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Bolt for JavaScript interface and configuration reference

This guide is intended to detail the Bolt interface–including listeners and their arguments, initialization options, and errors. It may be helpful to first go through the ⚡️Getting Started guide to learn the basics of building Bolt for JavaScript apps.

Listener functions

Slack apps typically receive and/or respond to one to many incoming events from Slack. This can be something like listening to an Events API event (like when a link associated with your app is shared) or a user invoking one of your app's shortcuts. For each type of incoming request from Slack, there are distinct methods that you can pass listener functions to handle and respond to the event.


Below is the current list of methods that accept listener functions. These methods handle specific event types coming from Slack, and typically include an identifying parameter before the listener function. The identifying parameter (included below) narrows the events to specific interactions that your listener function is intended to handle, such as a specific callback_id, or a certain substring within a message.

app.event(eventType, fn);Listens for Events API events. The eventType is a string to identify a specific event to handle (which must be subscribed to in your app's configuration).
app.message([pattern ,] fn);Convenience method to listen specifically to the message event. The pattern parameter can be any substring (string) or RegExp expression, which will be used to identify the incoming message.
app.action(actionId, fn);Listens for an action event from a Block Kit element, such as a user interaction with a button, select menu, or datepicker. The actionId identifier is a string that should match the unique action_id included when your app sends the element to a view. Note that a view can be a message, modal, or app home. Note that action elements included in an input block do not trigger any events.
app.shortcut(callbackId, fn);Listens for global or message shortcut invocation. The callbackId is a string or RegExp that must match a shortcut callback_id specified within your app's configuration.
app.view(callbackId, fn);Listens for view_submission and view_closed events. view_submission events are sent when a user submits a modal that your app opened. view_closed events are sent when a user closes the modal rather than submits it.
app.step(workflowStep)Listen and responds to steps from apps events using the callbacks passed in an instance of WorkflowStep. Callbacks include three callbacks: edit, save, and execute. More information on steps from apps can be found in the documentation.
app.command(commandName, fn);Listens for slash command invocations. The commandName is a string that must match a slash command specified in your app's configuration. Slash command names should be prefaced with a / (ex: /helpdesk).
app.options(actionId, fn);Listens for options requests (from select menus with an external data source). This isn't often used, and shouldn't be mistaken with app.action. The actionId identifier is a string that matches the unique action_id included when you app sends a select with an external data source.

Constraint objects

There are a collection of constraint objects that some methods have access to. These can be used to narrow the event your listener function handles, or to handle special cases. Constraint objects can be passed in lieu of the identifiers outlined above. Below is a collection of constraint objects and the methods they can be passed to.

app.action(constraints, fn)block_id, action_id, callback_id, (,type)Listens for more than just the action_id. block_id is the ID for the element's parent block. callback_id is the ID of the view that is passed when instantiating it (only used when action elements are in modals). To specifically handle an action element in blocks or in legacy attachments, you can use type with the value of block_actions or interactive_message respectively.
app.shortcut(constraints, fn)type, callback_idAllows specification of the type of shortcut. type must either be shortcut for global shortcuts or message_action for message_shortcuts. callbackId can be a string or RegExp.
app.view(constraints, fn)type, callback_idtype must either be view_closed or view_submission, which determines what specific event your listener function is sent. callback_id is the callback_id of the view that is sent when your app opens the modal.
app.options(constraints, fn)block_id, action_id, callback_idOptionally listens for block_id and callback_id in addition to action_id. callback_id can only be passed when handling options elements within modals.

Listener function arguments

Listener functions have access to a set of arguments that may change based on the method which the function is passed to. Below is an explanation of the different arguments. The below table details the different arguments and the methods they'll be accessible in.

