: Union[str, Sequence[Dict[str, str]]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Registers new participants added to a Call. """ kwargs.update({"id": id}) _update_call_participants(kwargs, users) return await self.api_call("calls.participants.add", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Registers new participants added to a Call.
async def calls_participants_remove(self, *, id: str, users: str | Sequence[Dict[str, str]], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def calls_participants_remove( self, *, id: str, users: Union[str, Sequence[Dict[str, str]]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Registers participants removed from a Call. """ kwargs.update({"id": id}) _update_call_participants(kwargs, users) return await self.api_call("calls.participants.remove", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Registers participants removed from a Call.
async def calls_update(self,
id: str,
desktop_app_join_url: str | None = None,
join_url: str | None = None,
title: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def calls_update( self, *, id: str, desktop_app_join_url: Optional[str] = None, join_url: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Updates information about a Call. """ kwargs.update( { "id": id, "desktop_app_join_url": desktop_app_join_url, "join_url": join_url, "title": title, } ) return await self.api_call("calls.update", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Updates information about a Call.
async def canvases_access_delete(self,
canvas_id: str,
channel_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
user_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def canvases_access_delete( self, *, canvas_id: str, channel_ids: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None, user_ids: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create a Channel Canvas for a channel """ kwargs.update({"canvas_id": canvas_id}) if channel_ids is not None: if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) if user_ids is not None: if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("canvases.access.delete", params=kwargs)
Create a Channel Canvas for a channel
async def canvases_access_set(self,
canvas_id: str,
access_level: str,
channel_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
user_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def canvases_access_set( self, *, canvas_id: str, access_level: str, channel_ids: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None, user_ids: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the access level to a canvas for specified entities """ kwargs.update({"canvas_id": canvas_id, "access_level": access_level}) if channel_ids is not None: if isinstance(channel_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channel_ids": ",".join(channel_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"channel_ids": channel_ids}) if user_ids is not None: if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("canvases.access.set", params=kwargs)
Sets the access level to a canvas for specified entities
async def canvases_create(self, *, title: str | None = None, document_content: Dict[str, str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def canvases_create( self, *, title: Optional[str] = None, document_content: Dict[str, str], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create Canvas for a user """ kwargs.update({"title": title, "document_content": document_content}) return await self.api_call("canvases.create", json=kwargs)
Create Canvas for a user
async def canvases_delete(self, *, canvas_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def canvases_delete( self, *, canvas_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deletes a canvas """ kwargs.update({"canvas_id": canvas_id}) return await self.api_call("canvases.delete", params=kwargs)
Deletes a canvas
async def canvases_edit(self, *, canvas_id: str, changes: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def canvases_edit( self, *, canvas_id: str, changes: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update an existing canvas """ kwargs.update({"canvas_id": canvas_id, "changes": changes}) return await self.api_call("canvases.edit", json=kwargs)
Update an existing canvas
async def canvases_sections_lookup(self, *, canvas_id: str, criteria: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def canvases_sections_lookup( self, *, canvas_id: str, criteria: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Find sections matching the provided criteria """ kwargs.update({"canvas_id": canvas_id, "criteria": json.dumps(criteria)}) return await self.api_call("canvases.sections.lookup", params=kwargs)
Find sections matching the provided criteria
async def channels_archive(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_archive( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Archives a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.archive", json=kwargs)
Archives a channel.
async def channels_create(self, *, name: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_create( self, *, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Creates a channel.""" kwargs.update({"name": name}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.create", json=kwargs)
Creates a channel.
async def channels_history(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_history( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetches history of messages and events from a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("channels.history", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Fetches history of messages and events from a channel.
async def channels_info(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_info( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Gets information about a channel.
async def channels_invite(self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_invite( self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Invites a user to a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "user": user}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.invite", json=kwargs)
Invites a user to a channel.
async def channels_join(self, *, name: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_join( self, *, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Joins a channel, creating it if needed.""" kwargs.update({"name": name}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.join", json=kwargs)
Joins a channel, creating it if needed.
async def channels_kick(self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_kick( self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Removes a user from a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "user": user}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.kick", json=kwargs)
Removes a user from a channel.
async def channels_leave(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_leave( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Leaves a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.leave", json=kwargs)
Leaves a channel.
async def channels_list(self, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_list( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists all channels in a Slack team.""" return await self.api_call("channels.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Lists all channels in a Slack team.
async def channels_mark(self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_mark( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the read cursor in a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "ts": ts}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.mark", json=kwargs)
Sets the read cursor in a channel.
async def channels_rename(self, *, channel: str, name: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_rename( self, *, channel: str, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Renames a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "name": name}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.rename", json=kwargs)
Renames a channel.
async def channels_replies(self, *, channel: str, thread_ts: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_replies( self, *, channel: str, thread_ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a channel""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "thread_ts": thread_ts}) return await self.api_call("channels.replies", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a channel
async def channels_setPurpose(self, *, channel: str, purpose: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_setPurpose( self, *, channel: str, purpose: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the purpose for a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "purpose": purpose}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.setPurpose", json=kwargs)
Sets the purpose for a channel.
async def channels_setTopic(self, *, channel: str, topic: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_setTopic( self, *, channel: str, topic: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the topic for a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "topic": topic}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.setTopic", json=kwargs)
Sets the topic for a channel.
async def channels_unarchive(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def channels_unarchive( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Unarchives a channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("channels.unarchive", json=kwargs)
Unarchives a channel.
async def chat_delete(self, *, channel: str, ts: str, as_user: bool | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def chat_delete( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, as_user: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deletes a message. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "ts": ts, "as_user": as_user}) return await self.api_call("chat.delete", params=kwargs)
Deletes a message.
async def chat_deleteScheduledMessage(self,
channel: str,
scheduled_message_id: str,
as_user: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def chat_deleteScheduledMessage( self, *, channel: str, scheduled_message_id: str, as_user: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deletes a scheduled message. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "scheduled_message_id": scheduled_message_id, "as_user": as_user, } ) return await self.api_call("chat.deleteScheduledMessage", params=kwargs)
Deletes a scheduled message.
async def chat_getPermalink(self, *, channel: str, message_ts: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def chat_getPermalink( self, *, channel: str, message_ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a permalink URL for a specific extant message """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "message_ts": message_ts}) return await self.api_call("chat.getPermalink", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieve a permalink URL for a specific extant message
async def chat_meMessage(self, *, channel: str, text: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def chat_meMessage( self, *, channel: str, text: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Share a me message into a channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "text": text}) return await self.api_call("chat.meMessage", params=kwargs)
Share a me message into a channel.
async def chat_postEphemeral(self,
channel: str,
user: str,
text: str | None = None,
as_user: bool | None = None,
attachments: str | Sequence[Dict | Attachment] | None = None,
blocks: str | Sequence[Dict | Block] | None = None,
thread_ts: str | None = None,
icon_emoji: str | None = None,
icon_url: str | None = None,
link_names: bool | None = None,
username: str | None = None,
parse: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def chat_postEphemeral( self, *, channel: str, user: str, text: Optional[str] = None, as_user: Optional[bool] = None, attachments: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Attachment]]]] = None, blocks: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Block]]]] = None, thread_ts: Optional[str] = None, icon_emoji: Optional[str] = None, icon_url: Optional[str] = None, link_names: Optional[bool] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, parse: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sends an ephemeral message to a user in a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "user": user, "text": text, "as_user": as_user, "attachments": attachments, "blocks": blocks, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "icon_emoji": icon_emoji, "icon_url": icon_url, "link_names": link_names, "username": username, "parse": parse, } ) _parse_web_class_objects(kwargs) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) _warn_if_text_or_attachment_fallback_is_missing("chat.postEphemeral", kwargs) # NOTE: intentionally using json over params for the API methods using blocks/attachments return await self.api_call("chat.postEphemeral", json=kwargs)
Sends an ephemeral message to a user in a channel.
