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Adding context

All listeners have access to a context dictionary, which can be used to enrich requests with additional information. Bolt automatically attaches information that is included in the incoming request, like user_id, team_id, channel_id, and enterprise_id.

context is just a dictionary, so you can directly modify it.

# Listener middleware to fetch tasks from external system using user ID
def fetch_tasks(context, event, next):
user = event["user"]
# Assume get_tasks fetchs list of tasks from DB corresponding to user ID
user_tasks = db.get_tasks(user)
tasks = user_tasks
except Exception:
# get_tasks() raises exception because no tasks are found
tasks = []
# Put user's tasks in context
context["tasks"] = tasks

# Listener middleware to create a list of section blocks
def create_sections(context, next):
task_blocks = []
# Loops through tasks added to context in previous middleware
for task in context["tasks"]:
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": f"*{task['title']}*\n{task['body']}"
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "See task"
"url": task["url"],
# Put list of blocks in context
context["blocks"] = task_blocks

# Listen for user opening app home
# Include fetch_tasks middleware
event = "app_home_opened",
middleware = [fetch_tasks, create_sections]
def show_tasks(event, client, context):
# Publish view to user's home tab
"type": "home",
"blocks": context["blocks"]