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Listening to views

You may listen for user interactions with views using the view method.

Slack will send a view_submission request when a user submits a view. To receive the values submitted in view input blocks, you can access the state object. state contains a values object that uses the block_id and unique action_id to store the input values. If the notify_on_close field of a view has been set to true, Slack will also send a view_closed request if a user clicks the close button. See the section on Handling views on close for more detail. To listen to either a view_submission request or view_closed request, you can use the built-in view() method.

view() requires a callback_id of type string or RegExp or a constraint object with properties type and callback_id.

Update views on submission

To update a view in response to a view_submission request, you may pass a response_action of type update with a newly composed view to display in your acknowledgement.

// Update the view on submission 
app.view('modal-callback-id', async ({ ack, body }) => {
await ack({
response_action: 'update',
view: buildNewModalView(body),

Similarly, there are options for displaying errors in response to view submissions.

Read more about view submissions in our API documentation.

Handling views on close

💡 When listening for view_closed requests, you must pass an object containing type: 'view_closed' and the view callback_id. See below for an example of this:

See the API documentation for more information about view_closed.

Handle a view_closed request

// Handle a view_closed request
app.view({ callback_id: 'view_b', type: 'view_closed' }, async ({ ack, body, view, client }) => {
// Acknowledge the view_closed request
await ack();
// react on close request

Handle a view_submission request

// Handle a view_submission request
app.view('view_b', async ({ ack, body, view, client, logger }) => {
// Acknowledge the view_submission request
await ack();

// Do whatever you want with the input data - here we're saving it to a DB then sending the user a verification of their submission

// Assume there's an input block with `block_1` as the block_id and `input_a`
const val = view['state']['values']['block_1']['input_a'];
const user = body['user']['id'];

// Message to send user
let msg = '';
// Save to DB
const results = await db.set(user.input, val);

if (results) {
// DB save was successful
msg = 'Your submission was successful';
} else {
msg = 'There was an error with your submission';

// Message the user
try {
channel: user,
text: msg
catch (error) {