async def chat_postMessage(self,
channel: str,
text: str | None = None,
as_user: bool | None = None,
attachments: str | Sequence[Dict | Attachment] | None = None,
blocks: str | Sequence[Dict | Block] | None = None,
thread_ts: str | None = None,
reply_broadcast: bool | None = None,
unfurl_links: bool | None = None,
unfurl_media: bool | None = None,
container_id: str | None = None,
icon_emoji: str | None = None,
icon_url: str | None = None,
mrkdwn: bool | None = None,
link_names: bool | None = None,
username: str | None = None,
parse: str | None = None,
metadata: Dict | Metadata | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def chat_postMessage( self, *, channel: str, text: Optional[str] = None, as_user: Optional[bool] = None, attachments: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Attachment]]]] = None, blocks: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Block]]]] = None, thread_ts: Optional[str] = None, reply_broadcast: Optional[bool] = None, unfurl_links: Optional[bool] = None, unfurl_media: Optional[bool] = None, container_id: Optional[str] = None, icon_emoji: Optional[str] = None, icon_url: Optional[str] = None, mrkdwn: Optional[bool] = None, link_names: Optional[bool] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, parse: Optional[str] = None, # none, full metadata: Optional[Union[Dict, Metadata]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sends a message to a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "text": text, "as_user": as_user, "attachments": attachments, "blocks": blocks, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "reply_broadcast": reply_broadcast, "unfurl_links": unfurl_links, "unfurl_media": unfurl_media, "container_id": container_id, "icon_emoji": icon_emoji, "icon_url": icon_url, "mrkdwn": mrkdwn, "link_names": link_names, "username": username, "parse": parse, "metadata": metadata, } ) _parse_web_class_objects(kwargs) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) _warn_if_text_or_attachment_fallback_is_missing("chat.postMessage", kwargs) # NOTE: intentionally using json over params for the API methods using blocks/attachments return await self.api_call("chat.postMessage", json=kwargs)
Sends a message to a channel.
async def chat_scheduleMessage(self,
channel: str,
post_at: str | int,
text: str,
as_user: bool | None = None,
attachments: str | Sequence[Dict | Attachment] | None = None,
blocks: str | Sequence[Dict | Block] | None = None,
thread_ts: str | None = None,
parse: str | None = None,
reply_broadcast: bool | None = None,
unfurl_links: bool | None = None,
unfurl_media: bool | None = None,
link_names: bool | None = None,
metadata: Dict | Metadata | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def chat_scheduleMessage( self, *, channel: str, post_at: Union[str, int], text: str, as_user: Optional[bool] = None, attachments: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Attachment]]]] = None, blocks: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Block]]]] = None, thread_ts: Optional[str] = None, parse: Optional[str] = None, reply_broadcast: Optional[bool] = None, unfurl_links: Optional[bool] = None, unfurl_media: Optional[bool] = None, link_names: Optional[bool] = None, metadata: Optional[Union[Dict, Metadata]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Schedules a message. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "post_at": post_at, "text": text, "as_user": as_user, "attachments": attachments, "blocks": blocks, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "reply_broadcast": reply_broadcast, "parse": parse, "unfurl_links": unfurl_links, "unfurl_media": unfurl_media, "link_names": link_names, "metadata": metadata, } ) _parse_web_class_objects(kwargs) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) _warn_if_text_or_attachment_fallback_is_missing("chat.scheduleMessage", kwargs) # NOTE: intentionally using json over params for the API methods using blocks/attachments return await self.api_call("chat.scheduleMessage", json=kwargs)
Schedules a message.
async def chat_scheduledMessages_list(self,
channel: str | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
latest: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
oldest: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def chat_scheduledMessages_list( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, latest: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, oldest: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists all scheduled messages. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "cursor": cursor, "latest": latest, "limit": limit, "oldest": oldest, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("chat.scheduledMessages.list", params=kwargs)
Lists all scheduled messages.
async def chat_unfurl(self,
channel: str | None = None,
ts: str | None = None,
source: str | None = None,
unfurl_id: str | None = None,
unfurls: Dict[str, Dict] | None = None,
user_auth_blocks: str | Sequence[Dict | Block] | None = None,
user_auth_message: str | None = None,
user_auth_required: bool | None = None,
user_auth_url: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def chat_unfurl( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, ts: Optional[str] = None, source: Optional[str] = None, unfurl_id: Optional[str] = None, unfurls: Optional[Dict[str, Dict]] = None, # or user_auth_* user_auth_blocks: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Block]]]] = None, user_auth_message: Optional[str] = None, user_auth_required: Optional[bool] = None, user_auth_url: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Provide custom unfurl behavior for user-posted URLs. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "ts": ts, "source": source, "unfurl_id": unfurl_id, "unfurls": unfurls, "user_auth_blocks": user_auth_blocks, "user_auth_message": user_auth_message, "user_auth_required": user_auth_required, "user_auth_url": user_auth_url, } ) _parse_web_class_objects(kwargs) # for user_auth_blocks kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: intentionally using json over params for API methods using blocks/attachments return await self.api_call("chat.unfurl", json=kwargs)
Provide custom unfurl behavior for user-posted URLs.
async def chat_update(self,
channel: str,
ts: str,
text: str | None = None,
attachments: str | Sequence[Dict | Attachment] | None = None,
blocks: str | Sequence[Dict | Block] | None = None,
as_user: bool | None = None,
file_ids: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
link_names: bool | None = None,
parse: str | None = None,
reply_broadcast: bool | None = None,
metadata: Dict | Metadata | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def chat_update( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, text: Optional[str] = None, attachments: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Attachment]]]] = None, blocks: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[Dict, Block]]]] = None, as_user: Optional[bool] = None, file_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, link_names: Optional[bool] = None, parse: Optional[str] = None, # none, full reply_broadcast: Optional[bool] = None, metadata: Optional[Union[Dict, Metadata]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Updates a message in a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "ts": ts, "text": text, "attachments": attachments, "blocks": blocks, "as_user": as_user, "link_names": link_names, "parse": parse, "reply_broadcast": reply_broadcast, "metadata": metadata, } ) if isinstance(file_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"file_ids": ",".join(file_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"file_ids": file_ids}) _parse_web_class_objects(kwargs) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) _warn_if_text_or_attachment_fallback_is_missing("chat.update", kwargs) # NOTE: intentionally using json over params for API methods using blocks/attachments return await self.api_call("chat.update", json=kwargs)
Updates a message in a channel.
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async def conversations_acceptSharedInvite( self, *, channel_name: str, channel_id: Optional[str] = None, invite_id: Optional[str] = None, free_trial_accepted: Optional[bool] = None, is_private: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Accepts an invitation to a Slack Connect channel. """ if channel_id is None and invite_id is None: raise e.SlackRequestError("Either channel_id or invite_id must be provided.") kwargs.update( { "channel_name": channel_name, "channel_id": channel_id, "invite_id": invite_id, "free_trial_accepted": free_trial_accepted, "is_private": is_private, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("conversations.acceptSharedInvite", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Accepts an invitation to a Slack Connect channel.
Expand source code
async def conversations_approveSharedInvite( self, *, invite_id: str, target_team: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Approves an invitation to a Slack Connect channel. """ kwargs.update({"invite_id": invite_id, "target_team": target_team}) return await self.api_call("conversations.approveSharedInvite", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Approves an invitation to a Slack Connect channel.
async def conversations_archive(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def conversations_archive( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Archives a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("conversations.archive", params=kwargs)
Archives a conversation.
async def conversations_canvases_create(self, *, channel_id: str, document_content: Dict[str, str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def conversations_canvases_create( self, *, channel_id: str, document_content: Dict[str, str], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create a Channel Canvas for a channel """ kwargs.update({"channel_id": channel_id, "document_content": document_content}) return await self.api_call("conversations.canvases.create", json=kwargs)
Create a Channel Canvas for a channel
async def conversations_close(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def conversations_close( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Closes a direct message or multi-person direct message. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("conversations.close", params=kwargs)
Closes a direct message or multi-person direct message.
async def conversations_create(self,
name: str,
is_private: bool | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def conversations_create( self, *, name: str, is_private: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Initiates a public or private channel-based conversation """ kwargs.update({"name": name, "is_private": is_private, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("conversations.create", params=kwargs)
Initiates a public or private channel-based conversation
Expand source code
async def conversations_declineSharedInvite( self, *, invite_id: str, target_team: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Declines a Slack Connect channel invite. """ kwargs.update({"invite_id": invite_id, "target_team": target_team}) return await self.api_call("conversations.declineSharedInvite", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Declines a Slack Connect channel invite.
async def conversations_externalInvitePermissions_set(self, *, action: str, channel: str, target_team: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def conversations_externalInvitePermissions_set( self, *, action: str, channel: str, target_team: str, **kwargs ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets a team in a shared External Limited channel to a shared Slack Connect channel or vice versa. """ kwargs.update( { "action": action, "channel": channel, "target_team": target_team, } ) return await self.api_call("conversations.externalInvitePermissions.set", params=kwargs)
Sets a team in a shared External Limited channel to a shared Slack Connect channel or vice versa.
async def conversations_history(self,
channel: str,
cursor: str | None = None,
inclusive: bool | None = None,
include_all_metadata: bool | None = None,
latest: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
oldest: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def conversations_history( self, *, channel: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, inclusive: Optional[bool] = None, include_all_metadata: Optional[bool] = None, latest: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, oldest: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetches a conversation's history of messages and events. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "cursor": cursor, "inclusive": inclusive, "include_all_metadata": include_all_metadata, "limit": limit, "latest": latest, "oldest": oldest, } ) return await self.api_call("conversations.history", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Fetches a conversation's history of messages and events.
async def conversations_info(self,
channel: str,
include_locale: bool | None = None,
include_num_members: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def conversations_info( self, *, channel: str, include_locale: Optional[bool] = None, include_num_members: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve information about a conversation. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "include_locale": include_locale, "include_num_members": include_num_members, } ) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieve information about a conversation.
async def conversations_invite(self,
channel: str,
users: str | Sequence[str],
force: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def conversations_invite( self, *, channel: str, users: Union[str, Sequence[str]], force: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Invites users to a channel. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "force": force, } ) if isinstance(users, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"users": ",".join(users)}) else: kwargs.update({"users": users}) return await self.api_call("conversations.invite", params=kwargs)
Invites users to a channel.