payloadAll listenersThe unwrapped contents of the incoming event, which varies based on event. This is a subset of the information included in body which is detailed below. payload is also accessible via the alias corresponding to the method name that the listener is passed to (message, event, action, shortcut, view, command, options) An easy way to understand what's in a payload is to log it, or use TypeScript.
saymessage, event, action commandFunction to send a message to the channel associated with the incoming event. This argument is only available when the listener is triggered for events that contain a channel ID (the most common being message events). say accepts simple strings (for plain-text messages) and objects (for messages containing blocks). say returns a promise that will resolve with a chat.postMessage response. If you're using an the action method, or an event other than message, you should ensure that the event payload contains a channel ID.
ackaction, shortcut, view, command, optionsFunction that must be called to acknowledge that an incoming event was received by your app. ack returns a promise that resolves when complete. Read more in Acknowledging requests
clientAll listenersWeb API client that uses the token associated with that event. For single-workspace installations, the token is provided to the constructor. For multi-workspace installations, the token is returned by the authorize function.
respondaction, shortcut, view, commandFunction that responds to an incoming event if it contains a response_url. respond returns a promise that resolves with the results of responding using the response_url. For shortcuts, respond will only work for message shortcuts (not global shortcuts). For views, respond will only work when using response_url_enabled: true for conversations list and channels list select menus in input blocks in modals.
contextAll listenersEvent context. This object contains data about the event and the app, such as the botId. Middleware can add additional context before the event is passed to listeners.
bodyAll listenersObject that contains the entire body of the request (superset of payload). Some accessory data is only available outside of the payload (such as trigger_id and authorizations).
loggerAll listenersThe application logger with all of the logging functions for output.

Body and payload references

The structure of the payload and body is detailed on the API site:

Difference from listener middleware

Listener middleware is used to implement logic across many listener functions (though usually not all of them). Listener middleware has the same arguments as the above listener functions, with one distinction: they also have a next() function that must be called in order to pass the chain of execution. Learn more about listener middleware in the documentation.

Built-in middleware functions

Bolt offers a variety of built-in middleware functions to help simplify development of your Slack applications. These middleware functions implement common patterns to help filter out or focus your own listener function implementations.

These middleware functions are exported from the main @slack/bolt package for you to easily import in your applications:

import { matchMessage } from '@slack/bolt';
app.message(matchMessage('hello'), async ({ message, logger }) => {
// this function will now only execute if "hello" is present in the message

These middleware functions are divided into two groups: global middleware functions and listener middleware functions.

Built-in global middleware functions

  • ignoreSelf(): Filters out any event that originates from the app. Note that this middleware is enabled by default via the ignoreSelf App initialization options.
  • onlyActions: Filters out any event that isn't an action.
  • onlyCommands: Filters out any event that isn't a command.
  • onlyEvents: Allows for only events to propagate down the middleware chain.
  • onlyOptions: Filters out any event that isn't a drop-down-options event.
  • onlyShortcuts: Filters out any event that isn't a shortcut.
  • onlyViewActions: Filters out any event that isn't a view_submission or view_closed event.

Built-in listener middleware functions

  • directMention(): Filters out any message event whose text does not start with an @-mention of the handling app.
  • matchCommandName(pattern): Filters out any shortcut command whose name does not match the provided pattern; pattern can be a string or regular expression.
  • matchConstraints(constraint): Filters out any block_action, View or Options event that does not match the properties of the provided constraint object. Supported constraint object properties include:
    • block_id and action_id: for filtering out block_action events that do not match the provided IDs.
    • callback_id: for filtering out view_* events not matching the provided callback_id.
    • type: for filtering out any event types not matching the provided type.
  • matchEventType(pattern): filters out any event whose type does not match the provided pattern. pattern can be a string or regular expression.
  • matchMessage(pattern): filters out any message or app_mention events whose message contents do not match the provided pattern. pattern can be a string or regular expression.
  • subtype(type): Filters out any message event whose subtype does not exactly equal the provided type.

Initialization options

Bolt includes a collection of initialization options to customize apps. There are two primary kinds of options: Bolt app options and receiver options. The receiver options may change based on the receiver your app uses. The following receiver options are for the default HTTPReceiver (so they'll work as long as you aren't using a custom receiver).

Receiver options

HTTPReceiver options can be passed into the App constructor, just like the Bolt app options. They'll be passed to the HTTPReceiver instance upon initialization.

