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Migrating to V2

This guide will walk you through the process of updating your app from using @slack/bolt@1.x to @slack/bolt@2.x. There are a few changes you'll need to make but for most apps, these changes can be applied in 5 - 15 minutes.


Make sure to checkout our support schedule for @slack/bolt@1.x if you don't plan on upgrading right away*

Upgrading your listeners to async

Listeners in your app should updated to async functions and say(), respond(), and ack() should be prefaced with await.


app.action('some-action-id', ({action, ack, say}) => { 
say('hello world');


app.action('some-action-id', async ({action, ack, say}) => { 
await ack();
await say('hello world');

Error handling

The recent changes in Bolt for JavaScript V2 have improved our ability to catch errors and filter them to the global error handler. It is still recommended to manage errors in the listeners themselves instead of letting them propagate to the global handler when possible.

Handling errors in listeners with try/catch

app.action('some-action-id', async ({action, ack, say, logger}) => { 
try {
await ack();
await say('hello world');
} catch (error) {
// handle error

Handling errors with the global error handler

app.error(async (error) => {
// Check the details of the error to handle cases where you should retry sending a message or stop the app

Other error related changes include:

  • When your listener doesn’t call ack within the 3 second time limit, we log the failure instead of throwing an error.
  • If multiple errors occur when processing multiple listeners for a single event, Bolt for JavaScript will return a wrapper error with a code property of ErrorCode.MultipleListenerError and an originals property that contains an array of the individual errors.

Message shortcuts

Message shortcuts (previously referred to as message actions) now use the shortcut() method instead of the action() method.


app.action({ callback_id: 'message-action-callback' }, ({action, ack, context}) => {
// Do stuff


app.shortcut('message-action-callback', async ({shortcut, ack, context}) => {
await ack();
// Do stuff

Upgrading middleware

If you wrote a custom middleware, adjust your function to async and update next() to await next(). If your middleware does some post processing, instead of passing a function to next(), you can now run it after await next().


function noBotMessages({ message, next }) {
function doAfter() {
// Post processing goes here

if (!message.subtype || message.subtype !== 'bot_message') {


async function noBotMessages({ message, next }) {
if (!message.subtype || message.subtype !== 'bot_message') {
await next();
// Post processing goes here

@slack/bolt@1.x support schedule

@slack/bolt@1.x will be deprecated on June 30th, 2020. We plan on continuing to implement bug fixes and will also consider back-porting new features on a case by case basis up until then. Once @slack/bolt@1.x has been deprecated, we will only implement critical bug fixes until the official end of life date and close non critical issues and pull requests. End of life is slated for April 30th, 2021. At this time, development will fully stop for @slack/bolt@1.x and all remaining open issues and pull requests will be closed.

Minimum TypeScript version

@slack/bolt@2.x requires a minimum TypeScript version of 3.7.