Expand source code
async def conversations_inviteShared( self, *, channel: str, emails: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, user_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sends an invitation to a Slack Connect channel. """ if emails is None and user_ids is None: raise e.SlackRequestError("Either emails or user ids must be provided.") kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) if isinstance(emails, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"emails": ",".join(emails)}) else: kwargs.update({"emails": emails}) if isinstance(user_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"user_ids": ",".join(user_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"user_ids": user_ids}) return await self.api_call("conversations.inviteShared", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Sends an invitation to a Slack Connect channel.
async def conversations_join(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def conversations_join( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Joins an existing conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("conversations.join", params=kwargs)
Joins an existing conversation.
async def conversations_kick(self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def conversations_kick( self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Removes a user from a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "user": user}) return await self.api_call("conversations.kick", params=kwargs)
Removes a user from a conversation.
async def conversations_leave(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def conversations_leave( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Leaves a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("conversations.leave", params=kwargs)
Leaves a conversation.
async def conversations_list(self,
cursor: str | None = None,
exclude_archived: bool | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
types: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def conversations_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, exclude_archived: Optional[bool] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, types: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists all channels in a Slack team. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "exclude_archived": exclude_archived, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, } ) if isinstance(types, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"types": ",".join(types)}) else: kwargs.update({"types": types}) return await self.api_call("conversations.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Lists all channels in a Slack team.
async def conversations_listConnectInvites(self,
count: int | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def conversations_listConnectInvites( self, *, count: Optional[int] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List shared channel invites that have been generated or received but have not yet been approved by all parties. """ kwargs.update({"count": count, "cursor": cursor, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("conversations.listConnectInvites", params=kwargs)
List shared channel invites that have been generated or received but have not yet been approved by all parties.
async def conversations_mark(self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def conversations_mark( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the read cursor in a channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "ts": ts}) return await self.api_call("conversations.mark", params=kwargs)
Sets the read cursor in a channel.
async def conversations_members(self, *, channel: str, cursor: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def conversations_members( self, *, channel: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve members of a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit}) return await self.api_call("conversations.members", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieve members of a conversation.
async def conversations_open(self,
channel: str | None = None,
return_im: bool | None = None,
users: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def conversations_open( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, return_im: Optional[bool] = None, users: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Opens or resumes a direct message or multi-person direct message. """ if channel is None and users is None: raise e.SlackRequestError("Either channel or users must be provided.") kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "return_im": return_im}) if isinstance(users, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"users": ",".join(users)}) else: kwargs.update({"users": users}) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs)
Opens or resumes a direct message or multi-person direct message.
async def conversations_rename(self, *, channel: str, name: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def conversations_rename( self, *, channel: str, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Renames a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "name": name}) return await self.api_call("conversations.rename", params=kwargs)
Renames a conversation.
async def conversations_replies(self,
channel: str,
ts: str,
cursor: str | None = None,
inclusive: bool | None = None,
include_all_metadata: bool | None = None,
latest: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
oldest: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def conversations_replies( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, inclusive: Optional[bool] = None, include_all_metadata: Optional[bool] = None, latest: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, oldest: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a conversation """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "ts": ts, "cursor": cursor, "inclusive": inclusive, "include_all_metadata": include_all_metadata, "limit": limit, "latest": latest, "oldest": oldest, } ) return await self.api_call("conversations.replies", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a conversation
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async def conversations_requestSharedInvite_approve( self, *, invite_id: str, channel_id: Optional[str] = None, is_external_limited: Optional[str] = None, message: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Approve a request to add an external user to a channel. This also sends them a Slack Connect invite. """ kwargs.update( { "invite_id": invite_id, "channel_id": channel_id, "is_external_limited": is_external_limited, } ) if message is not None: kwargs.update({"message": json.dumps(message)}) return await self.api_call("conversations.requestSharedInvite.approve", params=kwargs)
Approve a request to add an external user to a channel. This also sends them a Slack Connect invite.
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async def conversations_requestSharedInvite_deny( self, *, invite_id: str, message: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deny a request to invite an external user to a channel. """ kwargs.update({"invite_id": invite_id, "message": message}) return await self.api_call("conversations.requestSharedInvite.deny", params=kwargs)
Deny a request to invite an external user to a channel.
Expand source code
async def conversations_requestSharedInvite_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, include_approved: Optional[bool] = None, include_denied: Optional[bool] = None, include_expired: Optional[bool] = None, invite_ids: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, user_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists requests to add external users to channels with ability to filter. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "include_approved": include_approved, "include_denied": include_denied, "include_expired": include_expired, "limit": limit, "user_id": user_id, } ) if invite_ids is not None: if isinstance(invite_ids, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"invite_ids": ",".join(invite_ids)}) else: kwargs.update({"invite_ids": invite_ids}) return await self.api_call("conversations.requestSharedInvite.list", params=kwargs)
Lists requests to add external users to channels with ability to filter.
async def conversations_setPurpose(self, *, channel: str, purpose: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def conversations_setPurpose( self, *, channel: str, purpose: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the purpose for a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "purpose": purpose}) return await self.api_call("conversations.setPurpose", params=kwargs)
Sets the purpose for a conversation.
async def conversations_setTopic(self, *, channel: str, topic: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def conversations_setTopic( self, *, channel: str, topic: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the topic for a conversation. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "topic": topic}) return await self.api_call("conversations.setTopic", params=kwargs)
Sets the topic for a conversation.
async def conversations_unarchive(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def conversations_unarchive( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Reverses conversation archival. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("conversations.unarchive", params=kwargs)
Reverses conversation archival.
async def dialog_open(self, *, dialog: Dict[str, Any], trigger_id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def dialog_open( self, *, dialog: Dict[str, Any], trigger_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Open a dialog with a user. """ kwargs.update({"dialog": dialog, "trigger_id": trigger_id}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: As the dialog can be a dict, this API call works only with json format. return await self.api_call("", json=kwargs)
Open a dialog with a user.
async def dnd_endDnd(self, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def dnd_endDnd( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Ends the current user's Do Not Disturb session immediately. """ return await self.api_call("dnd.endDnd", params=kwargs)
Ends the current user's Do Not Disturb session immediately.
async def dnd_endSnooze(self, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def dnd_endSnooze( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Ends the current user's snooze mode immediately. """ return await self.api_call("dnd.endSnooze", params=kwargs)
Ends the current user's snooze mode immediately.
async def dnd_info(self, *, team_id: str | None = None, user: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def dnd_info( self, *, team_id: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieves a user's current Do Not Disturb status. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "user": user}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieves a user's current Do Not Disturb status.
async def dnd_setSnooze(self, *, num_minutes: str | int, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def dnd_setSnooze( self, *, num_minutes: Union[int, str], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Turns on Do Not Disturb mode for the current user, or changes its duration. """ kwargs.update({"num_minutes": num_minutes}) return await self.api_call("dnd.setSnooze", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Turns on Do Not Disturb mode for the current user, or changes its duration.
async def dnd_teamInfo(self, users: str | Sequence[str], team_id: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def dnd_teamInfo( self, users: Union[str, Sequence[str]], team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieves the Do Not Disturb status for users on a team. """ if isinstance(users, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"users": ",".join(users)}) else: kwargs.update({"users": users}) kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("dnd.teamInfo", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieves the Do Not Disturb status for users on a team.
