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Authenticating with OAuth

Slack apps installed on multiple workspaces will need to implement OAuth, then store installation information (like access tokens) securely. By providing client_id, client_secret, scopes, installation_store, and state_store when initializing App, Bolt for Python will handle the work of setting up OAuth routes and verifying state. If you're implementing a custom adapter, you can make use of our OAuth library, which is what Bolt for Python uses under the hood.

Bolt for Python will create a Redirect URL slack/oauth_redirect, which Slack uses to redirect users after they complete your app's installation flow. You will need to add this Redirect URL in your app configuration settings under OAuth and Permissions. This path can be configured in the OAuthSettings argument described below.

Bolt for Python will also create a slack/install route, where you can find an Add to Slack button for your app to perform direct installs of your app. If you need any additional authorizations (user tokens) from users inside a team when your app is already installed or a reason to dynamically generate an install URL, you can pass your own custom URL generator to oauth_settings as authorize_url_generator.

Bolt for Python automatically includes support for org wide installations in version 1.1.0+. Org wide installations can be enabled in your app configuration settings under Org Level Apps.

To learn more about the OAuth installation flow with Slack, read the API documentation.

import os
from slack_bolt import App
from slack_bolt.oauth.oauth_settings import OAuthSettings
from slack_sdk.oauth.installation_store import FileInstallationStore
from slack_sdk.oauth.state_store import FileOAuthStateStore

oauth_settings = OAuthSettings(
scopes=["channels:read", "groups:read", "chat:write"],
state_store=FileOAuthStateStore(expiration_seconds=600, base_dir="./data/states")

app = App(

Customizing OAuth defaults

You can override the default OAuth using oauth_settings, which can be passed in during the initialization of App. You can override the following:

  • install_path: Override default path for "Add to Slack" button
  • redirect_uri: Override default redirect url path
  • callback_options: Provide custom success and failure pages at the end of the OAuth flow
  • state_store: Provide a custom state store instead of using the built in FileOAuthStateStore
  • installation_store: Provide a custom installation store instead of the built-in FileInstallationStore
from slack_bolt.oauth.callback_options import CallbackOptions, SuccessArgs, FailureArgs
from slack_bolt.response import BoltResponse

def success(args: SuccessArgs) -> BoltResponse:
assert args.request is not None
return BoltResponse(
status=200, # you can redirect users too
body="Your own response to end-users here"

def failure(args: FailureArgs) -> BoltResponse:
assert args.request is not None
assert args.reason is not None
return BoltResponse(
body="Your own response to end-users here"

callback_options = CallbackOptions(success=success, failure=failure)

import os
from slack_bolt import App
from slack_bolt.oauth.oauth_settings import OAuthSettings
from slack_sdk.oauth.installation_store import FileInstallationStore
from slack_sdk.oauth.state_store import FileOAuthStateStore

app = App(
scopes=["app_mentions:read", "channels:history", "im:history", "chat:write"],
state_store=FileOAuthStateStore(expiration_seconds=600, base_dir="./data/states"),