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SCIM API is a set of APIs for provisioning and managing user accounts and groups. SCIM is used by Single Sign-On (SSO) services and identity providers to manage people across a variety of tools, including Slack.

SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) is supported by a myriad of services. It behaves slightly differently from other Slack APIs.

Refer to the API document for more details.

View the Python document for this module


An OAuth token with the admin scope is required to access the SCIM API.

To fetch provisioned user data, you can use the search_users method in the client.

import os
from slack_sdk.scim import SCIMClient

client = SCIMClient(token=os.environ["SLACK_ORG_ADMIN_USER_TOKEN"])

response = client.search_users(
filter="""filter=userName Eq "Carly"""",
response.users # List[User]

Check out the class source code to learn more about the structure of the user in response.users.

Similarly, the search_groups method is available and the shape of the Group object can be found here.

response = client.search_groups(
response.groups # List[Group]

For creating, updating, and deleting users/groups:

from slack_sdk.scim.v1.user import User, UserName, UserEmail

# POST /Users
# Creates a user. Must include the user_name argument and at least one email address.
# You may provide an email address as the user_name value,
# but it will be automatically converted to a Slack-appropriate username.
user = User(
name=UserName(given_name="C", family_name="Henderson"),
creation_result = client.create_user(user)

# PATCH /Users/{user_id}
# Updates an existing user resource, overwriting values for specified attributes.
patch_result = client.patch_user(,

# PUT /Users/{user_id}
# Updates an existing user resource, overwriting all values for a user
# even if an attribute is empty or not provided.
user_to_update = patch_result.user = UserName(given_name="Cal", family_name="Henderson")
update_result = client.update_user(user=user_to_update)

# DELETE /Users/{user_id}
# Sets a Slack user to deactivated. The value of the {id}
# should be the user's corresponding Slack ID, beginning with either U or W.
delete_result = client.delete_user(


Lastly, if you are keen to use asyncio for SCIM API calls, we offer AsyncSCIMClient for it. This client relies on aiohttp library.

import asyncio
import os
from slack_sdk.scim.async_client import AsyncSCIMClient

client = AsyncSCIMClient(token=os.environ["SLACK_ORG_ADMIN_USER_TOKEN"])

async def main():
response = await client.search_groups(start_index=1, count=2)


With the default settings, only ConnectionErrorRetryHandler with its default configuration (=only one retry in the manner of exponential backoff and jitter) is enabled. The retry handler retries if an API client encounters a connectivity-related failure (e.g., Connection reset by peer).

To use other retry handlers, you can pass a list of RetryHandler to the client constructor. For instance, you can add the built-in RateLimitErrorRetryHandler this way:

import os
from slack_sdk.scim import SCIMClient
client = SCIMClient(token=os.environ["SLACK_ORG_ADMIN_USER_TOKEN"])

# This handler does retries when HTTP status 429 is returned
from slack_sdk.http_retry.builtin_handlers import RateLimitErrorRetryHandler
rate_limit_handler = RateLimitErrorRetryHandler(max_retry_count=1)

# Enable rate limited error retries as well

Creating your own ones is also quite simple. Defining a new class that inherits slack_sdk.http_retry.RetryHandler (AsyncRetryHandler for asyncio apps) and implements required methods (internals of can_retry / prepare_for_next_retry). Check the built-in ones' source code for learning how to properly implement.

import socket
from typing import Optional
from slack_sdk.http_retry import (RetryHandler, RetryState, HttpRequest, HttpResponse)
from slack_sdk.http_retry.builtin_interval_calculators import BackoffRetryIntervalCalculator
from slack_sdk.http_retry.jitter import RandomJitter

class MyRetryHandler(RetryHandler):
def _can_retry(
state: RetryState,
request: HttpRequest,
response: Optional[HttpResponse] = None,
error: Optional[Exception] = None
) -> bool:
# [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
return error is not None and isinstance(error, socket.error) and error.errno == 104

client = SCIMClient(

For asyncio apps, Async prefixed corresponding modules are available. All the methods in those methods are async/await compatible. Check the source code and tests for more details.