async def emoji_list(self, include_categories: bool | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def emoji_list( self, include_categories: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists custom emoji for a team. """ kwargs.update({"include_categories": include_categories}) return await self.api_call("emoji.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Lists custom emoji for a team.
async def files_comments_delete(self, *, file: str, id: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def files_comments_delete( self, *, file: str, id: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deletes an existing comment on a file. """ kwargs.update({"file": file, "id": id}) return await self.api_call("files.comments.delete", params=kwargs)
Deletes an existing comment on a file.
async def files_completeUploadExternal(self,
files: List[Dict[str, str]],
channel_id: str | None = None,
channels: List[str] | None = None,
initial_comment: str | None = None,
thread_ts: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def files_completeUploadExternal( self, *, files: List[Dict[str, str]], channel_id: Optional[str] = None, channels: Optional[List[str]] = None, initial_comment: Optional[str] = None, thread_ts: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Finishes an upload started with files.getUploadURLExternal. """ _files = [{k: v for k, v in f.items() if v is not None} for f in files] kwargs.update( { "files": json.dumps(_files), "channel_id": channel_id, "initial_comment": initial_comment, "thread_ts": thread_ts, } ) if channels: kwargs["channels"] = ",".join(channels) return await self.api_call("files.completeUploadExternal", params=kwargs)
Finishes an upload started with files.getUploadURLExternal.
async def files_delete(self, *, file: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def files_delete( self, *, file: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deletes a file. """ kwargs.update({"file": file}) return await self.api_call("files.delete", params=kwargs)
Deletes a file.
async def files_getUploadURLExternal(self,
filename: str,
length: int,
alt_txt: str | None = None,
snippet_type: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def files_getUploadURLExternal( self, *, filename: str, length: int, alt_txt: Optional[str] = None, snippet_type: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets a URL for an edge external upload. """ kwargs.update( { "filename": filename, "length": length, "alt_txt": alt_txt, "snippet_type": snippet_type, } ) return await self.api_call("files.getUploadURLExternal", params=kwargs)
Gets a URL for an edge external upload.
async def files_info(self,
file: str,
count: int | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
page: int | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def files_info( self, *, file: str, count: Optional[int] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about a team file. """ kwargs.update( { "file": file, "count": count, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "page": page, } ) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Gets information about a team file.
async def files_list(self,
channel: str | None = None,
count: int | None = None,
page: int | None = None,
show_files_hidden_by_limit: bool | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
ts_from: str | None = None,
ts_to: str | None = None,
types: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
user: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def files_list( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, count: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, show_files_hidden_by_limit: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, ts_from: Optional[str] = None, ts_to: Optional[str] = None, types: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists & filters team files. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "count": count, "page": page, "show_files_hidden_by_limit": show_files_hidden_by_limit, "team_id": team_id, "ts_from": ts_from, "ts_to": ts_to, "user": user, } ) if isinstance(types, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"types": ",".join(types)}) else: kwargs.update({"types": types}) return await self.api_call("files.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Lists & filters team files.
async def files_remote_add(self,
external_id: str,
external_url: str,
title: str,
filetype: str | None = None,
indexable_file_contents: str | bytes | io.IOBase | None = None,
preview_image: str | bytes | io.IOBase | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def files_remote_add( self, *, external_id: str, external_url: str, title: str, filetype: Optional[str] = None, indexable_file_contents: Optional[Union[str, bytes, IOBase]] = None, preview_image: Optional[Union[str, bytes, IOBase]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Adds a file from a remote service. """ kwargs.update( { "external_id": external_id, "external_url": external_url, "title": title, "filetype": filetype, } ) files = None # preview_image (file): Preview of the document via multipart/form-data. if preview_image is not None or indexable_file_contents is not None: files = { "preview_image": preview_image, "indexable_file_contents": indexable_file_contents, } return await self.api_call( # Intentionally using "POST" method over "GET" here "files.remote.add", http_verb="POST", data=kwargs, files=files, )
Adds a file from a remote service.
async def files_remote_info(self, *, external_id: str | None = None, file: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def files_remote_info( self, *, external_id: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve information about a remote file added to Slack. """ kwargs.update({"external_id": external_id, "file": file}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieve information about a remote file added to Slack.
async def files_remote_list(self,
channel: str | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
ts_from: str | None = None,
ts_to: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def files_remote_list( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ts_from: Optional[str] = None, ts_to: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve information about a remote file added to Slack. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "ts_from": ts_from, "ts_to": ts_to, } ) return await self.api_call("files.remote.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieve information about a remote file added to Slack.
async def files_remote_remove(self, *, external_id: str | None = None, file: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def files_remote_remove( self, *, external_id: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Remove a remote file. """ kwargs.update({"external_id": external_id, "file": file}) return await self.api_call("files.remote.remove", http_verb="POST", params=kwargs)
Remove a remote file.
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async def files_remote_share( self, *, channels: Union[str, Sequence[str]], external_id: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Share a remote file into a channel. """ if external_id is None and file is None: raise e.SlackRequestError("Either external_id or file must be provided.") if isinstance(channels, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channels": ",".join(channels)}) else: kwargs.update({"channels": channels}) kwargs.update({"external_id": external_id, "file": file}) return await self.api_call("files.remote.share", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Share a remote file into a channel.
async def files_remote_update(self,
external_id: str | None = None,
external_url: str | None = None,
file: str | None = None,
title: str | None = None,
filetype: str | None = None,
indexable_file_contents: str | None = None,
preview_image: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def files_remote_update( self, *, external_id: Optional[str] = None, external_url: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, filetype: Optional[str] = None, indexable_file_contents: Optional[str] = None, preview_image: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Updates an existing remote file. """ kwargs.update( { "external_id": external_id, "external_url": external_url, "file": file, "title": title, "filetype": filetype, } ) files = None # preview_image (file): Preview of the document via multipart/form-data. if preview_image is not None or indexable_file_contents is not None: files = { "preview_image": preview_image, "indexable_file_contents": indexable_file_contents, } return await self.api_call( # Intentionally using "POST" method over "GET" here "files.remote.update", http_verb="POST", data=kwargs, files=files, )
Updates an existing remote file.
async def files_revokePublicURL(self, *, file: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def files_revokePublicURL( self, *, file: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Revokes public/external sharing access for a file """ kwargs.update({"file": file}) return await self.api_call("files.revokePublicURL", params=kwargs)
Revokes public/external sharing access for a file
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async def files_sharedPublicURL( self, *, file: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Enables a file for public/external sharing. """ kwargs.update({"file": file}) return await self.api_call("files.sharedPublicURL", params=kwargs)
Enables a file for public/external sharing.
async def files_upload(self,
file: str | bytes | io.IOBase | None = None,
content: str | bytes | None = None,
filename: str | None = None,
filetype: str | None = None,
initial_comment: str | None = None,
thread_ts: str | None = None,
title: str | None = None,
channels: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def files_upload( self, *, file: Optional[Union[str, bytes, IOBase]] = None, content: Optional[Union[str, bytes]] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, filetype: Optional[str] = None, initial_comment: Optional[str] = None, thread_ts: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, channels: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Uploads or creates a file. """ _print_files_upload_v2_suggestion() if file is None and content is None: raise e.SlackRequestError("The file or content argument must be specified.") if file is not None and content is not None: raise e.SlackRequestError("You cannot specify both the file and the content argument.") if isinstance(channels, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channels": ",".join(channels)}) else: kwargs.update({"channels": channels}) kwargs.update( { "filename": filename, "filetype": filetype, "initial_comment": initial_comment, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "title": title, } ) if file: if kwargs.get("filename") is None and isinstance(file, str): # use the local filename if filename is missing if kwargs.get("filename") is None: kwargs["filename"] = file.split(os.path.sep)[-1] return await self.api_call("files.upload", files={"file": file}, data=kwargs) else: kwargs["content"] = content return await self.api_call("files.upload", data=kwargs)
Uploads or creates a file.
