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By default, Bolt for JavaScript will log information from your app to the console. You can customize how much logging occurs by passing a logLevel in the constructor. The available log levels in order of most to least logs are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR.

// Import LogLevel from the package
const { App, LogLevel } = require('@slack/bolt');

// Log level is one of the options you can set in the constructor
const app = new App({
logLevel: LogLevel.DEBUG,

Writing logs

The logger included with the constructed App can be used to log writings throughout your application code:

(async () => {
app.logger.debug("Starting the app now!");
await app.start();"⚡️ Bolt app started");

Different app listeners can use the same logger that's provided as an argument to output additional details:

app.event("team_join", async ({ client, event, logger }) => {"Someone new just joined the team.");
try {
const result = await{
channel: "C0123456789",
text: `Welcome to the team, <@${}>!`,
} catch (error) {

Redirecting outputs

If you want to send logs to somewhere besides the console or want more control over the logger, you can implement a custom logger. A custom logger must implement specific methods (known as the Logger interface):

MethodParametersReturn type
setLevel()level: LogLevelvoid
getLevel()Nonestring with value error, warn, info, or debug
setName()name: stringvoid
debug()...msgs: any[]void
info()...msgs: any[]void
warn()...msgs: any[]void
error()...msgs: any[]void

A very simple custom logger might ignore the name and level, and write all messages to a file.

const { App } = require('@slack/bolt');
const { createWriteStream } = require('fs');
const logWritable = createWriteStream('/var/my_log_file'); // Not shown: close this stream

const app = new App({
// Creating a logger as a literal object. It's more likely that you'd create a class.
logger: {
debug: (...msgs) => { logWritable.write('debug: ' + JSON.stringify(msgs)); },
info: (...msgs) => { logWritable.write('info: ' + JSON.stringify(msgs)); },
warn: (...msgs) => { logWritable.write('warn: ' + JSON.stringify(msgs)); },
error: (...msgs) => { logWritable.write('error: ' + JSON.stringify(msgs)); },
setLevel: (level) => { },
getLevel: () => { },
setName: (name) => { },