signingSecretA string from your app's configuration (under "Basic Information") which verifies that incoming events are coming from Slack
endpointsA string or object that specifies the endpoint(s) that the receiver will listen for incoming requests from Slack. Currently, the only key for the object is key, the value of which is the customizable endpoint (ex: /myapp/events). By default, all events are sent to the /slack/events endpoint
processBeforeResponseboolean that determines whether events should be immediately acknowledged. This is primarily useful when running apps on FaaS since listeners will terminate immediately once the request has completed. When set to true it will defer sending the acknowledgement until after your handlers run to prevent early termination. Defaults to false.
clientIdThe client ID string from your app's configuration which is required to configure OAuth.
clientSecretThe client secret string from your app's configuration which is required to configure OAuth.
stateSecretRecommended parameter (string) that's passed when configuring OAuth to prevent CSRF attacks
installationStoreDefines how to save, fetch and delete installation data when configuring OAuth. Contains three methods: fetchInstallation, storeInstallation and deleteInstallation. The default installationStore is an in-memory store.
scopesArray of scopes that your app will request within the OAuth process.
installerOptionsOptional object that can be used to customize the default OAuth support. Read more in the OAuth documentation.
dispatchErrorHandlerError handler triggered if an incoming request is to an unexpected path. More details available in the Error Handling documentation.
processEventErrorHandlerError handler triggered if event processing threw an exception. More details available in the Error Handling documentation.
unhandledRequestHandlerError handler triggered when a request from Slack goes unacknowledged. More details available in the Error Handling documentation.
unhandledRequestTimeoutMillisHow long to wait, in milliseconds, from the time a request is received to when the unhandledRequestHandler should be triggered. Default is 3001. More details available in the Error Handling documentation.
signatureVerificationboolean that determines whether Bolt should verify Slack's signature on incoming requests. Defaults to true.
customPropertiesExtractorOptional function that can extract custom properties from an incoming receiver event -- for example, extracting custom headers to propagate to other services. The function receives one argument that will have the type of the event received by your receiver (e.g. an HTTP request or websocket message) and should return an object with string keys containing your custom properties. More details available in the Customizing a receiver documentation.

App options

App options are passed into the App constructor. When the receiver argument is undefined the App constructor also accepts the above Receiver options to initialize either a HttpReceiver or a SocketModeReceiver depending on the value of the socketMode argument.

receiverAn instance of Receiver that parses and handles incoming events. Must conform to the Receiver interface, which includes init(app), start(), and stop(). More information about receivers is in the documentation.
agentOptional HTTP Agent used to set up proxy support. Read more about custom agents in the Node Slack SDK documentation.
clientTlsOptional string to set a custom TLS configuration for HTTP client requests. Must be one of: "pfx", "key", "passphrase", "cert", or "ca".
convoStoreA store to set and retrieve state-related conversation information. set() sets conversation state and get() fetches it. By default, apps have access to an in-memory store. More information and an example can be found in the documentation.
tokenA string from your app's configuration (under "Settings" > "Install App") required for calling the Web API. May not be passed when using authorize, orgAuthorize, or OAuth.
botIdCan only be used when authorize is not defined. The optional botId is the ID for your bot token (ex: B12345) which can be used to ignore messages sent by your app. If a xoxb- token is passed to your app, this value will automatically be retrieved by your app calling the auth.test method.
botUserIdCan only be used when authorize is not defined. The optional botUserId is distinct from the botId, as it's the user ID associated with your bot user used to identify direct mentions. If a xoxb- token is passed to your app, this value will automatically be retrieved by your app calling the auth.test method.
authorizeFunction for multi-team installations that determines which token is associated with the incoming event. The authorize function is passed source data that sometimes contains a userId, conversationId, enterpriseId, teamId and isEnterpriseInstall (depending which information the incoming event contains). An authorize function should either return a botToken, botId, and botUserId, or could return a userToken. If using built-in OAuth support, an authorize function will automatically be created so you do not need to pass one in. More information about authorization functions can be found on
loggerOption that allows you to pass a custom logger rather than using the built-in one. Loggers must implement specific methods (the Logger interface), which includes setLevel(level: LogLevel), getLevel(), setName(name: string), debug(...msgs: any[]), info(...msgs: any[]), warn(...msgs: any[]), and error(...msgs: any[]). More information about logging are in the documentation
logLevelOption to control how much or what kind of information is logged. The LogLevel export contains the possible levels–in order of most to least information: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR. By default, logLevel is set to INFO. More information on logging can be found in the documentation.
extendedErrorHandlerOption that accepts a boolean value. When set to true, the global error handler is passed an object with additional request context. Available from version 3.8.0, defaults to false. More information on advanced error handling can be found in the documentation.
ignoreSelfboolean to enable a middleware function that ignores any messages coming from your app. Requires a botId. Defaults to true.
clientOptions.slackApiUrlAllows setting a custom endpoint for the Slack API. Used most often for testing.
socketModeOption that accepts a boolean value. When set to true the app is started in Socket Mode, i.e. it allows your app to connect and receive data from Slack via a WebSocket connection. Defaults to false.
developerModeboolean to activate the developer mode. When set to true the logLevel is automatically set to DEBUG and socketMode is set to true. However, explicitly setting these two properties takes precedence over implicitly setting them via developerMode. Furthermore, a custom OAuth failure handler is provided to help debugging. Finally, the body of all incoming requests are logged and thus sensitive information like tokens might be contained in the logs. Defaults to false.
deferInitializationboolean to defer initialization of the app and places responsibility for manually calling the async App#init() method on the developer. init() must be called before App#start(). Defaults to false.
signatureVerificationboolean that determines whether Bolt should verify Slack's signature on incoming requests. Defaults to true.