async def files_upload_v2(self,
filename: str | None = None,
file: str | bytes | io.IOBase | os.PathLike | None = None,
content: str | bytes | None = None,
title: str | None = None,
alt_txt: str | None = None,
snippet_type: str | None = None,
file_uploads: List[Dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
channel: str | None = None,
channels: List[str] | None = None,
initial_comment: str | None = None,
thread_ts: str | None = None,
request_file_info: bool = True,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def files_upload_v2( self, *, # for sending a single file filename: Optional[str] = None, # you can skip this only when sending along with content parameter file: Optional[Union[str, bytes, IOBase, os.PathLike]] = None, content: Optional[Union[str, bytes]] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, alt_txt: Optional[str] = None, snippet_type: Optional[str] = None, # To upload multiple files at a time file_uploads: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, channel: Optional[str] = None, channels: Optional[List[str]] = None, initial_comment: Optional[str] = None, thread_ts: Optional[str] = None, request_file_info: bool = True, # since v3.23, this flag is no longer necessary **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """This wrapper method provides an easy way to upload files using the following endpoints: - step1: - step2: "" URLs returned from files.getUploadURLExternal API - step3: and """ if file is None and content is None and file_uploads is None: raise e.SlackRequestError("Any of file, content, and file_uploads must be specified.") if file is not None and content is not None: raise e.SlackRequestError("You cannot specify both the file and the content argument.") # deprecated arguments: filetype = kwargs.get("filetype") if filetype is not None: warnings.warn("The filetype parameter is no longer supported. Please remove it from the arguments.") # step1: files.getUploadURLExternal per file files: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] if file_uploads is not None: for f in file_uploads: files.append(_to_v2_file_upload_item(f)) else: f = _to_v2_file_upload_item( { "filename": filename, "file": file, "content": content, "title": title, "alt_txt": alt_txt, "snippet_type": snippet_type, } ) files.append(f) for f in files: url_response = await self.files_getUploadURLExternal( filename=f.get("filename"), # type: ignore[arg-type] length=f.get("length"), # type: ignore[arg-type] alt_txt=f.get("alt_txt"), snippet_type=f.get("snippet_type"), token=kwargs.get("token"), ) _validate_for_legacy_client(url_response) f["file_id"] = url_response.get("file_id") # type: ignore[union-attr, unused-ignore] f["upload_url"] = url_response.get("upload_url") # type: ignore[union-attr, unused-ignore] # step2: "" per file for f in files: upload_result = await self._upload_file( url=f["upload_url"], data=f["data"], logger=self._logger, timeout=self.timeout, proxy=self.proxy, ssl=self.ssl, ) if upload_result.status != 200: status = upload_result.status body = upload_result.body message = ( "Failed to upload a file " f"(status: {status}, body: {body}, filename: {f.get('filename')}, title: {f.get('title')})" ) raise e.SlackRequestError(message) # step3: files.completeUploadExternal with all the sets of (file_id + title) completion = await self.files_completeUploadExternal( files=[{"id": f["file_id"], "title": f["title"]} for f in files], channel_id=channel, channels=channels, initial_comment=initial_comment, thread_ts=thread_ts, **kwargs, ) if len(completion.get("files")) == 1: # type: ignore[arg-type, union-attr, unused-ignore]["file"] = completion.get("files")[0] # type: ignore[index, union-attr, unused-ignore] return completion
This wrapper method provides an easy way to upload files using the following endpoints:
step2: "…" URLs returned from files.getUploadURLExternal API
step3: and
async def functions_completeError(self, *, function_execution_id: str, error: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def functions_completeError( self, *, function_execution_id: str, error: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Signal the failure to execute a function """ kwargs.update({"function_execution_id": function_execution_id, "error": error}) return await self.api_call("functions.completeError", params=kwargs)
Signal the failure to execute a function
async def functions_completeSuccess(self, *, function_execution_id: str, outputs: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def functions_completeSuccess( self, *, function_execution_id: str, outputs: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Signal the successful completion of a function """ kwargs.update({"function_execution_id": function_execution_id, "outputs": json.dumps(outputs)}) return await self.api_call("functions.completeSuccess", params=kwargs)
Signal the successful completion of a function
async def groups_archive(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_archive( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Archives a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.archive", json=kwargs)
Archives a private channel.
async def groups_create(self, *, name: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_create( self, *, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Creates a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"name": name}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.create", json=kwargs)
Creates a private channel.
async def groups_createChild(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_createChild( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Clones and archives a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("groups.createChild", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Clones and archives a private channel.
async def groups_history(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_history( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetches history of messages and events from a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("groups.history", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Fetches history of messages and events from a private channel.
async def groups_info(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_info( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Gets information about a private channel.
async def groups_invite(self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_invite( self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Invites a user to a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "user": user}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.invite", json=kwargs)
Invites a user to a private channel.
async def groups_kick(self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_kick( self, *, channel: str, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Removes a user from a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "user": user}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.kick", json=kwargs)
Removes a user from a private channel.
async def groups_leave(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_leave( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Leaves a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.leave", json=kwargs)
Leaves a private channel.
async def groups_list(self, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_list( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists private channels that the calling user has access to.""" return await self.api_call("groups.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Lists private channels that the calling user has access to.
async def groups_mark(self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_mark( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the read cursor in a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "ts": ts}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.mark", json=kwargs)
Sets the read cursor in a private channel.
async def groups_open(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_open( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Opens a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("", json=kwargs)
Opens a private channel.
async def groups_rename(self, *, channel: str, name: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_rename( self, *, channel: str, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Renames a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "name": name}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.rename", json=kwargs)
Renames a private channel.
async def groups_replies(self, *, channel: str, thread_ts: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_replies( self, *, channel: str, thread_ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a private channel""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "thread_ts": thread_ts}) return await self.api_call("groups.replies", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a private channel
async def groups_setPurpose(self, *, channel: str, purpose: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_setPurpose( self, *, channel: str, purpose: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the purpose for a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "purpose": purpose}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.setPurpose", json=kwargs)
Sets the purpose for a private channel.
async def groups_setTopic(self, *, channel: str, topic: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_setTopic( self, *, channel: str, topic: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the topic for a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "topic": topic}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.setTopic", json=kwargs)
Sets the topic for a private channel.
async def groups_unarchive(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def groups_unarchive( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Unarchives a private channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("groups.unarchive", json=kwargs)
Unarchives a private channel.
async def im_close(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def im_close( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Close a direct message channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("im.close", json=kwargs)
Close a direct message channel.
async def im_history(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def im_history( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetches history of messages and events from direct message channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("im.history", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Fetches history of messages and events from direct message channel.
async def im_list(self, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def im_list( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists direct message channels for the calling user.""" return await self.api_call("im.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Lists direct message channels for the calling user.
async def im_mark(self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def im_mark( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the read cursor in a direct message channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "ts": ts}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("im.mark", json=kwargs)
Sets the read cursor in a direct message channel.
async def im_open(self, *, user: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def im_open( self, *, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Opens a direct message channel.""" kwargs.update({"user": user}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("", json=kwargs)
Opens a direct message channel.
async def im_replies(self, *, channel: str, thread_ts: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def im_replies( self, *, channel: str, thread_ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a direct message conversation""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "thread_ts": thread_ts}) return await self.api_call("im.replies", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a direct message conversation
async def migration_exchange(self,
users: str | Sequence[str],
team_id: str | None = None,
to_old: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def migration_exchange( self, *, users: Union[str, Sequence[str]], team_id: Optional[str] = None, to_old: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """For Enterprise Grid workspaces, map local user IDs to global user IDs """ if isinstance(users, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"users": ",".join(users)}) else: kwargs.update({"users": users}) kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "to_old": to_old}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
For Enterprise Grid workspaces, map local user IDs to global user IDs
async def mpim_close(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def mpim_close( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Closes a multiparty direct message channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("mpim.close", json=kwargs)
Closes a multiparty direct message channel.
async def mpim_history(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def mpim_history( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Fetches history of messages and events from a multiparty direct message.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("mpim.history", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Fetches history of messages and events from a multiparty direct message.
async def mpim_list(self, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def mpim_list( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists multiparty direct message channels for the calling user.""" return await self.api_call("mpim.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Lists multiparty direct message channels for the calling user.
async def mpim_mark(self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def mpim_mark( self, *, channel: str, ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Sets the read cursor in a multiparty direct message channel.""" kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "ts": ts}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) return await self.api_call("mpim.mark", json=kwargs)
Sets the read cursor in a multiparty direct message channel.
async def mpim_open(self, *, users: str | Sequence[str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def mpim_open( self, *, users: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """This method opens a multiparty direct message.""" if isinstance(users, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"users": ",".join(users)}) else: kwargs.update({"users": users}) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs)
This method opens a multiparty direct message.
async def mpim_replies(self, *, channel: str, thread_ts: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def mpim_replies( self, *, channel: str, thread_ts: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a direct message conversation from a multiparty direct message. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "thread_ts": thread_ts}) return await self.api_call("mpim.replies", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a direct message conversation from a multiparty direct message.
