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OAuth Modules

This section explains the details about how to handle the Slack OAuth flow.

If you're looking for a much easier way to do the same, check Bolt for Python, which is a full-stack Slack App framework. With Bolt, you don't need to implement most of the following code on your own.

View the Python document for this module

App Installation Flow

OAuth lets a user in any Slack workspace install your app. At the end of OAuth, your app gains an access token. Refer to Installing with OAuth for details.

Python Slack SDK provides the necessary modules for building the OAuth flow.

Starting an OAuth flow

The first step of Slack OAuth flow is to redirect a Slack user to authorize with a valid state parameter. To implement this process, you can use the following modules.

ModuleWhat its forDefault Implementation
InstallationStorePersist installation data and lookup it by IDs.FileInstallationStore
OAuthStateStoreIssue and consume state parameter value on the server-side.FileOAuthStateStore
AuthorizeUrlGeneratorBuild with sufficient query parameters(same)

The code snippet below demonstrates how to build it using Flask.

import os
import html
from slack_sdk.oauth import AuthorizeUrlGenerator
from slack_sdk.oauth.installation_store import FileInstallationStore, Installation
from slack_sdk.oauth.state_store import FileOAuthStateStore

# Issue and consume state parameter value on the server-side.
state_store = FileOAuthStateStore(expiration_seconds=300, base_dir="./data")
# Persist installation data and lookup it by IDs.
installation_store = FileInstallationStore(base_dir="./data")

# Build with sufficient query parameters
authorize_url_generator = AuthorizeUrlGenerator(
scopes=["app_mentions:read", "chat:write"],

from flask import Flask, request, make_response
app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route("/slack/install", methods=["GET"])
def oauth_start():
# Generate a random value and store it on the server-side
state = state_store.issue()
# value)&client_id={client_id}&scope=app_mentions:read,chat:write&user_scope=search:read
url = authorize_url_generator.generate(state)
return f'<a href="{html.escape(url)}">' \
f'<img alt=""Add to Slack"" height="40" width="139" src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /></a>'

When accessing https://(your domain)/slack/install, you will see "Add to Slack" button in the webpage. You can start the app's installation flow by clicking the button.

Handling a callback request from Slack

If all's well, a user goes through the Slack app installation UI and okays your app with all the scopes that it requests. After that happens, Slack redirects the user back to your specified Redirect URL.

The redirection gives you a code parameter. You can exchange the value for an access token by calling oauth.v2.access API method.

from slack_sdk.web import WebClient
client_secret = os.environ["SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET"]

# Redirect URL
@app.route("/slack/oauth/callback", methods=["GET"])
def oauth_callback():
# Retrieve the auth code and state from the request params
if "code" in request.args:
# Verify the state parameter
if state_store.consume(request.args["state"]):
client = WebClient() # no prepared token needed for this
# Complete the installation by calling oauth.v2.access API method
oauth_response = client.oauth_v2_access(
installed_enterprise = oauth_response.get("enterprise") or {}
is_enterprise_install = oauth_response.get("is_enterprise_install")
installed_team = oauth_response.get("team") or {}
installer = oauth_response.get("authed_user") or {}
incoming_webhook = oauth_response.get("incoming_webhook") or {}
bot_token = oauth_response.get("access_token")
# NOTE: oauth.v2.access doesn't include bot_id in response
bot_id = None
enterprise_url = None
if bot_token is not None:
auth_test = client.auth_test(token=bot_token)
bot_id = auth_test["bot_id"]
if is_enterprise_install is True:
enterprise_url = auth_test.get("url")

installation = Installation(
bot_scopes=oauth_response.get("scope"), # comma-separated string
user_scopes=installer.get("scope"), # comma-separated string

# Store the installation

return "Thanks for installing this app!"
return make_response(f"Try the installation again (the state value is already expired)", 400)

error = request.args["error"] if "error" in request.args else ""
return make_response(f"Something is wrong with the installation (error: {html.escape(error)})", 400)

Token Lookup

Now that your Flask app can choose the right access token for incoming event requests, let's add the Slack event handler endpoint.

You can use the same InstallationStore in the Slack event handler.

import json
from slack_sdk.errors import SlackApiError

from slack_sdk.signature import SignatureVerifier
signing_secret = os.environ["SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET"]
signature_verifier = SignatureVerifier(signing_secret=signing_secret)

@app.route("/slack/events", methods=["POST"])
def slack_app():
# Verify incoming requests from Slack
if not signature_verifier.is_valid(
return make_response("invalid request", 403)

# Handle a slash command invocation
if "command" in request.form \
and request.form["command"] == "/open-modal":
# in the case where this app gets a request from an Enterprise Grid workspace
enterprise_id = request.form.get("enterprise_id")
# The workspace's ID
team_id = request.form["team_id"]
# Lookup the stored bot token for this workspace
bot = installation_store.find_bot(
bot_token = bot.bot_token if bot else None
if not bot_token:
# The app may be uninstalled or be used in a shared channel
return make_response("Please install this app first!", 200)

# Open a modal using the valid bot token
client = WebClient(token=bot_token)
trigger_id = request.form["trigger_id"]
response = client.views_open(
"type": "modal",
"callback_id": "modal-id",
"title": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Awesome Modal"
"submit": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Submit"
"blocks": [
"type": "input",
"block_id": "b-id",
"label": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Input label",
"element": {
"action_id": "a-id",
"type": "plain_text_input",
return make_response("", 200)
except SlackApiError as e:
code = e.response["error"]
return make_response(f"Failed to open a modal due to {code}", 200)

elif "payload" in request.form:
# Data submission from the modal
payload = json.loads(request.form["payload"])
if payload["type"] == "view_submission" \
and payload["view"]["callback_id"] == "modal-id":
submitted_data = payload["view"]["state"]["values"]
print(submitted_data) # {'b-id': {'a-id': {'type': 'plain_text_input', 'value': 'your input'}}}
# You can use WebClient with a valid token here too
return make_response("", 200)

# Indicate unsupported request patterns
return make_response("", 404)

Again, if you're looking for an easier solution, take a look at Bolt for Python. With Bolt, you don't need to implement most of the above code on your own.

Sign in with Slack

Sign in with Slack helps users log into your service using their Slack profile. The platform feature was recently upgraded to be compatible with the standard OpenID Connect specification. With slack-sdk v3.9+, implementing the auth flow is much easier.

When you create a new Slack app, set the following user scopes:

- https://{your-domain}/slack/oauth_redirect
- openid # required
- email # optional
- profile # optional

Check the Flask app example to learn how to implement your Web app that handles the OpenID Connect flow with end-users. It does the following:

Build the OpenID Connect authorize URL

  • slack_sdk.oauth.OpenIDConnectAuthorizeUrlGenerator helps you easily do this
  • slack_sdk.oauth.OAuthStateStore is still available for generating state parameter value. It's available for nonce management too.

openid.connect.* API calls

WebClient can perform openid.connect.token API calls with given code parameter

If you want to know the way with asyncio, check the Sanic app example in the same directory.