Bolt's client is an instance of WebClient from the Node Slack SDK, so some of that documentation may be helpful as you're developing.

Agents & Assistants

The AssistantConfig configuration object

threadContextStoreOptionalWhen provided, must have the required methods to get and save thread context, which will override the getThreadContext and saveThreadContext utilities.

If not provided, a DefaultAssistantContextStore instance is used.
threadStartedRequiredExecutes when the user opens the assistant container or otherwise begins a new chat, thus sending the assistant_thread_started event.
threadContextChangedOptionalExecutes when a user switches channels while the assistant container is open, thus sending the assistant_thread_context_changed event.

If not provided, context will be saved using the AssistantContextStore's save method (either the DefaultAssistantContextStore instance or provided threadContextStore).
userMessageRequiredExecutes when a message is received, thus sending the event. These messages do not contain a subtype and must be deduced based on their shape and metadata (if provided). Bolt handles this deduction out of the box for those using the Assistant class.

Assistant utilities

getThreadContextAlias for AssistantContextStore.get() method. Executed if custom AssistantContextStore value is provided.

If not provided, the DefaultAssistantContextStore instance will retrieve the most recent context saved to the instance.
saveThreadContextAlias for Executed if AssistantContextStore value is provided.

If not provided, the DefaultAssistantContextStore instance will save the assistant_thread.context to the instance and attach it to the initial assistant message that was sent to the thread.
say(message: string)Alias for the postMessage method.

Sends a message to the current assistant thread.
setTitle(title: string)Sets the title of the assistant thread to capture the initial topic/question.
setStatus(status: string)Sets the status of the assistant to give the appearance of active processing.
setSuggestedPrompts({ prompts: [{ title: string; message: string; }] })Provides the user up to 4 optional, preset prompts to choose from.

Framework error types

Bolt includes a set of error types to make errors easier to handle, with more specific contextual information. Below is a non-exhaustive list of error codes you may run into during development:

Error codeDetails
AppInitializationErrorInvalid initialization options were passed. This could include not passing a signing secret, or passing in conflicting options (for example, you can't pass in both token and authorize). Includes an original property with more details. This error is only thrown during initialization (within the App's constructor).
AuthorizationErrorError exclusively thrown when installation information can't be fetched or parsed. You may encounter this error when using the built-in OAuth support, or you may want to import and use this error when building your own authorize function.
ContextMissingPropertyErrorError thrown when the context object is missing necessary information, such as not including botUserId or botId when ignoreSelf is set to true. The missing property is available in the missingProperty property.
ReceiverMultipleAckErrorError thrown within Receiver when your app calls ack() when that request has previously been acknowledged. Currently only used in the default HTTPReceiver.
ReceiverAuthenticityErrorError thrown when your app's request signature could not be verified. The error includes information on why it failed, such as an invalid timestamp, missing headers, or invalid signing secret.
MultipleListenerErrorThrown when multiple errors occur when processing multiple listeners for a single event. Includes an originals property with an array of the individual errors.
WorkflowStepInitializationErrorError thrown when configuration options are invalid or missing when instantiating a new WorkflowStep instance. This could be scenarios like not including a callback_id, or not including a configuration object. More information on steps from apps can be found in the documentation.
UnknownErrorAn error that was thrown inside the framework but does not have a specified error code. Contains an original property with more details.

You can find the code for error definition and construction within errors.ts.

Client errors

Bolt imports a WebClient to call Slack's APIs. Below is a set of errors you may encounter when making API calls with the client, though you can read more in the web API documentation. When handling client errors, more information can be found in the body within the data property.

Error codeDetails
PlatformErrorError received when calling a Slack API. Includes a data property.
RequestErrorA request could not be sent, perhaps because your network connection is not available. It has an original property with more details.
RateLimitedErrorYour app has made too many requests too quickly. Includes a retryAfter property with the number of seconds you should wait before trying to send again. The WebClient will handle rate limit errors by default–you can read more in the documentation.
HTTPErrorThe HTTP response contained an unfamiliar status code. The Web API only responds with 200 (including for errors), or 429 for rate limiting.