async def oauth_access(self,
client_id: str,
client_secret: str,
code: str,
redirect_uri: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def oauth_access( self, *, client_id: str, client_secret: str, code: str, redirect_uri: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Exchanges a temporary OAuth verifier code for an access token. """ if redirect_uri is not None: kwargs.update({"redirect_uri": redirect_uri}) kwargs.update({"code": code}) return await self.api_call( "oauth.access", data=kwargs, auth={"client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret}, )
Exchanges a temporary OAuth verifier code for an access token.
async def oauth_v2_access(self,
client_id: str,
client_secret: str,
code: str | None = None,
redirect_uri: str | None = None,
grant_type: str | None = None,
refresh_token: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def oauth_v2_access( self, *, client_id: str, client_secret: str, # This field is required when processing the OAuth redirect URL requests # while it's absent for token rotation code: Optional[str] = None, redirect_uri: Optional[str] = None, # This field is required for token rotation grant_type: Optional[str] = None, # This field is required for token rotation refresh_token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Exchanges a temporary OAuth verifier code for an access token. """ if redirect_uri is not None: kwargs.update({"redirect_uri": redirect_uri}) if code is not None: kwargs.update({"code": code}) if grant_type is not None: kwargs.update({"grant_type": grant_type}) if refresh_token is not None: kwargs.update({"refresh_token": refresh_token}) return await self.api_call( "oauth.v2.access", data=kwargs, auth={"client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret}, )
Exchanges a temporary OAuth verifier code for an access token.
async def oauth_v2_exchange(self, *, token: str, client_id: str, client_secret: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def oauth_v2_exchange( self, *, token: str, client_id: str, client_secret: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Exchanges a legacy access token for a new expiring access token and refresh token """ kwargs.update({"client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret, "token": token}) return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs)
Exchanges a legacy access token for a new expiring access token and refresh token
async def openid_connect_token(self,
client_id: str,
client_secret: str,
code: str | None = None,
redirect_uri: str | None = None,
grant_type: str | None = None,
refresh_token: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def openid_connect_token( self, client_id: str, client_secret: str, code: Optional[str] = None, redirect_uri: Optional[str] = None, grant_type: Optional[str] = None, refresh_token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Exchanges a temporary OAuth verifier code for an access token for Sign in with Slack. """ if redirect_uri is not None: kwargs.update({"redirect_uri": redirect_uri}) if code is not None: kwargs.update({"code": code}) if grant_type is not None: kwargs.update({"grant_type": grant_type}) if refresh_token is not None: kwargs.update({"refresh_token": refresh_token}) return await self.api_call( "openid.connect.token", data=kwargs, auth={"client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret}, )
Exchanges a temporary OAuth verifier code for an access token for Sign in with Slack.
async def openid_connect_userInfo(self, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def openid_connect_userInfo( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get the identity of a user who has authorized Sign in with Slack. """ return await self.api_call("openid.connect.userInfo", params=kwargs)
Get the identity of a user who has authorized Sign in with Slack.
async def pins_add(self, *, channel: str, timestamp: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def pins_add( self, *, channel: str, timestamp: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Pins an item to a channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "timestamp": timestamp}) return await self.api_call("pins.add", params=kwargs)
Pins an item to a channel.
async def pins_list(self, *, channel: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def pins_list( self, *, channel: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists items pinned to a channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel}) return await self.api_call("pins.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Lists items pinned to a channel.
async def pins_remove(self, *, channel: str, timestamp: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def pins_remove( self, *, channel: str, timestamp: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Un-pins an item from a channel. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "timestamp": timestamp}) return await self.api_call("pins.remove", params=kwargs)
Un-pins an item from a channel.
async def reactions_add(self, *, channel: str, name: str, timestamp: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def reactions_add( self, *, channel: str, name: str, timestamp: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Adds a reaction to an item. """ kwargs.update({"channel": channel, "name": name, "timestamp": timestamp}) return await self.api_call("reactions.add", params=kwargs)
Adds a reaction to an item.
async def reactions_get(self,
channel: str | None = None,
file: str | None = None,
file_comment: str | None = None,
full: bool | None = None,
timestamp: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def reactions_get( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, file_comment: Optional[str] = None, full: Optional[bool] = None, timestamp: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets reactions for an item. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "file": file, "file_comment": file_comment, "full": full, "timestamp": timestamp, } ) return await self.api_call("reactions.get", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Gets reactions for an item.
async def reactions_list(self,
count: int | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
full: bool | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
page: int | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
user: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def reactions_list( self, *, count: Optional[int] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, full: Optional[bool] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists reactions made by a user. """ kwargs.update( { "count": count, "cursor": cursor, "full": full, "limit": limit, "page": page, "team_id": team_id, "user": user, } ) return await self.api_call("reactions.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Lists reactions made by a user.
async def reactions_remove(self,
name: str,
channel: str | None = None,
file: str | None = None,
file_comment: str | None = None,
timestamp: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def reactions_remove( self, *, name: str, channel: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, file_comment: Optional[str] = None, timestamp: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Removes a reaction from an item. """ kwargs.update( { "name": name, "channel": channel, "file": file, "file_comment": file_comment, "timestamp": timestamp, } ) return await self.api_call("reactions.remove", params=kwargs)
Removes a reaction from an item.
async def reminders_add(self,
text: str,
time: str,
team_id: str | None = None,
user: str | None = None,
recurrence: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def reminders_add( self, *, text: str, time: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, recurrence: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Creates a reminder. """ kwargs.update( { "text": text, "time": time, "team_id": team_id, "user": user, "recurrence": recurrence, } ) return await self.api_call("reminders.add", params=kwargs)
Creates a reminder.
async def reminders_complete(self, *, reminder: str, team_id: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def reminders_complete( self, *, reminder: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Marks a reminder as complete. """ kwargs.update({"reminder": reminder, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("reminders.complete", params=kwargs)
Marks a reminder as complete.
async def reminders_delete(self, *, reminder: str, team_id: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def reminders_delete( self, *, reminder: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Deletes a reminder. """ kwargs.update({"reminder": reminder, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("reminders.delete", params=kwargs)
Deletes a reminder.
async def reminders_info(self, *, reminder: str, team_id: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def reminders_info( self, *, reminder: str, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about a reminder. """ kwargs.update({"reminder": reminder, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Gets information about a reminder.
async def reminders_list(self, *, team_id: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def reminders_list( self, *, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists all reminders created by or for a given user. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("reminders.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Lists all reminders created by or for a given user.
async def rtm_connect(self,
batch_presence_aware: bool | None = None,
presence_sub: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def rtm_connect( self, *, batch_presence_aware: Optional[bool] = None, presence_sub: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Starts a Real Time Messaging session. """ kwargs.update({"batch_presence_aware": batch_presence_aware, "presence_sub": presence_sub}) return await self.api_call("rtm.connect", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Starts a Real Time Messaging session.
async def rtm_start(self,
batch_presence_aware: bool | None = None,
include_locale: bool | None = None,
mpim_aware: bool | None = None,
no_latest: bool | None = None,
no_unreads: bool | None = None,
presence_sub: bool | None = None,
simple_latest: bool | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def rtm_start( self, *, batch_presence_aware: Optional[bool] = None, include_locale: Optional[bool] = None, mpim_aware: Optional[bool] = None, no_latest: Optional[bool] = None, no_unreads: Optional[bool] = None, presence_sub: Optional[bool] = None, simple_latest: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Starts a Real Time Messaging session. """ kwargs.update( { "batch_presence_aware": batch_presence_aware, "include_locale": include_locale, "mpim_aware": mpim_aware, "no_latest": no_latest, "no_unreads": no_unreads, "presence_sub": presence_sub, "simple_latest": simple_latest, } ) return await self.api_call("rtm.start", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Starts a Real Time Messaging session.
async def search_all(self,
query: str,
count: int | None = None,
highlight: bool | None = None,
page: int | None = None,
sort: str | None = None,
sort_dir: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def search_all( self, *, query: str, count: Optional[int] = None, highlight: Optional[bool] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[str] = None, sort_dir: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Searches for messages and files matching a query. """ kwargs.update( { "query": query, "count": count, "highlight": highlight, "page": page, "sort": sort, "sort_dir": sort_dir, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("search.all", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Searches for messages and files matching a query.
