
AI Apps

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AI apps comprise a new messaging experience for Slack. If you're unfamiliar with using AI apps within Slack, you'll want to read the API documentation on the subject. Then come back here to implement them with Bolt!

Configuring your app to support AI features

  1. Within App Settings, enable the Agents & AI Apps feature.

  2. Within the App Settings OAuth & Permissions page, add the following scopes:

  1. Within the App Settings Event Subscriptions page, subscribe to the following events:

You could implement your own AI app by listening for the assistant_thread_started, assistant_thread_context_changed, and message.im events. That being said, using the Assistant class will streamline the process. And we already wrote this nice guide for you!

The Assistant class instance

The Assistant can be used to handle the incoming events expected from a user interacting with an AI app in Slack. A typical flow would look like:

  1. The user starts a thread. The Assistant class handles the incoming assistant_thread_started event.
  2. The thread context may change at any point. The Assistant class can handle any incoming assistant_thread_context_changed events. The class also provides a default context store to keep track of thread context changes as the user moves through Slack.
  3. The user responds. The Assistant class handles the incoming message.im event.
const assistant = new Assistant({
// If you prefer to not use the provided DefaultThreadContextStore,
// you can use your own optional threadContextStore
threadContextStore: {
get: async ({ context, client, payload }) => {},
save: async ({ context, client, payload }) => {},
threadStarted: async ({ say, saveThreadContext, setStatus, setSuggestedPrompts, setTitle }) => {},
// threadContextChanged is optional
// If you use your own optional threadContextStore you likely won't use it
threadContextChanged: async ({ say, setStatus, setSuggestedPrompts, setTitle }) => {},
userMessage: async ({ say, getThreadContext, setStatus, setSuggestedPrompts, setTitle }) => {},

While the assistant_thread_started and assistant_thread_context_changed events do provide Slack-client thread context information, the message.im event does not. Any subsequent user message events won't contain thread context data. For that reason, Bolt not only provides a way to store thread context — the threadContextStore property — but it also provides a DefaultThreadContextStore instance that is utilized by default. This implementation relies on storing and retrieving message metadata as the user interacts with the app.

If you do provide your own threadContextStore property, it must feature get and save methods.


Be sure to give the AI apps reference docs a look!

Handling a new thread

When the user opens a new thread with your AI app, the assistant_thread_started event will be sent to your app. Capture this with the threadStarted handler to allow your app to respond.

In the example below, the app is sending a message — containing thread context message metadata behind the scenes — to the user, along with a single prompt.

threadStarted: async ({ event, say, setSuggestedPrompts, saveThreadContext }) => {
const { context } = event.assistant_thread;

await say('Hi, how can I help?');

const prompts = [{
title: 'Fun Slack fact',
message: 'Give me a fun fact about Slack, please!',

// Provide the user up to 4 optional, preset prompts to choose from.
await setSuggestedPrompts({ prompts, title: 'Here are some suggested options:' });

When a user opens an AI app thread while in a channel, the channel info is stored as the thread's AssistantThreadContext data. You can grab that info using the getThreadContext() utility, as subsequent user message event payloads won't include the channel info.

Handling thread context changes

When the user switches channels, the assistant_thread_context_changed event will be sent to your app. Capture this with the threadContextChanged handler.

threadContextChanged: async ({ saveThreadContext }) => {
await saveThreadContext();

If you use the built-in AssistantThreadContextStore without any custom configuration, you can skip this — the updated thread context data is automatically saved as message metadata on the first reply from the app.

Handling the user response

When the user messages your AI app, the message.im event will be sent to your app. Capture this with the userMessage handler.

Messages sent to the app do not contain a subtype and must be deduced based on their shape and any provided message metadata.

There are three utilities that are particularly useful in curating the user experience:

  • say
  • setTitle
  • setStatus

The following example uses the OpenAI API client, but you can substitute it with the AI client of your choice.

userMessage: async ({ client, logger, message, say, setTitle, setStatus }) => {
const { channel, thread_ts } = message;

try {
// Set the status of the Assistant to give the appearance of active processing.
await setStatus('is typing..');

// Retrieve the Assistant thread history for context of question being asked
const thread = await client.conversations.replies({
ts: thread_ts,
oldest: thread_ts,

// Prepare and tag each message for LLM processing
const userMessage = { role: 'user', content: message.text };
const threadHistory = thread.messages.map((m) => {
const role = m.bot_id ? 'assistant' : 'user';
return { role, content: m.text };

const messages = [
{ role: 'system', content: DEFAULT_SYSTEM_CONTENT },

// Send message history and newest question to LLM
const llmResponse = await openai.chat.completions.create({
model: 'gpt-4o-mini',
n: 1,

// Provide a response to the user
await say(llmResponse.choices[0].message.content);

} catch (e) {

// Send message to advise user and clear processing status if a failure occurs
await say('Sorry, something went wrong!');


Full example : App Agent & Assistant Template

Below is the app.js file of the App Agent & Assistant Template repo we've created for you to build off of.