async def search_files(self,
query: str,
count: int | None = None,
highlight: bool | None = None,
page: int | None = None,
sort: str | None = None,
sort_dir: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def search_files( self, *, query: str, count: Optional[int] = None, highlight: Optional[bool] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[str] = None, sort_dir: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Searches for files matching a query. """ kwargs.update( { "query": query, "count": count, "highlight": highlight, "page": page, "sort": sort, "sort_dir": sort_dir, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("search.files", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Searches for files matching a query.
async def search_messages(self,
query: str,
count: int | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
highlight: bool | None = None,
page: int | None = None,
sort: str | None = None,
sort_dir: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def search_messages( self, *, query: str, count: Optional[int] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, highlight: Optional[bool] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[str] = None, sort_dir: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Searches for messages matching a query. """ kwargs.update( { "query": query, "count": count, "cursor": cursor, "highlight": highlight, "page": page, "sort": sort, "sort_dir": sort_dir, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("search.messages", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Searches for messages matching a query.
async def stars_add(self,
channel: str | None = None,
file: str | None = None,
file_comment: str | None = None,
timestamp: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def stars_add( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, file_comment: Optional[str] = None, timestamp: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Adds a star to an item. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "file": file, "file_comment": file_comment, "timestamp": timestamp, } ) return await self.api_call("stars.add", params=kwargs)
Adds a star to an item.
async def stars_list(self,
count: int | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
page: int | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def stars_list( self, *, count: Optional[int] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists stars for a user. """ kwargs.update( { "count": count, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, "page": page, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("stars.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Lists stars for a user.
async def stars_remove(self,
channel: str | None = None,
file: str | None = None,
file_comment: str | None = None,
timestamp: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def stars_remove( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, file_comment: Optional[str] = None, timestamp: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Removes a star from an item. """ kwargs.update( { "channel": channel, "file": file, "file_comment": file_comment, "timestamp": timestamp, } ) return await self.api_call("stars.remove", params=kwargs)
Removes a star from an item.
async def team_accessLogs(self,
before: str | int | None = None,
count: str | int | None = None,
page: str | int | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def team_accessLogs( self, *, before: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, count: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, page: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets the access logs for the current team. """ kwargs.update( { "before": before, "count": count, "page": page, "team_id": team_id, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) return await self.api_call("team.accessLogs", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Gets the access logs for the current team.
async def team_billableInfo(self, *, team_id: str | None = None, user: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def team_billableInfo( self, *, team_id: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets billable users information for the current team. """ kwargs.update({"team_id": team_id, "user": user}) return await self.api_call("team.billableInfo", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Gets billable users information for the current team.
async def team_billing_info(self, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def team_billing_info( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Reads a workspace's billing plan information. """ return await self.api_call("", params=kwargs)
Reads a workspace's billing plan information.
async def team_externalTeams_disconnect(self, *, target_team: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def team_externalTeams_disconnect( self, *, target_team: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Disconnects an external organization. """ kwargs.update( { "target_team": target_team, } ) return await self.api_call("team.externalTeams.disconnect", params=kwargs)
Disconnects an external organization.
async def team_externalTeams_list(self,
connection_status_filter: str | None = None,
slack_connect_pref_filter: Sequence[str] | None = None,
sort_direction: str | None = None,
sort_field: str | None = None,
workspace_filter: Sequence[str] | None = None,
cursor: str | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def team_externalTeams_list( self, *, connection_status_filter: Optional[str] = None, slack_connect_pref_filter: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, sort_direction: Optional[str] = None, sort_field: Optional[str] = None, workspace_filter: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Returns a list of all the external teams connected and details about the connection. """ kwargs.update( { "connection_status_filter": connection_status_filter, "sort_direction": sort_direction, "sort_field": sort_field, "cursor": cursor, "limit": limit, } ) if slack_connect_pref_filter is not None: if isinstance(slack_connect_pref_filter, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"slack_connect_pref_filter": ",".join(slack_connect_pref_filter)}) else: kwargs.update({"slack_connect_pref_filter": slack_connect_pref_filter}) if workspace_filter is not None: if isinstance(workspace_filter, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"workspace_filter": ",".join(workspace_filter)}) else: kwargs.update({"workspace_filter": workspace_filter}) return await self.api_call("team.externalTeams.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Returns a list of all the external teams connected and details about the connection.
async def team_info(self, *, team: str | None = None, domain: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def team_info( self, *, team: Optional[str] = None, domain: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about the current team. """ kwargs.update({"team": team, "domain": domain}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Gets information about the current team.
async def team_integrationLogs(self,
app_id: str | None = None,
change_type: str | None = None,
count: str | int | None = None,
page: str | int | None = None,
service_id: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
user: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def team_integrationLogs( self, *, app_id: Optional[str] = None, change_type: Optional[str] = None, count: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, page: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, service_id: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets the integration logs for the current team. """ kwargs.update( { "app_id": app_id, "change_type": change_type, "count": count, "page": page, "service_id": service_id, "team_id": team_id, "user": user, } ) return await self.api_call("team.integrationLogs", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Gets the integration logs for the current team.
async def team_preferences_list(self, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def team_preferences_list( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a list of a workspace's team preferences. """ return await self.api_call("team.preferences.list", params=kwargs)
Retrieve a list of a workspace's team preferences.
async def team_profile_get(self, *, visibility: str | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def team_profile_get( self, *, visibility: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieve a team's profile. """ kwargs.update({"visibility": visibility}) return await self.api_call("team.profile.get", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieve a team's profile.
async def tooling_tokens_rotate(self, *, refresh_token: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def tooling_tokens_rotate( self, *, refresh_token: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Exchanges a refresh token for a new app configuration token """ kwargs.update({"refresh_token": refresh_token}) return await self.api_call("tooling.tokens.rotate", params=kwargs)
Exchanges a refresh token for a new app configuration token
async def usergroups_create(self,
name: str,
channels: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
description: str | None = None,
handle: str | None = None,
include_count: bool | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def usergroups_create( self, *, name: str, channels: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, handle: Optional[str] = None, include_count: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Create a User Group """ kwargs.update( { "name": name, "description": description, "handle": handle, "include_count": include_count, "team_id": team_id, } ) if isinstance(channels, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channels": ",".join(channels)}) else: kwargs.update({"channels": channels}) return await self.api_call("usergroups.create", params=kwargs)
Create a User Group
async def usergroups_disable(self,
usergroup: str,
include_count: bool | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def usergroups_disable( self, *, usergroup: str, include_count: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Disable an existing User Group """ kwargs.update({"usergroup": usergroup, "include_count": include_count, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("usergroups.disable", params=kwargs)
Disable an existing User Group
async def usergroups_enable(self,
usergroup: str,
include_count: bool | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def usergroups_enable( self, *, usergroup: str, include_count: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Enable a User Group """ kwargs.update({"usergroup": usergroup, "include_count": include_count, "team_id": team_id}) return await self.api_call("usergroups.enable", params=kwargs)
Enable a User Group
async def usergroups_list(self,
include_count: bool | None = None,
include_disabled: bool | None = None,
include_users: bool | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def usergroups_list( self, *, include_count: Optional[bool] = None, include_disabled: Optional[bool] = None, include_users: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all User Groups for a team """ kwargs.update( { "include_count": include_count, "include_disabled": include_disabled, "include_users": include_users, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("usergroups.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
List all User Groups for a team
async def usergroups_update(self,
usergroup: str,
channels: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
description: str | None = None,
handle: str | None = None,
include_count: bool | None = None,
name: str | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def usergroups_update( self, *, usergroup: str, channels: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, handle: Optional[str] = None, include_count: Optional[bool] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update an existing User Group """ kwargs.update( { "usergroup": usergroup, "description": description, "handle": handle, "include_count": include_count, "name": name, "team_id": team_id, } ) if isinstance(channels, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"channels": ",".join(channels)}) else: kwargs.update({"channels": channels}) return await self.api_call("usergroups.update", params=kwargs)
Update an existing User Group
async def usergroups_users_list(self,
usergroup: str,
include_disabled: bool | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def usergroups_users_list( self, *, usergroup: str, include_disabled: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List all users in a User Group """ kwargs.update( { "usergroup": usergroup, "include_disabled": include_disabled, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("usergroups.users.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
List all users in a User Group
async def usergroups_users_update(self,
usergroup: str,
users: str | Sequence[str],
include_count: bool | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def usergroups_users_update( self, *, usergroup: str, users: Union[str, Sequence[str]], include_count: Optional[bool] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update the list of users for a User Group """ kwargs.update( { "usergroup": usergroup, "include_count": include_count, "team_id": team_id, } ) if isinstance(users, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"users": ",".join(users)}) else: kwargs.update({"users": users}) return await self.api_call("usergroups.users.update", params=kwargs)
Update the list of users for a User Group
async def users_conversations(self,
cursor: str | None = None,
exclude_archived: bool | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
types: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
user: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def users_conversations( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, exclude_archived: Optional[bool] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, types: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """List conversations the calling user may access. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "exclude_archived": exclude_archived, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, "user": user, } ) if isinstance(types, (list, tuple)): kwargs.update({"types": ",".join(types)}) else: kwargs.update({"types": types}) return await self.api_call("users.conversations", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
List conversations the calling user may access.
async def users_deletePhoto(self, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def users_deletePhoto( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Delete the user profile photo """ return await self.api_call("users.deletePhoto", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Delete the user profile photo
async def users_discoverableContacts_lookup(self, email: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def users_discoverableContacts_lookup( self, email: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lookup an email address to see if someone is on Slack """ kwargs.update({"email": email}) return await self.api_call("users.discoverableContacts.lookup", params=kwargs)
Lookup an email address to see if someone is on Slack
async def users_getPresence(self, *, user: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def users_getPresence( self, *, user: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets user presence information. """ kwargs.update({"user": user}) return await self.api_call("users.getPresence", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Gets user presence information.
async def users_identity(self, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def users_identity( self, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Get a user's identity. """ return await self.api_call("users.identity", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Get a user's identity.
async def users_info(self, *, user: str, include_locale: bool | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
Expand source code
async def users_info( self, *, user: str, include_locale: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Gets information about a user. """ kwargs.update({"user": user, "include_locale": include_locale}) return await self.api_call("", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Gets information about a user.
async def users_list(self,
cursor: str | None = None,
include_locale: bool | None = None,
limit: int | None = None,
team_id: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
Expand source code
async def users_list( self, *, cursor: Optional[str] = None, include_locale: Optional[bool] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, team_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Lists all users in a Slack team. """ kwargs.update( { "cursor": cursor, "include_locale": include_locale, "limit": limit, "team_id": team_id, } ) return await self.api_call("users.list", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Lists all users in a Slack team.
async def users_lookupByEmail(self, *, email: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def users_lookupByEmail( self, *, email: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Find a user with an email address. """ kwargs.update({"email": email}) return await self.api_call("users.lookupByEmail", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Find a user with an email address.
async def users_profile_get(self, *, user: str | None = None, include_labels: bool | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def users_profile_get( self, *, user: Optional[str] = None, include_labels: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Retrieves a user's profile information. """ kwargs.update({"user": user, "include_labels": include_labels}) return await self.api_call("users.profile.get", http_verb="GET", params=kwargs)
Retrieves a user's profile information.
async def users_profile_set(self,
name: str | None = None,
value: str | None = None,
user: str | None = None,
profile: Dict | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def users_profile_set( self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, profile: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the profile information for a user. """ kwargs.update( { "name": name, "profile": profile, "user": user, "value": value, } ) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "profile" parameter return await self.api_call("users.profile.set", json=kwargs)
Set the profile information for a user.
async def users_setPhoto(self,
image: str | io.IOBase,
crop_w: str | int | None = None,
crop_x: str | int | None = None,
crop_y: str | int | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def users_setPhoto( self, *, image: Union[str, IOBase], crop_w: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, crop_x: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, crop_y: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Set the user profile photo """ kwargs.update({"crop_w": crop_w, "crop_x": crop_x, "crop_y": crop_y}) return await self.api_call("users.setPhoto", files={"image": image}, data=kwargs)
Set the user profile photo
async def users_setPresence(self, *, presence: str, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def users_setPresence( self, *, presence: str, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Manually sets user presence. """ kwargs.update({"presence": presence}) return await self.api_call("users.setPresence", params=kwargs)
Manually sets user presence.
async def views_open(self,
trigger_id: str | None = None,
interactivity_pointer: str | None = None,
view: dict | View,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def views_open( self, *, trigger_id: Optional[str] = None, interactivity_pointer: Optional[str] = None, view: Union[dict, View], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Open a view for a user. See for details. """ kwargs.update({"trigger_id": trigger_id, "interactivity_pointer": interactivity_pointer}) if isinstance(view, View): kwargs.update({"view": view.to_dict()}) else: kwargs.update({"view": view}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "view" parameter return await self.api_call("", json=kwargs)
Open a view for a user. See for details.
async def views_publish(self,
user_id: str,
view: dict | View,
hash: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def views_publish( self, *, user_id: str, view: Union[dict, View], hash: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Publish a static view for a User. Create or update the view that comprises an app's Home tab ( """ kwargs.update({"user_id": user_id, "hash": hash}) if isinstance(view, View): kwargs.update({"view": view.to_dict()}) else: kwargs.update({"view": view}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "view" parameter return await self.api_call("views.publish", json=kwargs)
Publish a static view for a User. Create or update the view that comprises an app's Home tab (
async def views_push(self,
trigger_id: str | None = None,
interactivity_pointer: str | None = None,
view: dict | View,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def views_push( self, *, trigger_id: Optional[str] = None, interactivity_pointer: Optional[str] = None, view: Union[dict, View], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Push a view onto the stack of a root view. Push a new view onto the existing view stack by passing a view payload and a valid trigger_id generated from an interaction within the existing modal. Read the modals documentation ( to learn more about the lifecycle and intricacies of views. """ kwargs.update({"trigger_id": trigger_id, "interactivity_pointer": interactivity_pointer}) if isinstance(view, View): kwargs.update({"view": view.to_dict()}) else: kwargs.update({"view": view}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "view" parameter return await self.api_call("views.push", json=kwargs)
Push a view onto the stack of a root view. Push a new view onto the existing view stack by passing a view payload and a valid trigger_id generated from an interaction within the existing modal. Read the modals documentation ( to learn more about the lifecycle and intricacies of views.
async def views_update(self,
view: dict | View,
external_id: str | None = None,
view_id: str | None = None,
hash: str | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def views_update( self, *, view: Union[dict, View], external_id: Optional[str] = None, view_id: Optional[str] = None, hash: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update an existing view. Update a view by passing a new view definition along with the view_id returned in or the external_id. See the modals documentation ( to learn more about updating views and avoiding race conditions with the hash argument. """ if isinstance(view, View): kwargs.update({"view": view.to_dict()}) else: kwargs.update({"view": view}) if external_id: kwargs.update({"external_id": external_id}) elif view_id: kwargs.update({"view_id": view_id}) else: raise e.SlackRequestError("Either view_id or external_id is required.") kwargs.update({"hash": hash}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "view" parameter return await self.api_call("views.update", json=kwargs)
Update an existing view. Update a view by passing a new view definition along with the view_id returned in or the external_id. See the modals documentation ( to learn more about updating views and avoiding race conditions with the hash argument.
async def workflows_stepCompleted(self, *, workflow_step_execute_id: str, outputs: dict | None = None, **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def workflows_stepCompleted( self, *, workflow_step_execute_id: str, outputs: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Indicate a successful outcome of a workflow step's execution. """ kwargs.update({"workflow_step_execute_id": workflow_step_execute_id}) if outputs is not None: kwargs.update({"outputs": outputs}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "outputs" parameter return await self.api_call("workflows.stepCompleted", json=kwargs)
Indicate a successful outcome of a workflow step's execution.
async def workflows_stepFailed(self, *, workflow_step_execute_id: str, error: Dict[str, str], **kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse
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async def workflows_stepFailed( self, *, workflow_step_execute_id: str, error: Dict[str, str], **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Indicate an unsuccessful outcome of a workflow step's execution. """ kwargs.update( { "workflow_step_execute_id": workflow_step_execute_id, "error": error, } ) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "error" parameter return await self.api_call("workflows.stepFailed", json=kwargs)
Indicate an unsuccessful outcome of a workflow step's execution.
async def workflows_updateStep(self,
workflow_step_edit_id: str,
inputs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None,
outputs: List[Dict[str, str]] | None = None,
**kwargs) ‑> AsyncSlackResponse-
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async def workflows_updateStep( self, *, workflow_step_edit_id: str, inputs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, outputs: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncSlackResponse: """Update the configuration for a workflow extension step. """ kwargs.update({"workflow_step_edit_id": workflow_step_edit_id}) if inputs is not None: kwargs.update({"inputs": inputs}) if outputs is not None: kwargs.update({"outputs": outputs}) kwargs = _remove_none_values(kwargs) # NOTE: Intentionally using json for the "inputs" / "outputs" parameters return await self.api_call("workflows.updateStep", json=kwargs)
Update the configuration for a workflow extension step.
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